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Inheritance according to injunctions in Grand Qur'aan


Grand Qur'aan, disapproving patrilineal inheritance, declared daughter not Son as the central theme of Inheritance.

It is made incumbent upon death expecting wealthy person to bequeath for the Mother and Father; and nearer relatives.

Inheritance is the practice of passing on the property: moveable and immovable assets, debts and obligations upon the death of an individual. We will study the rules, regulations and law of inheritance prescribed in the Grand Qur'aan.

1. Governing Rules and Regulations about Inheritance. The division of Inheritance is based upon:

      (a) : The Bequest to be bequeathed by the Dying Person for Mother and/or Father; other surviving kin including orphaned grand-son/daughter, described by Plural Noun: . [Legal parlance: Testate succession]

      (b) : The Shares Permanently Cut, Determined and set aside by Allah the Exalted out of the total Wealth; : The Binding Promulgation from Allah the Exalted modifying-annulling-superseding the Will of the person in times after the death to the extent of shares apportioned by Allah the Exalted.

2. Inheritance from parents to off-springs

    (a). The feminine progeny is the favorite in the Inheritance discourse. The basic sharer unit is the Feminine in case of grouped progenies comprising females and males.

3. Inheritance from off-spring to parents and siblings:

4. Inheritance from spouses

5. Inheritance from Siblings: it is when died in state : Bachelor or spouse less person with single parent surviving and whether or not one son is bereaved

6. Advises in respect of non-stake holders in inheritance

Governing Rules and Regulations about Inheritance

1. Allah the Exalted has informed that a married man and thereby a married woman might be amongst the following categories with regard to progeny:

  • The Dominion of the Skies and the Earth in absolute terms is exclusively for Allah the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted creates from nothingness that which He desires-wills.

  • He the Exalted grants females to the one for whom He the Exalted so decides. And grants males to the one for whom He the Exalted so decides. [42:49]

  • Or He the Exalted causes the grant as by grouping the progeny, males and females.

  • And He the Exalted declares someone about whom so desires to remain barren-without progeny.

  • Indeed He is eternally the Knowledgeable, the absolutely Dominant in setting equations and measures. [42:50]

2. Thereby, a married man or a married woman at the time of his or her death shall be in any of these states mutually exclusive:

     a). Leaving behind a daughter or daughters: who may be girls and women depending upon the age the parent died.

     b) Leaving behind a son or sons.

     c) Leaving behind daughter and a son, or daughters and a son, or daughter/s and sons.

     d) Leaving behind no progeny.

3. The wealth: moveable and immovable assets have become fascinatingly attractive for sensual excitements and gratifications for the majority of people:

  • The love of sensual excitements felt for some of the women has become alluring for people;

  • And having sons has become a longing for people.

  • So has become the desire to have a state of hoarded abundance of Gold and Silver;

  • And the marked-pedigree horses [top of the line products], and abundance of herbivore-mammals, and for plenty of harvesting lands.

  • This is the wealth-sustenance-provision of the transitory worldly life.

  • Mind it that Allah the Exalted grants the most appropriate return and abode by His Grace. [3:14]

4. This being the ground reality, mere laws and regulations to implement justice in all respects in the case of inheritance and other economic problems is quite a difficult proposition for majority of human beings. Therefore, Allah the Exalted encourages creating a situation wherein justice can be established in such matters by heightening the moral consciousness of man and showing of mercy and kindness to those undergoing tribulations.

5. The rules and guidelines given for sharing the inheritance are aimed at avoiding heartburning, bickering and ill feelings amongst the members of bereaved family. The first decree is:

  • The Oral Bequest in favour of the Mother and Father and the relatively Near Relatives in accordance with the prevalent well known norms has been prescribed-decreed upon you people. This Oral Bequest is to be bequeathed at the point in time when the natural death has approached someone of you if he is leaving behind worldly wealth.

  • The Oral Bequest is mandatory-incumbent upon people who endeavor to remain cautious, avoiding conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [2:180]

  • However, in case one apprehended inclination or evident injustice by a testator, thereby if he struck a correction amongst them-the beneficiaries and affected party, there shall at all be no blame upon him [since it is not substitution of the Will].

  • It is a fact that Allah the Exalted is oft the Forgiving-Overlooking, the fountain of Mercy. [2:182]

6. The striking point to observe is that the: "The Bequest" is prescribed in relation to a point in time. Its time is when a person expects that the death is close by. The time of announcing a Will is not when one is hale and hearty. It should be noted that:  "The Bequest" by the testator is NOT for the progeny but is to be bequeathed only for Parents and near-relatives.

7. : The Bequest by the Near dying Person leaving behind worldly wealth  is the original and integral part of distribution of Inheritance. Therefore, detailed procedure is laid down for it and its verification:

  • O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • Witnessing between you by two men of your family-tribe who enjoy just repute is prescribed while making the Bequest [in compliance of injunction 2:180] at the time the natural death has approached someone of you people.

  • Or witness two strangers-alien men who are other than of your people-tribe if you were journeying in land whereat the trouble of natural death has reached you.

  • If you people feel irritating suspicion about communication of oral bequest by the two aliens, hold back the two after As-Sa'laat. And let them swear by Allah the Exalted to the effect;

  • "We wish not any worldly gain in disclosing the bequest of the deceased even if the beneficiary be our near one;

  • And nor we withhold-conceal the testimony in the name of Allah the Exalted. If we do that, truly we will in that case be among the Sinners." [5:106]

  • Thereat, if it became evident that they two had sinfully assigned shares, thereby:

  • Let the other two men stand; at the place of those two, who are the near kin having claimed a more lawful right against them-the beneficiaries suggested by the earlier two.

  • Thereby, they two will swear by Allah the Exalted to the effect: "Indeed our testimony is stronger fact-truth  than the testimony of both two of them;

  • And we two have not transgressed beyond truth. If we do that, truly we will in that case be amongst the transgressors-distorters of fact." [5:107] 

  • This mode of verification is better suited which will prompt the people to give the testimony exactly on its face-as was bequeathed by the deceased testator;

  • Or else they might apprehend that it might be rejected by other oaths taken after their attestation.

  • And you are directed to remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted;

  • Moreover, you are directed to attentively listen [injunctions in the Qur'aan].

