









The Companions-Residents of Hell-Prison


  • Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept, and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [unitary verbal passages presenting information, facts and knowledge in the Book],

  • they are the ones who will be the residents/companions/subjects of  scorching heat/in Hell-Prison.

  • They will abide therein permanently. [2:39]

Nay, their perception/utterance is untrue, no question of release from Hell-Prison; on the contrary, the fact is that whosoever earned evil and his wrong-doings influenced/encompassed/circularly engaged him; thereby/for this reason such shall be the persons who will be the residents/inmates of the Hell-Prison. They will abide therein for ever. [2:81]

[Read in conjunction 47:34]

They people enquire/ask you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about instructions regarding engaging in war in the sacred month. You tell them, "The waging of war during the Sacred month is of course something serious and big decision.

But take note that the act of hindering people from the Path of Allah, and persistent denial of it, and restraining people from the sacred Mosque, and causing expulsion of its residents is a far greater matter in the sight of Allah".

And be conscious that spreading disturbance/anarchy/liquefying/disintegration in the society is far more a serious/greater a crime than the individual murder of a person.

And be mindful that they people will not cease/hesitate in keep waging war upon you in order that they may make you renegades away from your System of Belief and Conduct/Islam, if they have amassed for themselves the capability for it.

 And who ever amongst you at his own accord reneged/renounced his System of Belief and Conduct/Islam and thereat he died while he was still a willful non-believer,

   thereby they are the people whose acts went fruitless in this World and in the Hereafter. And they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:217]

Allah is the Wali [Guide, Helper, Protector, Sustainer, Benefactor, Companion] of those who have consciously believed.  He moves them out of the depths/layers of Darkness into the Visible Light [with the Book/Grand Qur'aan since sent].

Be ware that those who have deliberately refused, their Patrons, Advisors [Aulieau] are deviants/evil-doers/defiant/refractory ones  who take them away from the "Visible Light" into the depths/layers of Darkness.

 They are the people who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:257]


  • Those who eat exorbitant gains on capital, they cannot stand except in the manner one such person stands whom the Cobra causes transformed [خَابِطٌ] in a state of confusion-directionless by touch/bite.

  • This description of their state/transformation is for the reason because they said to people, "The forward commitment Commerce is just similar to gain on capital/usury"; while the fact is that Allah, the Exalted has declared the Forward Commitment Commerce as permissible and has prohibited the gain/usury on capital.

  • Therefore, the one whom advice, giving information about the diametrically opposite actual outcome of two acts, has reached from his Sustainer Lord, and in compliance thereof  he abstained, thereby thereby that done in the past is for him and his matter is towards Allah, the Exalted.

  •  Beware that whoever despite advice does/reverts to it, thereby such shall be the persons who will be the residents/inmates of the Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:275] 

  • It is certain that the Wealth and the Progeny of those people, who have deliberately refused to accept, futuristically might never avail to fetch them laxity and relaxation tangibly from Allah the Exalted.

  • And they are the ones who will be the residents-companions of/in Hell-Prison.

  • They will abide therein permanently. [3:116]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 59:17]

My desire is that you be held guilty of my sin [if in self defense you get injured/killed] and your own sin if you kill me with the result that you be from amongst the companions of fire

and that is the requital of the evil-doers/who commit excesses/are negatively extremists". [5:29]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:40]

[Same information in same words in 2:39,81,217,257,275;3:116;10:27;;13:05;58:17] o

And those people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book sent] and they arrogantly,  having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur, deviated away from them

they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell; they shall abide therein permanently". [7:36]

And the residents/companions of the Paradise called the residents of Hell Prison that "indeed we have found it an established fact what our Sustainer Lord had promised with us.

Accordingly have you people also found that an established fact what your Sustainer Lord had promised for you people?"

They replied, "yes, of course"

Then a pronouncer pronounced amongst them that the curse/condemnation of Allah is upon the evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorder. [7:44]

and when their looks/visions turned [they] met the residents/companions of Hell Prison.

[on their focus] They said, "Our Sustainer Lord! let us not be placed along with the evil-doers/ distorters/creators of imbalances/disorder". [7:47]

And the residents/companions of the Hell Prison called upon the residents of Paradise that, "You people pour upon us from water or from what Allah has given you the sustenance/eatables"

They replied, "Indeed Allah has prohibited both two of these upon the rejecters/non believers; [7:50]

[Same information in same words in 2:217;257;3:116; 7:36;10:27;13:05;58:17;64:10]

[Same information in same words in 2:39,217;257;275;3:116;13:05;58:17]

And those who earned evil deeds their punishment will be proportionate to the evil done

and humiliation will overwhelm them.

For them there will be no defender/defense counsel from Allah.

[humiliation will overwhelm them] As if their faces had been veiled by a darkening piece of night.

They are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell;

  they shall abide therein permanently. [10:27]

[Read with 13:05;17:49,98;23:35,82;27:67;32:10;37:16,53;50:03;56:47]

[Same information in same words is at the end of  2:217; 3:116]

And if it appears to you astounding/unaccustomed then it is rightly so since their statement is astonishing/unaccustomed [to majority belief and conviction]

"Is it that when we would have become dust then will we certainly be in a new creation?"

They are the people who have refused to believe in their Sustainer Lord.

And they are the people in whose necks are shackles [of conjectural myths fabricated by them and their earlier people]

And they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell and they shall abide therein permanently. [13:05]

[Same pronouncement in 30:33;39:49]

And when economic adversity touches the man he called upon his Sustainer Lord as returnee towards Him.

Afterwards when He made him affluent with bounty from Him he forgot so intensively as if in earlier times he never used to call upon Him ;

and he ascribed for Allah equals so that he may distract people from His Path.

You, the Messenger, [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You may enjoy with your persistent denial for a little while,

thereafter it is certain that you are amongst the companions of Hell-Prison" [39:08]

And this is how the Word of your Sustainer Lord is proved and established upon those who persistently refused to accept

that indeed they are the companions of the Hell-Prison. [40:06]

There is absolutely no doubt in it that the one towards whom you people call me there is no worth  for him to be called neither in this worldly life and nor in the Hereafter; and that we have to return towards Allah,

and that the transgressors are the ones who are the companions of  Fir/Hell-Prison. [40:43]

  • It is certain that the Wealth and the Progeny of them-Muna'fi'qeen might not avail to fetch them laxity and relaxation tangibly from Allah the Exalted.

  • They are the ones who will be the residents-companions of/in Hell-Prison.

  • They will abide therein permanently. [58:17]

[Same information in 9:20;23:111;24:52]

Not are equated the residents of Hell-Prison and the companions/residents of the Paradise;

the companions/residents of the Paradise are the people who are the perpetually successful ones". [59:20]

Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [unitary verbal passages presenting information, facts and knowledge in the Book], they are the ones who will be the residents/companions/subject of  scorching heat/in Hell-Prison. They will be the permanent residents therein. Beware, it is an evil abode/destination to land in.  [64:10]


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