
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.




























Adam and Iblees


And, listen attentively; the moment your Sustainer Lord said for [to] the Angles, "Be informed of the fact that I am moving/placing/declaring [Adam] in the Earth as self governor-enjoying freedom-free will of self rule/choice/decision",

they opined saying, "Are You granting the freedom of act/free will therein to him who would create therein imbalance/mischief/disquiet and he will shed bloods/talk floating vanity and conjecture; while we keep celebrating Your praises [or, we with Your Praise, persistently remain active in executing work, as commanded] and we keep narrating the Glory of You".

 He replied, "The fact is that I know that about which you people do not have the knowledge". [2:30]


    And be informed that He/Allah-the Exalted taught Adam the particular/peculiar names of things, all of them. Afterwards He caused those things put at view before the Angels;

  whereupon/for reason He asked them, "You tell Me the names of these things put at your view, if you people were those who narrate the truth-authentic-accurate statement/news"  [2:31]

They said, "[We always repetitively narrate that] The Sublime Glory is alone for You; absolute knowledge is not [exhibited/evident] for us; except that only which You have taught/caused us to know. Certainly You are the All Knower and The Infinitely Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded." [2:32]

He said, "O Adam! tell them, make them aware/knowledgeable about the names of these things". In compliance, when he had told them the names of those things,

Allah said: "Did I not tell you that I know absolutely the secrets/for you invisibly existing things of the Skies and the Earth, and I fully know what you people reveal and what you people withheld from saying?" [2:33]

And, listen attentively; at the point in time when We had said for [to] the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Adam"; consequently in compliance they did pay obeisance"; but Ieb'lees [in response to the command given to him separately] demurred while he made his own self obsessed/puffed with pride of grandeur and superiority; and so became amongst those who refuse the command. [2:34]

[Similar permission in 7:19]

And We said, "O Adam, you stay,  you and your wife as guest in the Garden,

and you both eat from wherever you wish and like,

[Exactly same direction in same words in 7:19]

 however you both don't go near this female tree/taste its fruit,

otherwise you would become from those who interrupt/use things without right/permission" [2:35]

Thereat/for reason [by deceptively telling two conjectural and sensational myths about the tree which veiled the command for Adam] Shai'taan caused for both two of them to slip from that given advice;

Thereby he caused the ouster of both two of them from the state (of felicity) in which they had been

since/and We said, "You go down to the Earth all,

[Same information in same words in 7:24;20:123]

(even there) some of you will be enemy for some others;

[Same information in same words in 7:24]

    and for you people the dwelling-place and your means of livelihood is in the Earth up to an appointed time". [2:36] [Read in conjunction 7:24; 20:123]

Then [recognizing the wrong/regretful ness caused] Adam learnt/met/acquainted from his Sustainer Lord the words for expressing regrets; therefore (on expressing words of regret seeking overlooking it) his Sustainer Lord focused mercy upon him.

[Same information in same words at the end of 2:54]

 Certainly He is the One Who is repeatedly forgiving/pays attention, The Merciful. [2:37]

 We said: "You go down out of this place [to earth] you jointly, (don't feel disappointed/ frustrated)

[Similar injunction in 20:123]

 then when comes to you people Guidance from Me

thereat whosoever physically acted/exclusively in letter and spirit followed My Guidance [given in Aa'ya'at of Book] without there being some third party intervention

[This sequel/result is also told at the end of 5:69;6:48;7:35;46:13]

consequently upon such people for reason of having exclusively acted on My Guidance, there is no cause of fear for them and neither shall they grieve. [2:38] [This is the eternal Rule in time and space for salvation and success and return to Original Abode. All those, who refused and opted to conduct themselves on conjectural myths, hearsay, presumptions, speculative assertions, and non verifiable sayings have no scope of salvation. Therefore read seriously in conjunction with 6:130; 7:35; 20:123; 23:66,67,105,106;39:59,71,72;45:31, to acquaint what is being asked and is happening on the Day of Judgment. None is asking about not following the traditions of older generations/ history as has been told today and reiterated in exactly identical 2:134,141

[Exactly same words in 5:10,86;22:57;57:19;64:10]

And those people who deliberately refused and publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at (of the Book)

[Same information in same words at the end of 2:217;257;3:116; 7:36;10:27;13:05;58:17;64:10]

 they are the people who shall be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison;

[Same information in same words at the end of 2:81,217;257;275;3:116; 7:36;10:27;13:05;58:17]

  they shall abide therein permanently. [2:39]

A man at any given point in time is in either of the two frames [no third frame]:

1. Governing his chest, belly and genitalia.
2. Is governed by his chest, belly and/or genitalia.

In both frames a different brain of him is in the control of affairs:

1. Conscious brain in the first frame
2. Stem brain [reptilian brain]--genitals and belly
3. Emotional-Sub conscious brain
In the second frame, his right side will be active for most of the people.

What Satan did was to motivate, activate the right side of the brain and fascinate. He was successful because of the effect of subliminal imagery; the way he portrayed the "secreted advantages" of eating the fruit of the tree.

Stem brain took over the control, and he and following him, his wife did what he wanted of them. Result, they became naked and saw each others hidden lower area of the body.

Finding the result of their act; they immediately got out of the trance; and acted regaining the conscious control over their selves.

This episode is everyday drama we are watching all around. Qur'aan teaches to recognize our status of Khalifa; the governor of his body and not the one governed by his body. Thereby, Qur'aan is easy if we are not trapped in illusory gossips of so called men of wisdom.