  • Mind it; Allah the Exalted does not guide those people who are aberrant-the promise breakers and transgressors of the prescribed bounds. [5:108]

8. : The Bequest  by the death expecting Person leaving behind worldly wealth, subsequent to his death, is partially modified and superseded by Allah the Exalted by apportioning certain part of his wealth; inalienably assigning it to certain Survivors. As for the remaining part of wealth, the Will can also be modified to make corrections for visible tilt and injustice by the Testator. In case he died a sudden death without leaving the Will, it is for surviving kin of just repute to administer justice regarding the part of wealth other than inalienably apportioned by Allah the Exalted:

  • This Ordinance regards permanently determined apportionment of inheritance, partially superseding the Will, is a time bound Obligation imposed by Allah the Exalted. [Ref 4:11]

  • This Binding Ordinance of Apportionment of Inheritance is promulgated by Allah the Exalted for adhering it-ever sticking to it. [Ref 4:12]

9. The bereaved progenies will become the Orphans who might be youngsters at the time of death of their Father.

  • And you are directed to give the bereaved children of fathers their inherited property and wealth [on reaching age of marriage-4:06 which is full maturity-6:152;17:34 and in presence of witnesses-4:06]

  • Be mindful; you should not replace their valuable property-wealth with invaluable-junks.

  • Moreover, you should not devour-consume-absorb their wealth in your personal belongings.

  • Indeed this is a great crime-major sin; self destruction [since it is like eating hell fire 4:10]. [4:02]

10. These instructions regarding foul play with the inherited property of others are with verbs in Jussive Mood. There are people who usurp the inheritance share of others:

  • And you people eat away the inheritance; in the manner of devouring-absorbing others share. [89:19]

  • And you people develop lust for the wealth, love intensified. [89:20]

11. The fortunes accruing to various members of the bereaved family could fluctuate depending upon the progenies and blood relatives existing at the time of death of a person leaving assets.

  • Share is apportioned for the Men partially from the inheritance left by the Mother and Father and the relatively Nearer Relatives.

  • And share is apportioned for the Women partially from the inheritance left by the Mother and Father and the relatively Nearer Relatives.

  • This share is out of that which has either become diminutive from that-inheritance or has become greater fortune apportioned. [4:07]

12. : This Verbal Sentence is the Relative Clause for the preceding Relative Pronoun. The Verb is: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine; Intransitive; and Subject pronoun is hidden linking back to the Relative Pronoun. It is derived from مصدر-قِلَّة Verbal noun. It signifies that its Subject has become in diminutive proportion. After Appositive-Coordinating conjunction for alternative option is the Verb: denoting something having become in abundance or large proportion.

13. The manners for showing open heartedness to non-stake holders at the time of division of inheritance is also prescribed:

  • Take note that in case the near relatives [non stakeholders], the orphans and the destitute have also come at the time of the division of inheritance, thereby you feed them-give something  out of divisible wealth to them.

  • Moreover, speak to them a statement with kind and polite words of known import-true significance. [4:08]

  • Know it: Our Majesty has declared relatives and under patronage persons; in order of relative nearness, for every deceased man and woman to benefit partially in that the Mother and Father and relatively Nearer Relatives have left behind.

  • Take note: about those whom your right hand had pledged responsibility, therefore, you people grant them their payable obligation-fortune in the inheritance. [R 4:33]

14. This is promulgation. Allah the Exalted has made it public that plural: three or more are appointed as beneficiaries for all the deceased to share inheritance. : It is a Prepositional Phrase relating to the following Verb. It is always used in construct-possessive phrase. When used elliptically-extremely concise in writing, it always has the [تنوين التعويض] "nunation of compensation" as is the case here. The discourse and the sentence is about allocation of Inheritance, thereby, it manifest that [تنوين التعويض] "nunation of compensation" is for the deceased. The object of verb: suffices for indicating that it relates to all the deceased and includes the martyrs. : It means each, every denoting no exception. This promulgation prohibits that the inheritance be given wholly to two persons. The beneficiaries must be three or above.

Allah the Exalted has not neglected a single person who could suffer injustice, deliberately or inadvertently at the hands of dominants and has given specific directions for them. People can overlook about the persons whom they had voluntarily adopted-taken as their responsibility. For such people a separate clause is inducted in the above promulgation to allocate them their due share.

  • You people are hereby directed to call them-adopted youngsters by their respective Fathers.

  • This is most appropriate and balanced conduct in the judgment of Allah the Exalted.

  • However, should you still have not known the Fathers of them, thereby, they are your brothers [not sons] in the Prescribed Code and Physical Procedure [Islam];

  • And they are your Beneficiaries. [33:05]

15. Before we proceed to find the share-part of the wealth determined and inalienably apportioned by Allah the exalted, superseding the Bequest of the deceased made in favour of parents and near relatives, we might capture what is advised here-before in different Ayahs:

a) The Progenies of the deceased could be grown up women and men, or be children called father-Orphans. The grown up will get the share straight away while the share of young children will be kept apportioned for delivery on strengthen maturity.

b) The inherited wealth should not be the focus of attention, rather the appeasement of all relatives and other visitors should be the primary consideration. They need to be fed with pleasantries and respectfully dealt with.

c) Depending upon the progenies, parents and blood relatives surviving at the time of death of a person leaving assets, the fortunes for some may diminish, or might enhance in another situation.

d) Allah the Exalted made it incumbent upon the death expecting wealthy person to orally narrate the Bequest to two men of good repute in favour of Father and Mother, and the Near Relatives that includes orphaned grand-progeny. This Bequest does not confer any right upon the bequeathed wealth so long the Person is living. He might have wrongly judged about his death. After his death, the Bequest is superseded by Allah the Exalted to the extent of shares apportioned and inalienably assigned by Him the Exalted in favour of certain Relatives as we will read hereafter. As for the remaining part of wealth, the Bequest can also be modified by the kin of repute to make corrections for visible tilt and injustice by the Testator.

16. Grand Qur'aan is for entire humanity in time line; for men of ordinary prudence, as well for scholars and intelligentsia. Therefore, all its injunctions regarding conduct and relationships need necessarily be simple and understandable for majority, who understand simple mathematics but not advanced calculators and algebra etc. Therefore, we need not act like Diophantus, Hero of Alexandria, or al-Khwârizmî to understand the injunctions given in the Qur'aan about division and distribution of inheritance since it is mentioned succinctly and explicitly in simple terms. The legal stakeholders for whom Allah the Exalted has apportioned mandatory shares in inheritance are the following:

       (a) Off-springs of parents;

       (b) Parents of offsprings;

       (c) Spouses;

       (3) Siblings; brothers and sisters

Other blood relatives like grand progeny and adopted or under patronage collateral child-person are not allocated any share but it is left to the discretion of deceased to bequeath for them in the left over.

I- Inheritance from parents to off-springs:


  • Allah the Exalted is enjoining-binding you the parents concerning distribution of inheritance-moveable and immovable assets amongst the Progenies of you people.

