Sub Classification of Winds in Grand Qur'aan
1-Creaking Cold Wind
Storm of the known history-Super Derecho.
Winds are an
element vital for human beings.
denoting "the Winds", derived from Root "ر و ح".
Its basic perception and usage in different
semantic fields can be translated quite closely by English word "vitality"
signifying abundant physical energy, the ability of something to live and grow,
or to continue existence; and in philosophy to vital principle-the non material
force that distinguishes the non living from the living.
We have earlier read the role played by Winds
relation to Clouds as detailed in Qur'aan. We will now study singular Wind
before reading other particularized winds described by Metaphors.
Winds are forerunner of glad news of expected
but there are Winds who play a dangerous as well
fatal role. We will find the most
dangerous Wind witnessed in human history.

[their wealth and progeny will be of no avail]
The similarity-illustration of that
which the Non-Believers spend in this worldly life is like a wind.
Creaking and cold effect is
laden within that wind.
She descended upon
cultivation of a people who did injustice to themselves.
she totally destroyed the cultivation.
The fact is that Allah
the Exalted did no injustice to them
but in fact they kept doing injustice to their selves. [3:117]
Wind here is adjectively described by

an inverted Nominal Sentence .
Noun/verbal Noun signifies
creaking and chill factor in a thing.
is a Prepositional Phrase relating to the elided
denotes rest in a place, or during a time, and motion into a place. This
signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting between any two
things, the one of which is regarded as the place in which the other is, or
happens, or into which it goes or is put. Its feminine object pronoun refers
back to
a wind. Its effect on the cultivation was its total destruction.
The Storm of the known
history-Super Derecho.
A'ad were a civilization
puffed with pride of grandeur and superiority, and they boasted,
"who-no one is stronger than us in power and might".
They were people of worldly knowledge and
technologically advanced nation. They met
annihilation after facing humiliation merely by wind-a "Derecho".

Thereby, on
their asking, We sent upon them creaking furious Wind in
troubling hot days. [that blew for seven nights
and eight days]
The object was that We might cause them
taste corporal
with feel of belittlement and remorse in the worldly life
[not early death by wind chill effect].
And it is a certain
fact that the Corporal punishment
in the Hereafter is much more of belittlement and remorse.
And they all will not be
helped by anyone who could help. [41:16]
They had asked for it
[7:70 and 46:22]. What was their
observation, weather forecast when they observed this Corporal Inflicter
[masculine object-
miles and miles away from their habitat?

Consequently when they had
seen-observed, that-Corporal Inflicter which they had asked to be brought in,
horizontally expanding mass in appearance, moving straight confronting face
to face their valleys.
They pronounced, "This is an
expanding cloud, it-he will be pourer of rain for us".
They were contradicted,
"No! it is not like that; in fact it is that which you people
sought to be hastened. A wind. A severe infliction is laden within
it" [46:24]
She will continue forcefully entering
and destroying each and all things by the Command of her Sustainer Lord".
[Ref 46:25]
The succinctness and superb
choice of words in Qur'aan render it a Verbal Documentary-as if we are
watching a video of past events. This
verbal depiction is making us watch unprecedented
of known human history. They
observed it as
masculine active Participle, circumstance clause for object
pronoun of preceding Verb,
denoting a mass-object that is wide spreading.
Its adjective description is by

possessive phrases.
is masculine active participle,
denoting one who was straight heading confronting
face to face
their Valleys.
"Derecho" [Spanish
word for "straight"]
is a
widespread [
participle-wide spreading], long-lived,
windstorm [
Active Participle-one who moves straight confronting face to face another
Having seen a distant wide spreading mass
heading towards their valleys, they took it as a wide spreading cloud and said,
"It is a wide spreading cloud". And, being in grip of disturbing hot days, wishfully declared it as
"it is one who will shower rain upon us".
They were warned by the Elevated
Messenger [Hud
of Allah the Exalted
their observation and forecast was absolutely incorrect, and informed
that it was actually the Corporal Inflicter which they sought to be
hastened. They were told that Wind, laden with severe corporal
Inflicter, which will forcefully enter destroying everything. The
Elevated Messenger along with the Believers were rescued before it
reached the Valleys of A'ad [ref 7:72].
Thereafter, that civilization was
made an example for later civilizations to take lesson.

And there is a lesson
in the episode of A'ad civilization when We had sent upon them the
devastating Wind-void of blessing and productivity. [51:41]
she was sparing not at
all a thing upon which came in its way except that it made that
thing like disintegrated ruins.

