Grand Qur'aan: the book most feared by ruling elite and coterie intelligentsia.


Much is discussed about the inimitability of Grand Qur'aan, though mostly on premises other than the primary objective of authoring a book - the voice; its provenance and the role of its transmitter and the scribe- exalted Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam.

: It is a demonstrative pronoun and the subject of a nominal sentence. A speaker or an author uses a demonstrative pronoun to divert and focus the attention of the addressee towards the pointed object, person or concept for assigning it a peculiarity/individuality. Visual axis focused upon an object yields its perfect perception. Therefore, any thing which is in the reach of the vision and has since been perceived is no more distant irrespective of its distance from the addressee. It stands introduced to the addressee. This demonstrative pronoun is a pointer-introducer of : definite noun signifying a specific known book to the second person-the reader who has either picked it up or to whom it is presented.

Grand Qur'aan is introduced as a peculiar Book. A book contains written material; information, data, physical facts, events and conduct of the past-earlier generations; knowledge. It contains injunctions, instructions; procedural code, prescription of lawful and unlawful matter or conduct; segregates or demarcates one thing from another, describes the relationship of things, and elaborates the cause and effect of events/rise and fall of civilizations. Moreover, a book may serve as a Guide giving permanent values and the road map for those seeking the destination

The two words: are incomplete information; both for the person who picked it up at his own and whom it is presented for reading, which instantly attracts his focus of attention as to that peculiarity and distinctness the demonstrative pronoun draws attention. The book is in the hands of the addressee-reader, or is in the process of handing over to him, therefore, it is manifest that the intent of Speaker-Author is not limited to tell him "This is the Book" or "That is the Book" since he already knows it, or is watching it on presentation. The intent is to draw his concentrated attention towards predication; the peculiarity and distinction of the Book which he has not yet read and its contents are still distant from his information and perception. This makes him attentive and enthusiastic to hear or read its ascription-predication.

This is the solitary occurrence in the Grand Qur'aan. A book is introduced only once to the audience. The accepted and preferable mode of communication is that the subject of speech be the one which is already in  know of the audience/listener/reader followed by ascription that is not in his knowledge. The Book is not presented with these words: "This is the Qur'aan", where: stands as ascription to the demonstrative pronoun. Ascription is defined as the connection of one word with another wherein the listener benefits from the ascription making it proper for him to remain silent. Had this been the start, the reader would not have heard the Voice. Choice of impresses the auditory faculty of the reader and helps him recognize that he is addressed by the Majestic authority. We find mention  : later in 6:19;10:37; and 43:31.

Hearing of voice, embedded in the written words, by a reader is dependent upon the author's honesty, sincerity of purpose and affectionate care for the intended audience. No other book gives this much regards and respect to its individual reader as if he were the sole audience of the Book. Pronoun: "كَ" in demonstrative pronoun is for second person, singular, masculine addressee who has picked up Qur'aan or it is presented to him.

The choice of words and sentence structuring in a text creates the Voice for the reader. The Voice is the heart of the writing. The Qur'aan has the Voice of Authority-the Majestic Lord of the Universes. We recognize it as the speech-discourse-address of the Exalted and the Mightiest and we instantly display much respect for the wisdom, knowledge and accuracy evident in the text.

The Book recognizes and acknowledges the reader as truly a truth seeker. A truth-seeker wishes to get such book only which might reveal to him the knowledge, information, truth and fact. Nevertheless, apprehension and uncertainty is always there whether or not he will find truth and fact in the book after going through entire volume, and that it might turn out an exercise in futility and waste of time.

The first concern of a serious reader is the accuracy, reliability and objectivity of the Book in hand. These concerns are satisfied only if the book is void of suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, un-certain, illusory, perplexing, biased and opinionated matter.

Grand Qur'aan is perhaps the only book that cares and respects the concern and time value of serious reader. It addresses the natural apprehension and uncertainty he might feel having picked up the Book in the hope and pursuit of truth.  It tells the reader, whoever he might be, about its peculiarity immediately after cognitive introduction- :

It is the substance and matter in the book that renders it great. The pursuit of perfection is, as Mathew Arnold said; "getting to know the best which has been thought and said in the world". The best is pure and certain "knowledge" in true sense of the word, not bits of information and opinions. "The Knowledge" is to know infinitely that which will never be affected or altered in time and space. "The Knowledge" is only that which is absolutely void of suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, un-certain, illusory, biased and opinionated matter. This unique and unprecedented introductory information ensures the reader that the Book in hand is infinitely reliable.