  • The like of the fortune accrued to the two females, which is twice the amount accrued to one female, shall be allocated for the male in the progenies.

  • Thereby, instead of a male co-sharer, if other progenies were three or more women as partners/ co-sharers over/in addition to two females referred to above;  thereat, two-thirds of the wealth which the deceased parent has left shall remain the apportionment for them all,  irrespective of presence of two female sharers or additional sharers.

  • And if the progeny were a solitary female: thereby, one-half of wealth which the deceased parent has left is apportioned for her. [Ref 4:11]

17. The first Verbal Sentence is: الجملة مستأنفة a type of sentence that initiates a new speech,  or that which is disconnected from sentences preceding it. Such sentences have no established place of I'rab: [لا مَحَلَّ لها من الإعراب].

: It is a complete verbal sentence; Verb-fronted Object-Subject. Verb is Imperfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; [Form-IV]; Mood: Indicative. Its source is مصدر-إِيْصَاءٌ Verbal noun and Root is "و ص ى". Form-IV verb is Causative: causing someone or something to perform the action of Form-I. It thus signifies: Allah the Exalted is enjoining upon you people; is binding-tying-exhorting you the parents. This object pronoun in context does not include people who are bachelor adults, or have died barren.

: It is a prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase. In semantic terms, the preposition functions to illustrate a logical, temporal, or spatial relationship between the object of the prepositional phrase and the other components of the sentence. Prepositions can act as an adjective modifying a noun, and here as an adverb it links to the preceding verb. Preposition is used adverbially and means "about, concerning".

: The suffixed pronoun of Possessive Phrase refers to second person, masculine, plural and refers the society collectively including its individual members, both genders, all the parents. In consideration of the possessive Pronoun [مضاف إليه] of the Possessive Phrase being Definite the First Noun [مضاف] is definite like:

: It is a broken paucity plural feminine noun [pattern أَفْعَالٌ]; but grammatically it is used both in feminine singular and plural senses. It denotes plural number of off-springs,  the daughters, or the sons, or grouped progenies comprising of females: girls-women: daughters and male-boys-men: sons; all being three or more in number. However, the broken plural exclude the dual number like one daughter and one son; two daughters, or two sons. Since its singular is: a son is also excluded as its referent.

The superb choice of this broken paucity plural feminine noun reflects the beauty of succinctness in the Qur'aan. Feminine singular and plural pronouns of subsequent Verbs in the text could refer back to it, affording economy. The hidden subject of a singular masculine verb or a singular masculine third person pronoun of a possessive phrase, however, cannot be referent to this plural feminine noun. Another aspect of its choice is that it has in its ambit the children, the semi-adults and progenies of strengthen maturity.

18. The second sentence of Ayah is:

  • The like of the fortune accrued to the two females, which is twice the amount accrued to one female, shall be allocated for the male in the progenies.

This is an inverted nominal sentence explaining the first tie enjoined by Allah the Exalted. It is always the Subject/topic about which ascription-predication is given. In English, subject comes first and then its predicate. In Arabic, order can be inverted. Therefore, while translating into English, care must be taken not to render the subject as predicate and the predicate as subject; otherwise it will totally distort the perception of source language text.

مِثْلُ حَظِّ الْأُنثَيَيْنِ: These three words constitute a grammatical unit; and comprise of two successive Possessive Phrases. The first two nouns are definite since the last possessive noun is definite by definite article.

مِثْلُ : It is the delayed subject of the sentence. Otherwise indefinite, it is definite being first noun of consecutive two possessive phrase whose last noun is definite by definite article. It is a figure of speech termed as simile or comparison when the resemblance between two objects is expressed in form. A likening makes the principal object plainer and impresses it more forcibly on the mind. The principle object illustrated by it is quantitative:

حَظِّ الْأُنثَيَيْنِ: Possessive Phrase, signifies, the fortune accrued to the alive two female off-springs; the sum of amount accruing to each of them.

حَظِّ: Its Root is "ح ظ ظ". Basic perception infolded in the Root is that of luck, fortune, allowance. Translating it, as is done by the majority of translators, by English words "share, portion" are not equivalent to Arabic word, rather it causes distortion and ambiguity. English word "share" as verb means to use something along with others; to divide something equally between people: to allocate equal parts of something to different people or groups; and as noun it denotes a part of something allotted. Similarly, portion means a fraction: part or section of a larger whole. Thus, these English words in this sentence will denote as if it is referring to the measure of size allocated to two females. Arabic word does not signify sub-set/ordinal number like one-third; two-thirds etc. The sentence is not referring to division of the whole unit, the divisible inheritance, into sub-divisions like one-third, one-forth, one-sixth, one-eighth, and two-thirds. The sentence is merely apportioning the sum of actual amount accruing to two females for the male. The word: مِثْلُ in the phrases signifies that the male will have fortune twice the amount given to the female when the off-springs comprise a female and a male. Otherwise, if it were to restrict the fortune of the male to the presence of two females fortune this word would have not been in the sentence.

لِلذَّكَرِ: It is a Prepositional Phrase; preposition denotes "for" indicating that something is directed at somebody, done to benefit somebody. The object noun is definite by definite article signifying presence of one male in the progenies. This phrase appearing at the place of Subject of the sentence relates to elided predicate. Learned grammarians lay the principle that if the comment/predicate is a prepositional phrase, we will need to assume a hidden verb to which the phrase will connect. That hidden verb, along with the phrase, would then become an entire (embedded) sentence and then the comment for the greater sentence. Since a verbal noun can also function as verb, a verbal noun can also be estimated for relating the prepositional phrase.

It is thus apparent that Allah the Exalted is apportioning the sum of quantity-amount-fortune accruing to two females for the benefit of the alive male in the progenies. He gets twice the amount given to the female.

19. The definite article prefixed to both the nouns indicates the presence of two daughters and one son as off-springs of the deceased. The ratio-formula in such ground reality - cases of grouped progenies is given by gender, female vs. male; that the sub-set of wealth accruing to two females will be distributed amongst them by giving the sum of fortune of two females to the male. The sub-set of wealth allocated for two females; when a son is partner along with them, will be sub-divided into four equal parts; one for each female and two parts for the male. Thus off-springs in grouped progenies are covered irrespective of their composition and number.  But this sentence does not indicate the sub-set/ordinal number of wealth of deceased parent which will accrue to two females and/or grouped progenies.  It is mentioned in the following sentence conjunct with preceding sentence by particle "fa" which signifies sequence, cause and effect.

