Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
And the Sky, We have structured it with strength, and indeed We are its expansionary. [51:47] And the Earth, We had spread her, therefore see it how gracious/best are We the Spreader. [51:48]
Moreover, We have created pairs in each and everything with the objective that you people might conveniently save-preserve, recall and expound. [51:49] "For reason/therefore quickly move towards Allah
[Same pronouncement in 22:49;26:115;29:50;38:70;46:09;51:50,51;67:26] and indeed I am from Him for you people the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/Admonisher. [51:50]
And you people should not ascribe along with Allah any other iela'aha;
and indeed I am from Him for you people the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/Admonisher" [51:51] Likewise [as these people are behaving] whenever a Messenger came to those people who were before them they but said, ""He is an illusionist or is made obsessed with delusions" [51:52] Are they obligatorily tied with this legacy? Nay the fact of the matter is that they are transgressing people. [51:53]
Thereby you the Messenger might turn away from them for which/whereat there will be no blame upon you [51:54] and you remind [with Qur'aan] since it is a fact that the Qur'aan/Admonition causes benefit to the Believers.[51:55] And I did not create the groups of Jinn and Human beings except for the purpose that they should, by will and affection, submit to subservience/allegiance to Me [which will not compromise their self respect]. [51:56] Neither I want from them any provision and nor I want that they should feed Me. [51:57] It is the fact that Allah is the One Who is the granter of sustenance; the possessor of Power and the Might. [51:58] Thereat for those who wronged is a share like the share of their like-minded people
therefore they should not consciously and purposely ask Me for hastening it. [51:59] [Similar pronouncement in
19:37;43:65] For reason/thereby woe/regret is for those people who persistently refused to accept/believe upon confronting their Day, one which is being promised to them. [51:60]