Grand Qur'aan has prohibited domestic violence negating erroneous "belief" of beating one's wife.

The first social relation amongst human species is of "Intimate Partner"; Husband and Wife.

We will not discuss the niceties of "intimate partner" that are inherent in Arabic word: since they were naively overlooked in human history. Resultantly, we have history of violence against women which is tied to the history of women being viewed as property and a gender role assigned to be subservient to men. 

Grand Qur'aan addressed the subject and condemned self made erroneous perceptions regards the role and relationships of two partners of human species. However, majority of the translators imported in Islam the concept of "beating one's wife to keep her within the bounds of duty"  by manipulatively treating and assigning meaning to one Verb: in Ayah 4:34 as signifying, "You the husbands beat them-the mentioned wives".

This Verb is made from Arabic Root: "ض ر ب".   Twenty eight words made from this Root appear in Qur'aan; twenty five verbs, and one Verbal Noun in three states. All Verbs are made from the same Verbal Noun. Their occurrences in the Qur'aan are 58 times.

The erroneous and manipulative aspect of translating one verb in the context of wives as to denote "beating" can be adjudged from the fact that at other 57 occurrences this beating signification is NOT attributed by the Original and Plagiarist translators.

The most unfortunate aspect of advocating domestic violence is that it insults the Arabic Word: Islam; a verbal noun, and as is known it denotes action and a state. This Verbal Noun is such which deserves attain the title of "sublime interaction".  It signifies a healthy state of exactitude, validity, truth; and absolved causing wellness and tranquillity. And therein is no deviation, irregularity, oddity, and abnormality disturbing wellness and tranquillity. It portrays a state of peace, safety, tranquillity and dynamic balance wherein the man is secure from all things causing damage and disablement.    

Arabic words take birth from Roots. Each Root has a specifically defined and distinctly conspicuous perception folded in it. Words, originating from Roots on well defined patterns-moulds-structuring frames, retain the original perception infolded in its Root, dominantly and conspicuously; with additional meanings and connotation, shades and colours added by the peculiar pattern-placing of vowels-syllabification, and addition of consonants. Moreover, relational aspect of the semantic field will also influence and add connotations to the word. Hence; the meanings, perception and connotation of an Arabic Word is the composite whole of the perception infolded in its Root, coupled with meanings associated with its pattern, and its relation to the semantic field where it is used. It signifies that the basic meanings of a Root and word do not exhaust when they are used in a different semantic field, relational area, while necessarily retaining the base meanings.

The basic perception, meanings and signification infolded in this Root: "ض ر ب"  as stated in Lane Lexicon is, [quote] "accord. to Er-Rághib, الضَّرْبُ signifies the making a thing to fall upon another thing;" [unquote]

The conceptual meanings of the Root evidently reveal that its meanings in the real-world experience will be reflected by the collocates or other words associated with it in the context.

It reflects that its effect may necessarily not be of causing hurt. It reflects an instance; an illustration or an occurrence. The most equivalent word in English vocabulary to describe the basic perception and its various uses in different semantic fields is verb "strike". "Strike" denotes; to fall or shine on something; to make something noticed; make something to be perceived or become audible-understandable for someone; to make some idea enter somebody's mind or occur to somebody; to penetrate or seem to go right through something; make something by stamping; and to remove something away-displace. And taking support and help of other words, its use signifies to hit somebody or something with a hand, tool, weapon, or other object. Obvious intention in such strike is to hurt, damage, dislocate, dislodge, deform, shape or stamp the target with force. Moreover, support words will be required if the intention of the speaker is to indicate the instance as involving repeated strikes to reflect what is denoted by English word "beating"; punishment in which somebody is repeatedly hit.

It is intriguing to note that in almost all traditional translations available on line, none of the translators have used the word "beat, beating" in  aforementioned 57 occurrences of this Root. Except few, majority have not even used it in 8:50 and 47:27 where it is evidently striking in the manner of beating  because of nominative mood of the Verb coupled with its transitivity.

Erroneous attitude of the original translators as well as plagiarist translators becomes self evident when we find solitary "beating" in their works for one occurrence of this Root in the Qur'aan and that is for: in Ayah 4:34 where suffixed object of the Verb refers to earlier mentioned wives.