20. Allocation of quantitative/numerical share for progenies in the wealth of deceased parent is given:

  • Thereby, instead of a male co-sharer, if other progenies were three or more women as partners/ co-sharers over/in addition to two females referred to above;  thereat, two-thirds of the wealth which the deceased parent has left shall remain the apportionment for them all,  irrespective of presence of two female sharers or additional sharers.

"فَ ": This sentence begins with a conjunction particle "فَ " which is distinct from conjunction particle "وَ"; Particle "فَ " illustrates a sequence, cause and effect relationship; a linkage with apodosis clause; and can link a subsequent clause with the preceding sentence to indicate a situation-reality-predication partly different to-instead of the earlier one. Particle "وَ" will not connect such linkage.

: It is Particle of condition which renders the following verb in Jussive state; means "if, should"

: It is deficient Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; feminine; in Jussive state by condition particle; Suffixed Subject Pronoun, in nominative state referring to the broken plural feminine noun: "the off-springs". This conditional clause means: "if the progenies were..."

: Noun: Indefinite; plural; feminine; accusative, signifying three or more women. It is the predicate of deficient verb; ""if the progenies were women [Arabic word women is plural signifying three or more]"

The particle and above three words literally mean "Thereby, instead of a male co-sharer, if other progenies were three or more women---".

: It is a Possessive Phrase. First noun, Adverb of place, is in accusative case and relates to elided adjectival specification of preceding indefinite plural noun-women. It is functioning as adverb phrase in the sentence. Adverb: means, "on top of; over something, on or other side of". Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify. Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs.

: It is cardinal number to count two females. The rule for cardinal number one and two is that it agrees with the noun counted [الْمَعْدُودُ] and follow the counted noun and functions as adjective or for emphasis. Since the progenies are partners-co-sharers in the inheritance and the cardinal number refers to the two females, the phrase modifies the preceding verbal sentence that three or more women are in progenies over/in addition to two females referred to above.

The conditional sentence is followed by its apodosis clause. This apodosis clause is an inverted nominal sentence beginning with conjunction particle "فَ "

فَلَهُنَّ : This is a Prepositional Phrase; preposition denotes "for" indicating that something is directed at somebody, done to benefit somebody. The object pronoun is third person, plural, feminine. This phrase relates to the elided predicate of the subject "the two third of inheritance". The sentence literally means "Thereat , the two third of wealth which the deceased parent has left shall remain the apportionment for them all".

ثُلُثَا مَا تَرَكَ: The first two words constitute a Possessive Phrase. First noun is definite dual in nominate case which signifies two-third of some quantity. Possessive noun is a Relative Pronoun and the following verbal sentence; verb perfect third person singular masculine with hidden subject pronoun, is the linkage clause of Relative pronoun with object elided. This sentence means "the two third of that which he the deceased has left behind".

21. The above two sentences; comprising of a conditional clause and apodosis clause, conjunct to previous sentence, were erroneously translated by the earliest Christian translators as under:

George Sale:
 But if they be females only, and above two in number, they shall have two third parts of what the deceased shall leave;

John Rodwell: and if they be females more than two, then they shall have two-thirds of that which their father hath left:

Though majority of translators have repeated likewise, few translators including Yusuf Ali have translated it as "if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance;"

Firstly, the Progenies of those parents are mentioned who are granted off-springs by grouping two females and a male, and then those whom only females were granted. The case of those who are granted progeny of only males or a solitary son is not mentioned here [refer 42:49-50]. In case there are additional number of women off-springs instead of a son, the inalienably apportioned share for them shall remain restricted to Two Thirds of wealth the deceased Father, or Mother has left behind.  

: This adverbial phrase was not needed if the intent was to allocate the share exclusively for women since it already signifies three or more women.  Since the progenies are partners-co-sharers in the inheritance, the elided specification for: is evidently: partners, co-sharers in the  numerical apportionment for two females. The numerical share apportioned for two females is two-thirds which will remain restricted to two-thirds irrespective of the fact if there were more sharers/partners to it. A similar situation in respect of siblings is mentioned in Ayah 4:176 where the sequence of sentences is reversed which further clarifies the sentences of Ayah 4:11. A comparison will help perceive the meanings quite vividly:

  • The equivalent of the amount accruing to the surviving two females shall be the sum allocated for the male surviving with them.

  • Thereby, instead of a male co-sharer, if other progenies were three or more women as partners/ co-sharers over/in addition to two females referred to above;  thereat, two-thirds of the wealth which the deceased parent has left shall remain the apportionment for them all,  irrespective of presence of two female sharers or additional sharers. [refer 4:11]

  • However, if there were two surviving Sisters, thereat, two-thirds of that which he the deceased has left shall be allocated to them.

  • And if they were siblings, comprising men and women, thereat, the two-thirds allocation shall be subdivided on the principle that equivalent of the amount accruing to the surviving two females shall be the sum allocated for the male. [refer 4:176]

The gender in both cases is feminine. Same sentence prescribing the ratio-formula between females and males occurs in both cases. In 4:176 it is mentioned in sequence; presence of one female, or two females, and siblings comprising men and women whereby the same sentence about distributive ratio between female and male finds mention. In respect of progenies the same information is given in reverse order. The difference is of relationship, daughters and sisters The subsequent clause; portraying a different ground situation that if instead of two females in the progeny there was only one daughter, leaves no room to deny that the share of inheritance shall be two-thirds in case of only two females in the progeny of the deceased:

  • And if the progeny were a solitary female: thereby, one-half of wealth which the deceased parent has left is apportioned for her. [Ref 4:11]

23. This sentence is conjunct to previous sentence through conjunction particle. It is Condition  Sentence with: Conditional Particle. : It is Perfect feminine singular Verb in Jussive state as condition Verb. Its Subject Noun is hidden referring to the broken plural feminine noun: "the off-springs". : It is the Predicate of deficient verb meaning solitary female. The apodosis clause is a nominal sentence: : It is Inverted Nominal Sentence.  Prepositional Phrase relates to elided Predicate. Delayed subject of sentence is: : the half.

24. The injunction in four sentences in the earlier part of the Ayah covers the share allocated for the progenies of those who were granted either daughters, or in combination sons also. Their share shall not exceed two-third of the inheritance left by the deceased. Since the sharing in case of progenies is to start with a feminine, therefore, if the deceased has left a daughter and a son, this means three feminine shares because the share resembling share of two feminine is to be allocated for a male. This takes care of all the progeny regardless how many are they. Two-third of the Inheritance is reservedly allocated for them in all circumstances.