The emphatic and absolute negation of presence of any statement within the Book that might cause disturbance, disquiet or agitation of  mind and heart helps satisfy reader's concern, apprehension and uncertainty regarding achieving objective of reading a book. This negation might place your mind in tranquil state since it subtly suggests that you will certainly find in the Book nothing but the established and proven truth, a source of tranquility for the heart and mind.

However, if you claim to be a truth seeker, it has also created an obligation upon you; now you cannot refuse reading it otherwise you will expose yourself that in fact you are not a truth-seeker but a prisoner of own thoughts and passions. A truth seeker is never biased, prejudiced and whimsical. He is left with no option but to read the Book and accept its contents or venture to prove them wrong. Being claimant of truth-seeker, you have to read it. Reading of a book creates a liability and obligation upon the reader. He has either to accept its words or discard its version by a counter argument and evidence of fact negating its statement.

The accepted norms of behaviour with the books are that it should be listened and read without preconceived notions, prejudices, whims and biases. Thereafter, its contents are either accepted or discarded by logic, reason, counter arguments and evidence.

However, the people can be classified with reference to their psyche and conduct as Rational and Irrational. The Irrational are governed by emotions and prejudices. Their reason and intellect is veiled by considerations of vested interests. They raise noises, slanders and palavers when they perceive that their interests are in jeopardy and are clueless to defend their long held ideas and beliefs with reason, logic and tangible evidence.

The introduction of Qur'aan is forcefully impressive and a very loud authoritative but polite, affectionate, caring and considerate voice is heard by the reader ensuring the reader that he will find in its miscellany nothing but the truth. Truth demolishes the falsity: the foundation and building blocks of status quo; the empire of the ruling elite and their coterie intelligentsia; the Ha'man and Qa'roon. They fear it and treat this book as their enemy and threat to their dominance:

The experts suggest that one of the criteria a book has to meet to earn title of a great book is that "The book has to speak from an important original setting". The above verbatim quote of the Ruling Elders of  Mecca of that time is reflective of the fact that they were amongst the first to know the contents of the Book and found them rationally unchallengeable. Qur'aan had threatened and overtaken their nerves making them panicky. Cognizant and fearful of lacking evidence and support-argument for their long self devised ideologies and system to counter the force, veracity and convincing voice and arguments of the Book, they advised aristocrats and intelligentsia that they should not listen the Qur'aan.

Can anyone perceive some logic, reason or rationale for the above response strategy of Ruling Elite except the fear of truthfulness and efficaciousness of Grand Qur'aan which they perceived as detrimental to their illogical beliefs, norms, practices and vested interests?

This response of the ruling elite for a book is unprecedented in human history. Qur'aan is the only book against which the ruling elite could blatantly say to elite class not to attentively listen it. Can you cite such an irrational and blatant attitude of spreading all sorts of nonsense and palavers against a book which one has neither listened nor read?

They exposed their fears. Qur'aan is a threat to their false rule and dominance over general public. They decided it must not be listened and be rendered nugatory by false imaginary propaganda to keep people away from it to retain their authority and dominance.

The majority of aristocracy and their coterie scholars use their Logical Brain-Frontal Lobe of cerebral cortex associated with higher function of thought and action. It is associated with reasoning, planning, movement, problem solving, emotion's control, and parts of speech [Broca's area]. They use this faculty to plan deceptive and falsified tactics to exercise and perpetually retain their authority and dominance over general public whom they consider in their privacies as: the vilest-riffraff of society. But their personalities are the worst slaves of their Emotional or Limbic Brain. They are warned:

Let us watch how the otherwise intelligent Elite and their coterie scholars "religiously" followed the above command of their Ruling Elders for spreading conjectures and palavers about Qur'aan:


Rational beings carefully listen and read the Book, and evaluate it on its own merit based on reason.


  Semantic density of information in Grand Qur'aan: Greater the density, easier to perceive and translate