Female Mosquito
The basic purpose of a book is to preserve knowledge for the posterity of humanity. And if the knowledge/fact/ information preserved in a book is for the entire humanity then it becomes all the more important that this book should be easy for comprehension since the level of intellect of human beings varies. One method to make things easier for perception is to explain a thing with an example. An example [مَثَلُ] is something that is representative by virtue of having typical features of the thing it represents. It is an illustration that supports or provides more information on an opinion, theory, or principle. An example is one that is visible/perceivable by senses. Metaphor is vividly different and distinct from the word example {مَثَلُ}. Metaphorical explanation is not easy to comprehend for men of lowly intellect but example [مَثَلُ] is conveniently understood by men of even ordinary prudence.
The Grand Qur'aan has been made easy by giving examples since comparative study makes the long time storage in the memory safe and easy for retrieval/recalling and narrating by human beings. In giving example it is not the grandeur and loftiness of the thing equated with the exemplified but the similarity and matches is important to convey and make the perception vivid.
Allah the Exalted certainly considers it not a matter of shyness-reluctance-embarrassment to strike example of a female mosquito; thereby highlighting that which exists besides her — that which enters a female mosquito where after it reaches to top of her — that which is clung upon her surface (phoresy).
The response of those who have since heartily accepted-believed is that they understand it as infallible fact disclosed and communicated by their Sustainer Lord.
However, as for those are concerned who have rejected-refused to accept, they in response question others, saying; "What is that which Allah has intended by this disclosure-similitude?"
He by such revelation exposes—proves/let many remain aberrant;
And He the Exalted guides with it many.
Realize it that
except for those
averse, dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints, He the Exalted by it
does not let anyone remain
unmindful. [2:26]
It is a fact that (what to say of explaining with gigantic similitude, given earlier) Allah the Exalted considers it not a matter of shyness-reluctance-embarrassment-constraint to strike typical example of a female mosquito, thereby highlighting that which exists besides her. [Refer 2:26]
Since humanity is its audience what should be conspicuous in its contents is the presence of all that is relevant to human beings. It is clarified:
Our Majesty have not neglected mentioning a relevant thing in the Book: Grand Qur’ān. [6:38]
Therefore, how could:
female mosquito be neglected mention. And the
context has provided place for its mention when already gigantic
similitude has been mentioned and it is in contrast by miniature but far
deadliest than the supercell thunderstorm.
In Arabic the nouns are either masculine or feminine.
It is stated that the male is never like a female, Arabic nouns are also generally
not alike in appearance.
The most conspicuous feminine mark
suffix Taa'
MarbuTa (ـة/ة) as is in:
Therefore, the gender of noun must be taken care of while rendering it in
target language text, otherwise the original message might be distorted
particularly in similes and metaphors.
Further the use of verb:
loudly declares that the noun is feminine because the question of
shyness arises generally when a feminine is exemplified in public.
Moreover, the pronoun referring it is also feminine third person
: Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular;
masculine; [Form-X] Mood: indicative; Subject pronoun hidden,
referent to Allah the Exalted;
added prolongation sign because it is followed by voweled hamza; مصدر-اِسْتِحْيَاءٌ
Verbal noun. Form-X verbs are reflexive causative. Verb denotes to
feel shy, reluctant, embarrassed. In its semantic features "disdain" is
not included.
The surface meanings are simply apparent that striking - mentioning example of seemingly an insignificant female is not something one should feel shy but it is the relevance that matters. A reader of ordinary prudence understands that the point highlighted is that it is not the grandeur and loftiness of the example as was previously given to portray the narcissists but example of a tiny object and more tiny than it is also a tool for referencing.
But for a critical reader who delves deeper than the
surface meanings, the structuring of the sentence and use of Relative
pronoun twice with its elided relative clauses provides clues to study
more about the female mosquito and organism which is still tinier than
it. The first Relative pronoun is the adjective for:
and its elided clause in 21st century can be taken as the entering of
the disease-transmitting organism into female mosquito: vector where
after it reaches to top of her at the time when she bites the
human host to feed blood for obtaining protein for egg production. The locative adverb:
gives the time or place of
occurrence for an action. This adverb, however, cannot be used to give
the place of action if such a place has well-defined, physical limits.
Otherwise, both male and female mosquito feed on nectar and plant juices.