25. It must be noted that in case of Progeny comprising a singular daughter, or two daughters, two daughters and a son; or progenies exceeding two feminine sharers as partners/co-sharer, Allah the Exalted has not apportioned the share for other surviving kin in the remaining one third or half wealth. Allah the Exalted has not annulled or superseded:  the Bequest of the deceased in entirety. It will prevail in respect of remaining part; if not modified by the Survivor Kin of repute/court for reason of tilt or injustice by the Testator, to distribute amongst relatively the nearer relatives.

II. Inheritance from off-springs to parents and siblings: The Provisions of Inheritance Law  in case of a solitary son in progeny are separately incorporated where son is not the favorite unit; rather the surviving Mother, Father and Spouse of the deceased are given priority.

26. We have hitherto read about the Mandatory Apportionment of Shares assigned by Allah the Exalted to the progenies of a Father or Mother who died leaving behind his or her Bequest, notwithstanding what statement of distribution of wealth it contained. It stands superseded in timeline to the extent Allah the Exalted has apportioned the wealth.

27. There can be a situation altogether different from the above. The Married Son of a surviving Mother and Father dies. His Father and Mother may or may not still be mutually husband and wife at the time of death of their son. They might have separated during the life of their died Son. The Married Son of the Surviving Mother and Father may or may not have bereaved his own son:

  • Take note; the One-sixth of the wealth which he the deceased has left behind is apportioned separately for each of his Father and Mother. This direction is to take effect in the situation if solitary son is surviving for him the deceased.

  • Take note: if there were not a son surviving for him and his Father and Mother have survived him, thereby, the One Third is apportioned for his Mother.

  • However, if siblings-brothers and sisters of the deceased also existed, thereby, the One Sixth is the share apportioned for his Mother. [Ref 4:11]

28. Please note the turn in the discourse. Here the deceased person is a married Son of a living Mother and Father.

  • Take note; One-sixth of the wealth which he the deceased has left behind is apportioned separately for each of his Father and Mother. This direction is to take effect in the situation if solitary son is surviving for him the deceased.

29. It is an inverted nominal sentence.

وَ: Conjunction particle [حرف عطف]. It is a coordinator that links to element in the preceding discourse.

: It is a Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase. It relates to the fronted elided predicate, a verb or verbal noun, which is evidently understood by the preposition. Preposition denotes "for" indicating that something is directed at somebody, done to benefit somebody. Its object noun is definite by construct as the possessive pronoun is definite. The possessive pronoun refers third person, singular, masculine. A pronoun is used to refer back to the definite noun already mentioned. It links back to "the alive male" in the progenies.

: It is a Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase. It is Equivalent Appositive [البَدَلُ] to the preceding two phrases. "The Equivalent Appositive is a word which has attributed to it whatever is attributed to its principle while the subordinate is intended for the attribution not its principle". It resembles to English language "restrictive appositive" when the second element limits or clarifies the foregoing one in some crucial way. These phrases mean "for each one".

: It is a Prepositional Phrase relating to elided specification for the preceding indefinite active participle. This clause takes care of a situation where the father and mother of the deceased Man might be in a separated state-Matrimonial Bond broken, or even his Mother had become in his life the wife of another Man other than his Father. The right of some such Mothers could be in jeopardy if it were left to the Will of deceased son.

: It is definite ordinal number. This is the delayed subject of the nominal sentence meaning the one-sixth

It is a Prepositional Phrase comprising of preposition  and it object Relative pronoun  with "ن" having been assimilated. It relates to the preceding subject of the sentence; "one-sixth of that which":

: Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; Subject pronoun hidden which refers to the male deceased; مصدر-تَرْكٌ Verbal Noun. It is linkage clause for the preceding Relative Pronoun and its object is elided. These three words mean: "one-sixth of that wealth which he the deceased has left".

30. The next sentence is a conditional clause; its apodosis clause is elided since the resultant effect of this situation has already been mentioned in the preceding Nominal Sentence.

Conditional Particle.

Deficient Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; 

Prepositional Phrase: لَ Inseparable Preposition + Personal Pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in genitive state; meaning "for him the deceased". It relates to elided predicate of the deficient verb.  The singular masculine pronoun refers to the deceased Man.

: It is [اسم كان] the subject noun of deficient perfect verb matching in gender and number.  Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative.  It signifies a son; translating it as "child" is erroneous it refers to human off-spring: a son or daughter of human parents.

31. Inalienable apportionment of Inheritance for surviving mother and father is given if a person died after leaving a surviving son as progeny. The other situation is that a married son died who did not have a son but his parents have inherited him.

  • Take note: if there were not a son surviving for him and his Father and Mother have survived/ inherited him, thereby, the One-third is apportioned for his Mother.

For such situation share of the Father of the deceased is not apportioned by Allah the Exalted but one-third is assigned to his mother. It may be remembered that the Father and Mother of the deceased Man could be in a separated state-Matrimonial Bond broken, or even his Mother had become in his life the wife of another Man other than his Father. The right of some such Mothers could be in jeopardy if it were left to the Will of deceased son.

32. An amendment is introduced, regarding the 1/3rd Mandatory Prioritized-Set aside Share of the Mother, if the siblings of the deceased also exist. In this circumstantial change, the share apportioned for the Mother diminishes to 1/6th of the Inheritance:

  • However, if brothers and sisters of the deceased also existed, thereby, the One-Sixth shall be the share apportioned for his Mother.

33. Allah the Exalted after apportioning inalienable shares; relating to different scenarios, one where the deceased Parent leaving female progenies, or grouped progenies comprising females and males; the second where the deceased is a married son of surviving Parents [Mother and Father] who had also a surviving son; and the third case where a married son who did not have a son died leaving behind surviving father and mother, promulgated as under:

  • This mandatory apportionment must be executed in times after bequest with which the person expecting death is presently bequeathing [for Mother and Father, Nearer Relatives-all who are ] OR after meeting the debt-obligation of promissory business transaction, outstanding liability.[refer 4:11]

34. : It is a dependent clause. Grammatically, it is an indivisible unit comprising of  Prepositional Phrase and Possessive Phrase. Semantically, the preposition functions to illustrate a logical, temporal, or spatial relationship between the object of the prepositional phrase and the other components of the sentence. The prepositional phrase modifies a verb as well a noun. The prepositional phrase links back to the first verbal sentence of Ayah: Allah the Exalted is enjoining upon you people; is binding-tying-exhorting you the parents. According to grammarian, it can also be taken as [أو بمحذوف حال من السدس] relating to elided circumstantial clause for the preceding noun: the one-sixth. Yet another grammatical estimation about this prepositional phrase could be that it relates to elided predicate of subject which is also elided.

