Qur’ān describes: Tsunami

Man is primarily the audience of Grand Qur’ān. Its purpose is to guide him in time line, and brief him about the Universe he lives in; and let him know his position, role and relationship with all that exists in the created realm. This might lead him to realize the objective of his own creation, and urge a desire to accomplish that objective. Therefore, Qur’ān pronounces:

  • Our Majesty have not neglected mentioning in the Book (Grand Qur’ān) any thing relevant to the audience. [Ref 6:38]

Man is a social being. Individual's conduct and psyche is a matter of interest and concern for others. Man is a created being. He has the Creator and Sustainer Lord. Reverence for, and fear of the Creator and Sustainer Lord of the Universes also portrays Psyche and inner self of individuals. There are people who have duality in their psyche and self centred nature. They keep calling upon deities and raise slogans of help-seeking in tranquil circumstances. But in real life threatening situation, they become different people:

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Have you considered the situation: if Allah's chastisement has come to you people

  • Or the Last Moment has come to you people:

  • Will you call for help-rescue someone else than Allah the Exalted?

  • Answer it, if you people were truthful in what you say." [6:40]

  • No, you do not call upon someone else; the fact is that in real difficult situation you people exclusively seek Him the Exalted

  • -- Responding to your help calls He the Exalted removes that towards which you seek help; if He so resolved --.

  • And in that situation you people abandon and forget those you otherwise associate with Him the Exalted. [6:41]

How do many people react in life threatening situation in the Sea/Ocean?

  • Take note, when dangerous hardship touches you in the Ocean all those are forgotten, whom you people otherwise keep calling in tranquil circumstances, except He the Exalted, exclusively.

  • In response to your prayers and promises, when He the Exalted rescued you people towards the Coast you knowingly refrained from being obliged and thankful.

  • The historical fact is that Man is generally ungratefully disobedient. [17:67]

Such people are warned:

  • Having been rescued to the Coast, is this conduct because you people have felt secured-protected against the possibility that He the Exalted might sink the Coastline along with you [Ref 17:68]

How the Coastline and the people by the Side of the Sea are sunk? Tsunami!!

  • Or the similarity of their acts is like layers of progressing darkness within a sea. It has a swell-raised level of water at a point

  • A Wave rises and covers the surface of sea

  • A wave ascends and departs from its-wave's upper surface

  • A dragger drags it from over its surface [Ref 24:40]

It is a Relative Adjective noun-Quasi active participle, indefinite; singular; masculine; genitive; used as adjectival description of some sea. It refers to that relative area of a sea where the water is higher-a swell. Its perception and meanings are picturesquely made evident:

  • She was requested, "Please enter the Courtyard."

  • Thereat, when she saw that-courtyard she misjudged it as if it were a swell of water above surface and she raised her trousers exposing her both legs from ankle to knee.

  • Seeing her confusion and embarrassment by leg exposure he explained; "Actually this courtyard has been made smooth surfaced with glassing". [Ref 27:44]

The deeds of the Deniers of the Faith are paralleled with the layers of progressive darkness: within a sea having a point of relatively rising water above the surface.

This Verbal Sentence is adjectival depiction of a sea. is Verb: Imperfect; Third person; singular; Masculine; Mood: Indicative; Suffixed Fronted Object Pronoun: Third Person; singular; masculine, in accusative state, referring back to . The verb denotes continuously covering the surface of an object-here sea. is the Subject of Verb. The one who is covering remains in touch with the object it is covering:

  • Thereby, for seeking "tranquillity" when he (certain Husband), had copulated with her, (respective Wife); she invisibly carried-uplifted a light burden and she moved along with it. [Ref 7:189]

This rather describing reference was to highlight the actual scene obtaining in the sea described by verb: that the Wave is not inside the sea but it has risen and covered its upper surface. This shows wave after wave rise and keep surface of sea covered.

This is an inverted Nominal Sentence. the Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase relates to the fronted elided predicate. Masculine possessive pronoun refers to preceding . The delayed Subject is also another . It is adjectival description of the preceding Wave [نعت لـ "موج" الأول]. Preposition denotes a beginning point related to place; the local point of departure, departure from a place; hence it is connected with verbs which convey the idea of separation, or departure. : It is Adverb of location and it is above -wave.

This is also an inverted Nominal Sentence. It is adjectival for the preceding  which ascends and departs from upper surface of another wave. : It is the delayed subject. It is a masculine noun which signifies a dragger.

The description is of a sea which has a raised level of water at some point of its surface. A wave rises and covers its upper surface. Another wave emanates, rising and departing from the upper surface of the wave. A dragger is dragging it from its upper surface.

And information for a common man about Tsunami is generally like this:

"Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Waves are formed as the displaced water mass, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to regain its equilibrium. A tsunami is not one wave but a series of waves. Unlike waves generated by surface winds, the entire depth of water is involved in the wave motion of a tsunami.
As a tsunami approaches shore, it begins to slow and grow in height; may grow to be several meters or more in height near the coast."