Root: ج ب ت
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 1
b) No of constructions: 1

Have you not marked the
attitude of those who were given an earmarked share of the
Mother/Principal Book?
They believe in all void-of-substance conjectural myths and in the
Defiant refractory;
And they say about those who
have refused to accept and believe that they are better guided on the path
as compared to those who have accepted-believed. [4:51]
1 |
Prepositional Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition + Noun: Definite;
singular; masculine;
و مجرور= بـِ حرف جر + اسم:معرفہ باللام-

ج ب ر
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