Whatever grammatical function is assigned, even if all are considered simultaneously, it will make no difference in meanings because: : is a Time Adverb signifying a point in time somewhere in timeline after: , bequest.. The prepositional phrase illustrates temporal relationship functioning adverbially. Time adverb is first noun of construct with:  bequest. It is a Verbal Noun denoting act and state inherent in verb and its Root. It signifies cautious decision of a person expecting death giving oral statement about what he or she wants to happen to his or her wealth, moveable and immovable property after he or she dies, or leaves a legal document containing this statement.

Which bequeath is this? : "He is presently bequeathing about it". This verbal sentence is the adjectival description of: a  bequest.  The Verb is imperfect; third person; masculine; singular; in Indicative Mood. It is transitive Form IV Verb, مصدر-إِيْصَاءٌ Verbal noun. The subject of verb is hidden and refers to the Man referred earlier. The third person singular feminine pronoun in the Prepositional Phrase refers back to:  bequest..

35. : By the appositive-coordinating conjunction particle it conjuncts to the earlier Prepositional Phrase and thus denotes: "OR after meeting the debt-obligation of promissory business transaction, outstanding liability". These phrases restrict the operation of all injunctions given earlier to take effect afterwards and thus modifies, supersedes the bequeath and allows distribution as ordered after discharging the debt obligations of the deceased.

36. The most conspicuous fact in the discourse on inheritance we have so far read is that except giving a ratio formula when females and male are partners-co sharer in the wealth, Allah the Exalted has not allocated inalienable share for a son. General psyche of majority is that they have longing for sons. Allah the Exalted draws attention of the people towards the fact:


  • The Fathers and the Sons of you people, you know not with certainty who of them are more nearer for you, nearer in context of beneficent [on Day of Judgment]. [ref 4:11]

This is a simple sentence though it comprises of three sentences. Predicate of nominal sentence is a verbal sentence. And another complete nominal sentence is there functioning as object of the verb.

: This verbal sentence is the Predicate of nominal sentence.

: This simple sentence is functioning as the Object of preceding verb.

: This verbal noun is [تمييز] disambiguating the preceding comparative noun, the predicate of sentence.

37.  After this parenthetic clause, it is declared about the aforementioned apportionment of shares:

  • This Ordinance regards permanently determined apportionment of inheritance is a time bound obligation imposed by Allah the Exalted.

  • The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is absolutely Knowledgeable, the knower of invisible-hidden realities-considerations and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realms.

: It is [الصفة المشبهة] Adjective resembling-functioning as passive participle and adverbially: Indefinite; feminine; singular; accusative. It is functioning as [المفعول المطلق] Cognate Adverb. It explains the manner in which the action takes place and to place emphasis on the action. The emphasis expressed through cognate adverbs is usually one of the most intense forms.

Its Root is "ف ر ض".  The basic perception infolded is that of cutting something solid and hard which entails assessment and marking as to how, from where and how much be the incision and cutting. Since markings assign a distinct apportioning from the whole, it gives the signification of allocating, earmarking, prescribing or specifying the share. Therefore, it also signifies something made obligatory-ordained-prescribed at a given point in time. Reference to point in time is built in the perception of Root. The Adjective resembling participle, or termed as Verbal Adjective is a noun derived from an intransitive verb in order to signify the one that establishes an action with the meaning of permanence.

: Prepositional phrase [متعلقان بمحذوف صفة فريضة] relates to elided adjective of the preceding cognate adverb.

The fact that the apportionment of inheritance ordained is based upon absolute justice is emphasized by mentioning the information about Allah the Exalted.

38. We observed that when there is only a female in: progeny of a deceased Parent, Allah the Exalted has apportioned for her the half of the inheritance superseding whatever was stated in the Bequest. Here again, we observe that the concept of inheritance revolves primarily around daughters-women, who were given no right the world over in the inheritance before revelation of Grand Qur'aan. When only a Son of deceased parent is surviving, Allah the Exalted has not apportioned share for him [no need, people have extreme love for sons], instead apportioned share for the Surviving Mother and Father, and that too separately since they might no longer be together as Husband and Wife at the given point in time. 

III. Inheritance from spouses

39.  Instructions about the share of bereaved Spouse are given subsequently in Ayah 4:12:

  • And half of the inheritance your Wives have left is apportioned for you: the husbands if solitary son is not surviving for them: deceased wives ["for them" was no son includes previous husband's, if any].

  • In case there were solitary son for the deceased wives, thereby, the one fourth is apportioned as your share out of that which they have left.

  • This mandatory apportionment must be executed in times after the bequest that wives expecting death are presently bequeathing [for Mother and Father, Nearer Relatives like orphaned grand-progeny-all who are ] OR after meeting the debt-obligation of promissory business transaction, outstanding liability, [refer 4:12]

40. In case the deceased is a wife without a surviving son, the share apportioned by Allah the Exalted is only for husband 1/2; or 1/4th if she bereaved a son. Allah the Exalted has not superseded the allocations made by the deceased woman for the remaining half or 3/4th of inheritance. Her allocations in the Will will stand and prevail.

  • The one fourth is apportioned for them: wives out of wealth which you have left in the situation when a solitary son is not surviving for you.

  • In case there were solitary son for you, thereby, the one eighth is apportioned for them-wives out of that which you have left.

  • This mandatory apportionment must be executed in times after bequest with which you-husbands expecting death are bequeathing [about Mother and Father, Near Relatives like orphaned grand-progeny-all who are: ] OR after meeting the debt-obligation of promissory business transaction, outstanding liability. [Refer 4:12]

41. Allah the Exalted has apportioned mandatory share only for the husband of deceased wife who died leaving Son in Progeny or without a son. On the contrary, the Bequest of a Man who died leaving a Son, is also superseded by apportioning share to his Mother and Father along with share for the Wife. His property is divided into twenty four equal parts. Four parts allocated each to Mother and Father and three parts to his surviving Wife. The allocations for son and others is in remaining thirteen parts of wealth.

IV. Inheritance from Siblings: it is when died in state : Bachelor or spouse less person with single parent surviving and whether or not one son is bereaved

42. Here before we have noticed that injunctions in Ayah 4:11 and earlier part of 4:12 are about such deceased who have surviving parents, both mother and father alive, and bereaved spouse. Fortunes vary if the deceased had a son or did not have alive son at the time of death. We have not as yet seen instructions about a man or woman who dies leaving a son but without a surviving spouse - either already died or separated by divorce, and is bereaved by a single parent, either mother or father. It is mentioned later with conjunction particle in Ayah 4:12: 


  • However, if a deceased man is inherited as single-spouseless with a single parent alive; or likewise there were such a woman; while either a brother or a sister is also alive to bereave him/her, thereby, one sixth out of that which such man or woman has left is apportioned for either of the sibling.

