
جَهَنَّمُ جهنم [Hell; or Hell-fire;] (T, S, K, &c.;) a name of the fire with which God will punish, (T, S,) in the life to come, (T,) his [disobedient and unrepentant and unbelieving] servants; (S;) a proper name of the abode of punishment: (Bd, ii. 202:) a word rendered quasi-coordinate to the quinqueliteral-radical class by the doubling of the third letter: (S:) accord. to some, it is an Arabic word, applied to the fire of the world to come because of its depth; [see the last paragraph;] (T, TA;) or originally syn. with النَّارُ [fire, or the fire]; (Bd in ii. 202;) and imperfectly decl. because determinate and of the fem. gender: (T, S:) accord. to others, it is an arabicized word, (T, S, Bd ubi suprà,) imperfectly decl. because determinate and of foreign origin; (T, TA;) some say, originally Persian; (S;) others, from the Hebrew كهنام, (TA,) [or as Golius says, ? “ the Valley of Hinnom, ” where children were burned alive as sacrifices to the idol Moloch.] ― -b2- See also جِهِنَّامٌ. [ جَهَنَّمِىٌّ جهنم جهنمى جهنمي Of, or relating to, جَهَنَّم, i. e. Hell, or Hell-fire.] جِهِنَّامٌ جهنام (S, K, Ham p. 817) and [جَهِنَّامٌ and جُهِنَّامٌ], with each of the three vowels (K, TA) to the ج (TA,) [but accord. to the K it would rather seem to be جَهَنَّامٌ and جُهُنَّامٌ,] and ↓ جَهَنَّمٌ , (K,) applied to a well (رَكِيَّةٌ, S, K, or بِئْرٌ, Ham), Deep; (S, K, Ham;) in which he who falls into it perishes. (Ham.) Credit: Lane Lexicon