خ ت م
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 8
b) No of constructions: 6
Nouns: 3; Verbs: 3 [Form-I]
Learned Ibn Faris [died-1005] described the
perception infolded in the Root as under:
مقاييس اللغة
الخاء والتاء والميم أصلٌ واحد،
وهو بُلوغ آخِرِ الشّيء. يقال
خَتَمْتُ العَمَل،
وخَتم القارئ السُّورة.
الخَتْم، وهو الطَّبع على الشَّيء، فذلك من الباب
أيضاً؛ لأنّ الطَّبْع على الشيءِ لا يكون إلاّ بعد بلوغ
آخِرِه، في الأحراز
He described the
basic perception of the Root as crossing over to the tail end of a
thing. It means to conclude, end, close or finish a performance. It
denotes sealing an object after accomplishment of job at the point of
entry and exit in such manner that thereafter nothing can enter therein
or spill over.
Lane's Lexicon says that it means to reach the end of a thing, and it is
contra of inauguration; sealing, putting an impression or signet upon a
thing in consideration of protection.
Grand Qur'aan
itself is the Superb Lexicon since it exposes the meanings of its
important words by using it in different semantic fields whereby one
can perceive all its dimensions relating to substance as well
accident including metaphorical aspect.

They will be served exquisitely matured wine to
it is securely sealed. [83:25]
[masculine-positively charged wine]
seal is securely withholding it.
Therefore, those who have passion for
exquisite wine should ambitiously aspire to be its recipients. [83:26]
And its blending and temperament is
This is the scene
of a group of people in wait for escort to the
Paradise on the Day of Judgment. They are served exquisitely matured
wine. As is the Active Participle:
a Passive Participle is also from
Verbal Noun; خَتَمَ-يَخْتَمُ
Verb of Root "خ
ت م". Let us not be lost in the
aroma of this super wine; it is a long journey to get it; but move
on with our study. Verbal Noun of these Participles also
finds mention
A verbal noun denotes an action or a state. Sealed bottle of
wine prevents its leakage, spill over holding it securely in the bottle.
How simple and
straight forward is the perception conveyed by Root "خ ت م", please
see it:

That Day
We will gag their mouths; and their hands will speak to Us;
And their
respective Feet
will testify against them:
That which they people deliberately kept
performing for material gains. [36:65]
First Person; Plural; Masculine Verb in indicative mood from Root
"خ ت م". Their mouths will be sealed-gagged
which will prevent them from speaking or crying out.
This effect of sealing is that they
will not be able to articulate an expression; whereby their
hands will verbally orate that which they people kept doing in
worldly life.

Allah the Exalted has put the epilogue-sealed the wraps upon their hearts-intellectual
consciousness and upon their faculty of listening.
And note, an obscuring veil hinders their faculties of observation.
Be mindful, a
grave torment is in wait—prepared for them
[on the Day of Resurrection]. [2:07]
: Verb:
Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active; مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun. Allah the Exalted is the Subject of verb.
prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase:

"upon the hearts of them", relates to the Verb. It signifies that the
effect of the act denoted by verb is upon their hearts. And ultimate
result is that a grave torment is in wait for them. This is their
epilogue, the detail of outcome-inevitable consequence of what they did
and earned in life. This is the concluding remark of Allah the Exalted
that He has put the epilogue upon their hearts which symbolizes with
sealing their self made wraps upon their hearts. The point in time for
sealing an object is when it has since been wrapped in some covering,
envelop. It is explained again in more simple terms:

Moreover, they said:
"Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".
No, the fact of the matter is that Allah
the Exalted has discarded them as condemned and
cursed for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Therefore, few are
amongst them who believe and will believe.
: It
is a plural noun and signifies wraps, envelops,
coverings for things. The epilogue-sealing of hearts is
reflective of an act and state of crossing over the ultimate
end-finished-accomplished stage, which is the basic perception infolded
in Root "خ ت م".
People said that their hearts are
wrapped in coverings which reflects a stage immediately prior to sealing
an object signified by verb:
Their statement was contradicted by disclosing that their
wrapped state has crossed over to the extreme stage of sealing. This is
described by:

"Allah the Exalted has discarded
them as condemned and cursed".
This is crossing the extreme end,
and point of no return in any association.
And the cause of this
permanent condemnation is:
because of
their act and persistence in refusal to accept. Grand Qur'aan also uses
rotational technique to highlight meaning and perception of concepts by
using synonymous words about the same subject with different sentence

Thereby, subsequent
their deliberate breach of the solemn pledge-covenant of them;
And their deliberate denial
of the Aa'ya'at: unprecedented displays and verbal passages of Allah the
And for their continued effort in character assassination of
the Chosen and exalted Allegiants of
Allah the Exalted
by contrary to fact slanderous and libelous
statements to distance-ill-repute them from
people's reverence;
And because of their saying:
"Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".
No, things have gone
beyond this; the fact of the matter is
that Allah the Exalted has impressed the epilogue-sealed the wraps upon the hearts-intellectual
consciousness. This is
for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Thereby, barring a few amongst Jews they do not accept/believe.


is described by:

"Allah the Exalted has impressed the epilogue". And
here too the location is "hearts"-signifying intellectual
consciousness. Its reason is the same as was given earlier:
because of
their act and persistence in refusal to accept.
Once the act signified by:
is done in relation to an object, all chances and
doors stand closed for entrance as well as spill over. The hearts
subjected to an act:
are like as if they are entities locked whereby
nothing can enter therein.
Root of
is "ط ب ع".
Its perception and meanings are, "sealing, stamping, imprinting, or
impressing; impressing a
thing with the engraving of the stamp; to brand or mark".
Lane's Lexicon further quotes, "accord to Aboo-Is-hák the
طَبْعٌ and
خَتْمٌ both signify the covering over a thing,
and securing
oneself from a thing's entering it."

[why do they behave as such]
Is it for reason that they
purposely do not critically
cross-examine the miscellany of Qur'aan pursuing contiguously?
Or is it for reason that
the locks of
hearts are self locked upon their hearts? [47:24]
Sealing, closing,
wrapping, impressing the epilogue on hearts of people who deny and
persist to remain in state of non-belief is finally portrayed in
this Ayah:

I hope the perception
and meanings infolded in Root "خ ت م"
have conspicuously surfaced.

:The Authenticating Accomplisher of
those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.
Related Root:
Root: ط ب ع
1 |
Participle: Definite; Singular; Masculine; accusative; مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun
اسم فاعل:
مذكر |
2 |
Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: definite; nominative
+ Possessive pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in genitive
state. (1)83:26=1
مرفوع /مضاف +
ضمير متصل-واحد مذكر
غائب في محل
جر-مضاف إليه |
3 |
participle: Definite; Masculine; singular; genitive. (1)83:25=1
اسم مفعول:-مجرور-واحد
مذكر |
Verbs Form-I
1 |
Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active; مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)2:07(2)6:46(3)45:23=2
فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح/واحد
مذكر غائب |
2 |
Verb: Imperfect; First person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative;
Subject pronoun hidden;
مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة/الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره: نَحْنُ/جمع
متكلم |
3 |
Verb: Imperfect; third person;
singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive;
Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر خَتْمٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)42:24=1
فعل مضارع مجزوم و علامة جزمه :السكون/الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب |

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