  • However, in case they are more than one sibling, thereby, they all are the sharer in one third.

  • This mandatory apportionment must be executed in times after bequest which is being bequeathed expecting death [for Mother or Father, Son, Near Relatives-all who are ] when it is void of inclination-evident injustice by the testator [if so this can be modified as permitted in 2:182] OR meeting the debt/obligation of promissory business transaction, outstanding liability

  • This Binding Ordinance of Apportionment of Inheritance is promulgated by Allah the Exalted for adhering it-ever sticking to it.

  • Be mindful that Allah the Exalted is Eternally All-Knowing, eternally imperturbably Forbearing.. [Refer 4:12]

43. There may be a situation that the death expecting Man or Woman are in a state of single parent- no spouse with surviving singular son and a parent, either Father or Mother. In such situation, the Mandatory Share set aside by Allah the Exalted is 1/6th each for a brother or sister of the deceased Man or Woman. However, if they are more in number, the collective share shall be only 1/3rd for brothers and sisters, superseding that which the deceased might have allocated in the statement of distribution in his/her Will. The allocations in the Will for the remaining part of inheritance shall stand.

44. : Verbal Noun: accusative. It is intriguing that people have been debating about this verbal noun as to its meanings and peculiarities of the person who is in such state-circumstance. This man or woman cannot be he/she who are already mentioned. He is not a person who is bereaved by a single daughter, two daughters or grouped progenies; he is not a person whose parents, both mother and father are alive; and he is not a person whose spouse is bereaved. It refers to that state of a person when the spouse is already dead or divorced and has single parent, either mother or father, surviving at the time of his death. In addition to this peculiar situation, such man may or may not have a surviving son at the time of his death. Here in this Ayah it is evident that this spouseless man or woman does have a surviving son to inherit from the inheritance.

45. The aforesaid instructions and Mandatory Allocation of parts of inheritance amongst various beneficiaries by Allah the Exalted cover all the situations that might be the ground realities at the time of death of a Man or a Woman. However, one situation is not covered whereby one will have to resort to other deductive method to infer the apportioned share. The people of the days of revelation fully acknowledged and understood the injunctions about inheritance. They did not have an iota of confusion. This fact is evident because people requested the Elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted to give them the confirmation-strengthened verdict at his own about the only situation which was not covered in the aforementioned injunctions in Ayah 4:11 and 4:12. That situation is regards a person who is bachelor or single without spouse, has a singular alive parent, either Mother or Father, but did not have a son.

  • They seek that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give them the confirmation-strengthened verdict at your own. You tell them; "[Not me] Allah the Exalted gives you the verdict in the situation regards a person being bachelor-without spouse, survived by a singular Parent, either Mother or Father.

  • In case he is such a person who died in condition that a son was not in his progeny;

  • But a sister survives for him, thereat, half of that which he has left is apportioned for her.

  • And he becomes her Heir if survives her [his sister ] if a son was not her progeny.

  • However, if there were two surviving sisters, thereat, two third of that which he the deceased has left is apportioned for them.

  • Take note that in case there were many siblings, comprising men and women, in such situation the two third allocation shall be subdivided on the principle of resembling the share of the two feminine is to be apportioned for the male. [Refer 4:176]

46. Allah the Exalted has superseded the Will to the extent of maximum two third of Inheritance by inalienably apportioning it in favour of brothers and sisters of the deceased. The allocations in the Will for remaining 1/3rd shall stand and prevail, whatever it might be.

47. Grand Qur'aan has no parallel and is par excellence in succinctness. The probable situations obtaining in the case of death of a wealthy Man or Woman are quite many. It is almost an impossible proposition for human beings to determine with absolute justice the rightful shares in all the possible situations. It will need volumes of laws and regulations, yet leaving areas for injustice.

48. Allah the Exalted has specifically covered those situations which are pregnant for abuse of man-dominance and injustice. In such situations, Allah the Exalted has exercised the Authority and Will to cut and demarcate certain Parts of the Inheritance, and Permanently allocate it to specific relatives in preference to others. This is signified by: "This ordinance regards permanent apportionment of inheritance is a time bound obligation imposed by Allah the Exalted". This is also described by these words:   "This Binding Ordinance of Inheritance is promulgated by Allah the Exalted for adhering it-ever sticking to it".

49.  Laws and regulations to implement justice in all respects in the case of inheritance and other economic problems is quite a difficult proposition for majority of human beings. Therefore, Allah the Exalted encourages to create a situation wherein justice can be established in such matters by heightening the moral consciousness of man and showing of mercy and kindness to those undergoing tribulations. There can be hundreds of situations with conflicting considerations for allocating wealth of the deceased. Encompassing all those, a voluminous regulation book is needed. Allah the Exalted has given the solution for absolute justice. He the Exalted has first made it incumbent upon the wealthy man to dictate his Bequest allocating shares according to his own judgment and decision amongst his Father and Mother and nearer relatives, about whom he better understands regards eligibility and necessity. Thereafter, when the actual time happens for execution of the Will after the death of deceased, Allah the Exalted supersedes that Will partially, maximum to the extent of two third of inheritance. Allah the Exalted apportions the inalienable shares in favour of certain relatives and allows to stay other allocations bequeathed by the deceased.

50. Allah the Exalted has simplified the otherwise delicate and perplexing issue for humans by relating it to the circumstantial characteristic of the person and the Will bequeathed by deceased. All cases and situations that be obtaining on ground are covered in just six sub classifications. We have now the orders regarding the progenies, the mother and father, the spouse and siblings in different situations. Let us recap:  

a. The preferential for Allah the Exalted are daughters in particular, and progenies in general. It is evident from the fact that Allah the Exalted captioned this law of Inheritance as relating: "about the Progenies of you people"

b. The preferential for the death expecting Person for bequeathing is his/her Father and Mother, and relatively Near Relatives like grand orphaned Progeny, etc.: It is  a nominative definite Verbal Noun, signifying an act and state, meaning "the Bequest" which is to be bequeathed: "for the Parents", and: "the relatively nearer relations". It thus covers all survivors who could be beneficiaries in sequence of the nearest, the nearer in relation to others.

c. The equation is with regard to shares-fortunes, not for female and male. Like of the share-fortune of two feminine is apportioned for a male. When the progenies are two daughters and above, the mandatory and prioritized allocation for them is two third of the inheritance. This takes care of the progenies when they are the combination of females and males, equaling at least the share of three feminine. A daughter and a son shall get two third divided by three equal shares. One share going to daughter and two shares going to son. The remaining one third is not superseded and the allocation in the Will shall prevail.

