The galaxy of Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.
: It is the second
Noun of Possessive Phrase. It is [الصفة
Adjective resembling participle derived from Verbal Noun نَبْوَةٌ and
نَبَاوَةٌ: Definite; Sound Plural; Masculine; genitive;
on the measure "فَعِيلٌ".
Adjective resembling participle, or termed
as Verbal Adjective,
is a noun derived from an
intransitive verb. Its pattern is
at variance with the pattern of Active Participles and Passive
Participles, it is known by usage.
Resembling participle is that noun which
indicates on the root meaning being an attribute. And this attribute is
usually perpetual or intrinsic. The Adjective governs with the government of its verb, without
exception, with the condition of dependencies as is the case in Active
Participles. When another word is governed with
Adjective resembling participle in the
nominative state, there is no pronoun in the Adjective. When
the governed word is accusative or genitive, then there is a pronoun in the
It denotes many Men who had the
attribute signified by the Verb, Verbal Noun and Root " ن ب و"
from where it is derived. The basic perception infolded in the Root,
in the words of Ibn Faris [d: 1005]:
النون والباء والحرف المعتلّ أصلٌ صحيح
يدلُّ على ارتفاعٍ في الشيء عن غَيره أو تَنحٍّ عنه
That it leads to the perception of eminence, elevation, ascension, exaltation of something in relation to others, or distinguished from others.
Grand Qur’ān loudly and affectionately pronounces their exalted stature:
It is thus evident
from the Root, Verbal Noun, and the peculiar feature of the derived Noun:
that it refers to those Men who have the permanent attribute of
distinctly elevated and exalted above all others in the created realm;
dignified and distinguished from all others; the sincerest. Their par
excellence attribute is that they are the personal choice of the Creator
of all that exists, Allah the Supremely Exalted Who is pleased to
pronounce that they are for ever the best selection in the judgment of
Him the Exalted.
They constitute exclusively a Unique Group, distinct and exalted from all members of rational species. We are not given the exact number of Men who are the Members of this Unique Group. However, we are informed that Allah the Exalted has granted distinction to some Members of this Group upon its other Members.