It is a fact that We sent upon
them furiously creaking wind in a troubling hot day, self stretching
persistently; [54:19]
She was plucking
and displacing people of A'ad as if
they were stems of palm-trees plucked and displaced from root depth.
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular;
Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-نَزْعٌ
Verbal noun The basic perception infolded in
Verbal Noun and its Root is to
draw, pull, pluck, remove, tear or strip off something from the abode or
bottom and separate and displace it away from its earlier location-place-attachment.
Its object were the People of A'ad.
Peculiarities of a Derecho include that
it is "long-lived". Though it is
evident in preceding information that Super Derecho that overtook people
of A'ad was long-lived, how long it lived is specifically mentioned and
the resultant devastation.

And as for A'ad
civilization is concerned;
they were consequentially annihilated with
creaking furious wind, exorbitantly immoderate.
It-Expanding cloud [
] imposed
her-Wind upon them for seven nights and eight days consecutively for
the purpose of annihilating them entirely. [69:06]
Thereby, you would
have seen the Nation of A'ad thrown on ground like as if they were
stems of palm-trees tumbledown. [69:07]
Resultantly, do you
see any one as remaining trace of them?
After having seen
the unprecedented Derecho in recorded historical account in Grand
Qur'aan through picturesquely portraying verbal passages, please study
about this phenomenon, and have a glimpse of a much minor Derecho in
this photograph:

front "shelf cloud" (or "arcus") on the leading edge of a derecho-producing
convective system. The photo was taken on the evening of July 10, 2008
in Hampshire, Illinois as the storm neared the Chicago metropolitan
area. The derecho had formed around noon in southern Minnesota.
(Courtesy of Brittney Misialek) [credit
peculiarity of the Wind that annihilated A'ad was

was plucking and displacing people of A'ad"
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular;
Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-نَزْعٌ
Verbal noun The basic perception infolded in
Verbal Noun and its Root is to
draw, pull, pluck, remove, tear or strip off something from the abode or
bottom and separate and displace it away from its earlier location-place-attachment.
Its object were the People of A'ad. The feminine doer of this Verb in
plural is
"those feminine who pluck and displace".
How they act, and perform is picturesquely portrayed in sub-Part 79 of
Qur'aan in these words:

And swearing is by those
[feminine active participles]-winds
who fiercely uproot-pluck-pull
and displace things, in the manner of reaching and plucking from its extreme depth, [79:01]
And these-[feminine active
participles]-winds are movers from place to
place, in the manner of excited and getting in motion by breaking away from the
bonds-ties, [79:02]
And these-[feminine active
participles]-winds are rushers, in the manner
of swimming forward with force-effort; [79:03]
Thereat, they-[feminine
active participles] winds are
racers in the manner of racing to take lead. [79:04]
Whereat, reaching to the appointed
destination, they-feminine active participles-winds are the executors of command [of
uprooting-plucking away-annihilation]. [79:05]
After having seen the
unprecedented "Derecho" in Verbal Passages of Qur'aan, would someone still think
that Qur'aan is trapped in the settings of 7th century Mecca and Madina, or in
that which some people think "religious rituals"? Would
you not agree with me that it is a Living Book in timeline?
Watch the straight-line wind and listen what they
are reciting to you:

And swearing is by those who
line up straight, in the manner of
long line;
thereupon, on approaching they are the
restrainers with
loud roaring sound-calls; [37:02]
thereby they act as the Reciter, in the
manner of repeating message-reminding; [37:03]
is the Active participle:: Definite; feminine;
plural; genitive. This
signifies those feminine who line up straight in a row.
is a Verbal Noun of the Active
Participles; it is accusative Cognate Adverb, which signifies the
manner, multitude and extension in which the action takes place. Today, we know
that straight-line Wind-Derecho is at least 240 miles long**. Thereat, when they
approach some people, they become
feminine Active Participle, which denotes those who restrain-forbid with a cry
or rough speech. After having done this, they become
Conjunction particleفَ
Cause and effect indicative +
Active participle:: Definite; feminine;
plural; genitive. This is from Root "ت ل و "
which signifies to recite in regular flow-pattern. Active Participle denotes
those feminine who recite. Cognate Adverb
a Verbal Noun signifies
repeating-narrating the message, reminding others. What they repetitively remind

for Superpower-especially for the hawks of USA
A'ad were a
nation puffed with self pride of grandeur and superiority in the world of those
days. They boasted of their power in an unqualified manner as if there was none
in the Universe stronger and mightier than them.

And as for A'ad are concerned,
they for reason made their selves obsessed-puffed with pride of grandeur
and superiority in the World,
without justifiable cause and reason.
And they boasted,
"who is stronger than us in power and might?".
Why could they not
see-given a thought before
uttering it that Allah the Exalted, Who had created
them, is far more powerful than them in strength and might.
Moreover, they deliberately
refuted publicly acknowledging Our Verbal communications sent through the
Messengers. [41:15]
This boast
made them face the unprecedented aforementioned humiliation.

Winds in action:
Sand-dust transporting wind systems. Hurricane
and Waterspout
Main Page/Index
Key to prosperity:
Control over Breeze-the grain producer by
Semen of Stallion and
Cloud Physics