d. In case of solitary daughter survivor the inalienably apportioned share is half of the inheritance. The remaining half is not superseded and the allocation in the Will shall prevail. If two daughters survive their share is two third. If grouped progenies the share will remain two third of inheritance.

e. With regard to progeny, we are left with only a situation where a Married Man is leaving behind the solitary Son. In this situation, Allah the Exalted has not made the Son as preferential and has not apportioned the share for a solitary living son of the deceased. Instead, Mother and Father, and spouse of the this Man are declared preferential and their share is inalienably apportioned, leaving  other allocations bequeathed in the Will for the living Son and other nearer relatives. The share of a solitary son might vary depending upon the Will of the Deceased, while the share of a solitary daughter is permanently and unalterably apportioned by decree as 1/2 of Inheritance.

f. In case of a solitary son, the Father and the Mother each get straight away 1/6th out of that inheritance which the deceased married Man has left behind. The inalienably apportioned share of Wife is 1/8th out of the inheritance. In such cases, the Inheritance is divided into twenty-four parts; eleven out of twenty-four parts straight going to Father, Mother and the Widow. Allah the Exalted has not allocated specifically the remaining thirteen parts of wealth which will accrue to son.

g. However, in case of death of a married Woman, Allah the Exalted has superseded her Will only by inalienably apportioning 1/2 or 1/4 of Inheritance in favour of her surviving husband with reference to absence or presence of her surviving son. Other allocations in the Statement of Distribution bequeathed in her Will stand and prevail. This is reflective of extreme care in the sublime system of justice executed by Allah the Exalted. There could be a wife unhappy with her husband who might do injustice to her husband striking him out of the list in the Will.

h. In case the death expecting Man or Woman is in state of: bachelor-spouseless and is survived by a singular Son and Parent, either Father or Mother; the brothers and sisters of the deceased are prioritized by inalienably apportioning share equaling 1/3rd of Inheritance. The remaining allocations for 2/3 of inheritance for son and parent is not superseded and the Will stand and prevail.

j. In case the death expecting Man in state of bachelor-spouseless and a single parent surviving but is bereaved not by a son, the one half of inheritance is allocated to a single surviving sister; similarly if she died in such state her surviving brother will get half of her wealth. And if his two sisters are surviving their share will be two third of inheritance. If siblings comprise brothers and sisters the two third will be shared by them all according to the principle of semblance of two feminine shares allocated to a male.

51. The Parts of the Inheritance apportioned by Allah the Exalted are un-alterable under all circumstances. The allocations made in the Will shall sustain binding legality for the remaining part of inheritance. However, a correction-modification can be made if unjustified inclination or evident injustice was made by the Testator.

52. Allah the Exalted has succinctly explained making all relevant situations and considerations clearly demarcated and distinguished. The purpose and objective of elaborately explaining the Inheritance issues is described at the end of instructions on the subject of inheritance:   

  • Allah the Exalted is succinctly and explicitly explaining for you so that you people might not be distractively wandering. [Refer 4:176]

53. We must ponder for a while about this information while reading voluminous conflicting literature on the subject of Inheritance, written and spread both by believers and non believers.

V. Advises in respect of non-stake holders in inheritance

54. The discussions and voluminous dissertations written on the subject of Inheritance seldom take into consideration the following injunctions regarding those Wives whose husbands died while they were still in the state of Restraint for a defined period, because their husbands had pronounced: -Alienation-Suspension of Matrimonial Bond. Some of them might be pregnant in which case the Restraint period will expire on delivery of pregnancy. The Inheritance has a liability for them also to be dispensed by the Heir. 

  • Those Husbands should take note who are being separated-detached-parted from the company of you people while they are leaving behind Wives [for taking part in the war-to kill or be killed for the cause of Allah the Exalted].

  • Those husbands should bequeath a bequest in favour of their respective wives [in case of their slaughter/or missing in war] that they should be given sustenance adequate for one year without removing them out of the house.

  • Thereby, on completion of time frame [husband’s slaughter in war or missing in war] of maximum one year if they themselves left the house, thereat nothing contracting-objectionable is upon you people for that act-decision they have taken for their selves in accordance with the known norms of society.

  • Be mindful, Allah the Exalted is Pervasively dominant and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm, visible and invisible. [2:240

  • Take note that some wealth, in accordance with the known norms of society, should also be apportioned for the Wives who are in the prescribed restraint period of alienation-suspended Matrimonial Bond before complete separation [in case the husband dies during this period].

  • This is mandatory-incumbent upon people who are cautious, heedful and mindful in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.[2:241]

  • This is how Allah the Exalted succinctly explains His Aa'ya'at-Verbal Unitary Passages of Qur'aan rendering each point-concept-situation distinctly isolated and crystal clear for you people [for comprehension as was promised to the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • The object of succinct and distinguishingly explaining is that you people might conveniently save in memory and objectively analyze for critical thinking. [2:242]

  • Take note about those Wives of you people who have lost expectation of menstruation, should you felt double minded unsure about their state, thereby, the intervening period of their restraint is three months instead of three menstrual cycles [prescribed in 2:228] in between pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond and Culmination-Separation-Untying the Matrimonial Bond/Nikah.

  • And so is the duration of three months for those Wives who have not yet menstruated immediately before pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond [otherwise it can much shorten the period of three menstrual cycles-one happening immediately after pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond-this also takes care of those Wives with removed uterus]

  • Take further note that the duration, for those alienated wives by pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond by the husband who are pregnant, shall be till such time that they might deliver their Pregnancy.

  • Remember that should someone exercise caution, heedfulness and remain mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted, He the Exalted will make for him an element of ease in his affair. [65:04]   

  • Take note that the Mothers shall breast-feed their off-springs for two years, complete two years [24  months].

  • This direction is in favour of that husband who decided that he might complete the breast-feed by his wife whom he had alienated from Matrimonial Bond *.

  • Their sustenance, feed and clothing, in accordance with the known norms of society, is incumbent responsibility upon the respective Father.

  • A person-husband shall however not be burdened except that which he can afford.

  • A mother should not be subjected to suffer for [love, motherly affection] her born progeny. Nor the one who has become father be pressed because of his born progeny.

  • The like of the Obligation imposed upon the respective Husband in respect of his alienated Wife becoming mother is incumbent upon the Heir in case of Husband's death before birth of progeny. [2:233]

55. Let us determine ourselves and pray to Allah the Exalted that we might not be listed amongst these people:

  • And you people eat away the inheritance; in the manner of devouring-absorbing others share. [89:19]

  • And you people develop lust for the wealth, love intensified. [89:20]

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