The purpose of striking simile is to catch audience's attention to notice and perceive and to make particular impression or effect on him. With regard to response about such disclosures, attitudes of audience are:
The response of those who have since heartily accepted-believed is that they understand it as infallible fact disclosed and communicated by their Sustainer Lord.
The true believers with regard to the information communicated in the Divine Discourse do not have what is called Plato's problem. "Plato's problem is the term given by Noam Chomsky to the gap between knowledge and experience. It presents the question of how we account for our knowledge when environmental conditions seem to be an insufficient source of information. It is used in linguistics to refer to the "argument from poverty of the stimulus". In a more general sense, Plato's Problem refers to the problem of explaining a "lack of input". Solving Plato's Problem involves explaining the gap between what one knows and the apparent lack of substantive input from experience (the environment)."
The true believers are not like those who consider the Divine Discourse as intellectual property of the exalted Messenger but the fact is:
The fact is that they have contradicted because they have not comprehended-encompassed the knowledge contained in it, and its substantive manifestation has not yet come to them [since for people knowledge gets unfolded progressively]
In the same manner, people who flourished before their times had contradicted;
Therefore, to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone to travel in land; "you see how was the conclusion/end result of the criminally guilty people." [10:39]
The response from another type of people is:
However, as for those are concerned who have rejected-refused to accept, they in response question others, saying; "What is that which Allah has intended by this disclosure-similitude?"
Similar response information is given with regard to disclosure of the number of Angels serving as warders of the Hell-Prison:
And that those —Irrational beliefs - a disease - psychological disorder - envy, jealousy, and malice, bias, rancour is self implanted- nurtured within their hearts- locus of understanding - consciousness and the Non-Believers might say:
"What Allah intends by giving this example/information about Warders of Hell-Prison [like the worldly Prison/Jail]."
The basic purpose of a book is to preserve knowledge for the posterity of humanity. And if the knowledge/fact/information preserved in a book is for the entire humanity then it becomes all the more important that this book should be easy for comprehension since the level of intellect of human beings varies. One method to make things easier for perception is to explain a thing with an example.
The Grand Qur’ān is rendered easy by giving examples since comparative study makes the long time storage in the memory safe and easy for retrieval/recalling and narrating by human beings. In giving example it is not the grandeur and loftiness of the thing equated with the exemplified but the relevance to the occasion is important to convey and make the perception vivid.
The purpose of simile is described:
And Allah the Exalted strikes examples-similitude for the people.
The purpose of striking examples is that they might at their own conveniently perceive and retain in memory, remember, take lesson and recall to narrate the point explained. [refer 14:25]
However, the effect of disclosure of information and simile is dependent upon the attitudinal behaviour of the listener/reader:
Appreciate the fact that Our Majesty have illustrated in this Qur’ān regarding every relevant issue and concept mirroring information by rotation in alternate directions, angles, and perspectives for the convenience of people.
Yet, most of the people have demurred for no reason except being ungratefully disobedient. [17:89]
Appreciate the fact that Our Majesty have illustrated in this Qur’ān regarding every relevant issue and concept mirroring information by rotation in alternate directions, angles, and perspectives for the convenience of people.
But the fact remains that the man in most of the things is purposelessly debating/wrangling. [18:54]
And the objective of disclosing information by simile is given in these words:
He by such revelation exposes—proves/let many remain aberrant;
And He the Exalted guides with it many.
Arabic, the most conspicuous feminine mark is
suffix Taa'
MarbuTa (ـة/ة) as is in:
Only female mosquitoes bite people. Both male and female feed mainly on fruit and plant nectar, but the female also needs the protein in blood to help her eggs develop. Once she's had her fill of blood, she'll rest a couple of days before laying her eggs
vector: disease-transmitting organism: an organism such as a mosquito or tick that transmits disease-causing microorganisms from an infected person or animal to another
The locative adverb gives the time or place of occurrence for an action. This adverb, however, cannot be used to give the place of action if such a place has well-defined, physical limits.
Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from animals to humans. Many of these vectors are bloodsucking insects, which ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host (human or animal) and later inject it into a new host during their subsequent blood meal.
Mosquitoes are the best known disease vector.
The parasites the mosquito carries are usually located in its salivary glands (used by mosquitoes to anaesthetise the host). Therefore, the parasites are transmitted directly into the host's blood stream.
Vector-borne diseases are illnesses caused by pathogens and parasites in human populations. Every year there are more than 1 billion cases and over 1 million deaths from vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, schistosomiasis, human African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and onchocerciasis, globally.