adolescence - age of experiencing first wet dream
The point in time in the life of human beings when he crosses over the boundary line of childhood is described by the word: ٱلْحُلُمَ:
Human beings from birth (discharged from the womb of mothers) to crossing over to age termed: ٱلْحُلُمَ are called: ٱلْأَطْفَٟلُ the Children. The noun: ٱلْحُلُمَ stems from Root: ح ل م. Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة) الحاء واللام والميم، أصولٌ ثلاثة: الأول ترك العَجَلة، والثاني تثقُّب الشيء، والثالث رُؤية الشيء في المنام That it has three primary significations; firstly to leave hastiness, rashness, impetuosity; something becoming punctured, pierced, perforated or ignited; and lastly seeing something in the dreams. |
Another Classical Lexicon states:
(لسان العرب) والحُلْمُ الاحتلام أيضاً، يجمع على الأحْلامِ والحِلْمُ، بالكسر: الأَناةُ والعقل، وجمعه أَحْلام وحُلُومٌ. That it signifies: dream; and puberty - experiencing wet dream; and with genitive middle radical it signifies forbearance, endurance and gentleness. |
Lane's Lexicon translated from Classical Arabic Lexicons as under:
Lane's Lexicon: to have wet dream, have a vision, attain to puberty, forbearing, to gain wisdom, patient, prudent, imperturbable; The same term, al-hilm, is used for both puberty and wet dreams, marking wet dreams an indication of puberty. He was, or became, forbearing, or clement;] he forgave and concealed [offences]: or he was, or became, moderate, gentle, deliberate, leisurely in his manner of proceeding or of deportment &c., patient as meaning contr. of hasty, grave, staid, sedate, or calm; |
In Grand Qur’ān it is used for:
1. In the meaning of attribute of forbearance, endurance, gentleness.
2. In the meanings of dreams
3. In the meaning of age of experiencing wet-dream - Semantic domain: Stages of human life.
Neuroscientists who study brainwaves may find the perception and semantic domain of this Root, which otherwise incorporates concepts apparently poles apart, quite interesting. All the three domains covered by the Root share the same state of low frequency and high amplitude brain waves.
It has always been a common knowledge that a baby boy can start having erections from a very early age. And we in the 21st century even know that he can experience it as early while still in the womb of his mother and as hinted in Qur’ān he might have there even indulged in "self gratification".
However, wet dreams are typically associated with adolescent boys. Wet dreams are when a person orgasms involuntarily while they are sleeping because of a dream, which may or may not be erotic. They are called wet dreams because when a male has this type of dream, he may awaken with wet clothing or bedding. This is because semen, the fluid containing sperm, is released during ejaculation. But surprising and amazing fact is the choice of naming the phenomenon of involuntary ejaculation in sleep; in Arabic إحْتِلامْ, and the beginning of age when a boy ejaculates semen for the first time as: ٱلْحُلُمَ , with the concept embedded in the Root: ح ل م.
It is the second of stages of human life from child to adolescence: