
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.











[Same information in same words in 11:61]

And towards Sa'mued We sent their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65,,85;11:50,61,84]

 Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said,, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;

indeed a demarcating/segregating sign/emblem has since come to you people from your Sustainer Lord.

[Similar pronouncement in 11:64;26:55;91:13]

This is the she-camel, for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:64]

therefore leave her freely feeding in the land of Allah

[Similar pronouncement in 11:64;26:156]o

and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by terrible torment. [7:73]

And you people recall when He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after  [fall/annihilation] of Aad civilization;

and settled/established you people in the Earth the plains of which you adopt for palaces

[Same information in 26:149]

and you people carve out the mountains for houses.

[Same injunction in same words in 7:69]

Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah

[Same prohibition in exact these words in 2:60;11:85;26:183;29:36]o

and do no like mischief-doers create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society. [7:74]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:88]

The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who showed arrogant superiority said

to the people from the weaker segment of the society, of course those ones who had accepted/believed, "do you people know that Saleh is the one has been sent as Messenger by his Sustainer Lord?"


They replied, "Certainly we are the believers in what he has been sent with" [7:75]

Those who showed arrogant superiority said to them, "Indeed we are the refuters/rejecters of that one you people have believed in" [7:76]

For reason of arrogant rejection they hamstrung the she-camel and thus went to irreversible extreme against the command of their Sustainer Lord.


And they said, "O Saleh! you bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the Messengers" [7:77]

[Replica/Mirror 7:91]

Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their area. [7:78]

[Same information/words in 7:93]

[returning from parenthetic] In response to their extreme misconduct he turned away from them saying, "O my nation! I have undoubtedly conveyed/delivered to you people the message of my Sustainer Lord and I cleansed/perfected for you people


but you people do not like the perfectionists/sincere advisors" [7:79]


[Same information in same words in 7:73]

And towards Sa'mued We sent their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65;73,85;11:50,61,84]

   Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;

 He has produced you from the Earth and has settled you people therein.

Therefore [for what you have been doing hitherto] you seek forgiveness from Him and afterwards you people turn to Him perfecting sincerity/conduct.


Truly my Sustainer Lord is Near/Omnipresent and Responsive [to those who ask of Him]. [11:61]

They said, "O Saleh! you were a brightening hope among us before this [stance of yours].

Are you forbidding us that we should not be allegiant/worship what our forefathers worshipped/were allegiant?

[Same assertion in 14:09]o

And we are indeed in skepticism towards Whom you are inviting us, a doubt/skepticism causing disquiet/duality of thought/disconcert". [11:62]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:28,88]

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! Have you thought that if I am on the standpoint of rational and logical reason/Fact [Aa'ya'at] from my Sustainer Lord

[Similar pronouncement in 11:28]

and/since He has given me Blessing from Him.

Then who will help me from Allah if I defy the word/message of Him?


In that case you people [by expecting that] will be adding for me nothing except loss. [11:63]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:73;26:155;91:13]

And O my nation! This is the she-camel, for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73]

therefore leave her freely feeding in the land of Allah;

[Similar pronouncement in 7:73;26:156]o

and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by a nearby torment. [11:64]

[Similar information in 51:43]

Then/for reason [extreme defiance] they hamstrung her. On this he said to them, "you people enjoy in your home for [another] three days.


This is the promise, the other of belied/false one" [11:65]

In keeping with the promised word when the time of Our Command reached, We rescued/saved Saleh [alai'his'slaam] and those who had believed along with him with the mercy from Us [in keeping with our promise and self assumed obligation of saving the Messengers and believers], and saved them to watch the humiliation [of their nation] on that day.


Indeed, O you the Messenger, your Sustainer Lord is the Absolutely Powerful, Absolutely Dominant. [11:66]

And the sound blast [during the daytime causing earthquake-7:78;51:44] seized those who had done wrong/mischief;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:94]o

and resultantly they turned/became debris in their respective houses, [11:67]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:95]

[they were smashed into pieces-54:31] as if they had never availed therein.

The fact is that indeed the Sa'mued refused to believe in their Sustainer Lord.


So [in keeping with the laid down principle] distancing away was for the civilization of Sa'mued. [11:68]



And indeed in the past the "People of Rocks" [Civilization Sa'mued] publicly contradicted the Messengers [sent to them] [15:80]

and We gave them Our Aa'ya'at, in response/for reason they deliberately and knowingly kept  avoiding/neglecting and refrained those. [15:81]

And they kept carving in the mountains residential houses feeling quiet secure. [15:82]

Resultantly the sound blast [violent earthquake-7:78] seized them when they were awake at true dawn. [15:83]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 39:50;40:82; similar 26:207]

Then/for reason that which they had attained could not avail to avert anything from them.15:84]


The people of Samued publicly contradicted those who were sent as Messengers. [26:141]

When their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] them "Would you people not take heed and be cautious? [26:142]

[Mirror/Replica 26:107,125,162,178; same in 44:18]

Indeed I am for you people the trusted Messenger.

[Mirror/Replica 26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179; same in 3:50;43:63]

For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word.

[Replica/Mirror 26:109,127,164,180]o

And [since I am merely discharging the entrusted trust to you] I do not ask you people for that any worldly remuneration, because/that my reward is due on none except upon the Sustainer Lord of Worlds. [26:145]

Will you people be left in what is here as secure people [26:146]

[Replica/Mirror 44:52]

in the gardens and springs, [26:147]

[Read with 6:99;50:10]

and cultivated crop-fields and trees of date-palms spikes of which are cropped. [26:148]

[Same information in 7:74]

And you people carve out the mountains for houses skillfully/artistically. [26:149]

[Mirror/Replica 26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179; same in 3:50;43:63]

      For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:150]

And you people do not accept the word of the transgressors, [26:151]

who create distortions and imbalances in the society/Earth and they do not reform". [26:152]

They replied, "You are only from amongst those who are obsessed by illusions. [26:153]

You are none except a human like us,


[if your claim is otherwise] then you bring an unprecedented demonstrative sign if you are from amongst the truthful in your statement". [26:154]

[Similar information in 7:73;11:64;26:155;91:13]

He said, "This is the she-camel, [for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah] for her is the term of drink and for you people is the term of drink on designated day; [26:155]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:73;11:64]

and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by a torment of great day. [26:156]

Then/for reason [extreme defiance] they hamstrung her, thereafter/for reason of having met severe torment they became regretful. [26:157]

[but having seen the infliction regret is of no avail in accordance with laid down principle] Thereby the affliction seized them.

[Replica/Mirror 26:08,67,103,174,190; in same words in 26:139]o

Indeed in it is certainly a demonstrative lesson/sign [unlimited creativity of their Sustainer Lord]. But most have them have not been the believers. [26:158]

 [Replica/Mirror 26:09,68,104,140,175,191]

And indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:159]


And indeed We had sent towards Sa'mued their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam]

 [may ask them] "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah"


In response, when he told them, at that point in time they became two groups [one believers the other rejecters] mutually disputing/exchanging heated arguments. [27:45]

[Read with 13:06]

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! Why you people seek the punishment/adversity to be hastened  before arising the good/pleasant situation?

Why not you seek forgiveness from Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:132;6:155;7:63;7:204;24:56;36:45;49:10]o

 so that you people are dealt/subjected with mercy. [27:46]

[Read with 7:131;36:18]

They/the ruling elite replied, "The cause of our adversities are you and he whoever is with you".

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "The cause of your adversities is from Allah.


Nay, the fact is that you are the people who are subjected to a liquefying trial". [27:47]

And there in the city used to live a group of nine men,


 they were in habit of creating distortions and imbalances in the society/Earth and they did not reform. [27:48]

They said, "You people mutually swear by Allah that we will surely attack him by night and his household;


afterwards the attack we will certainly emphasize for his heir that we had not witnessed the destruction of his household and indeed we are certainly truthful in our statement" [27:49]

And they devised the conspiracy and We planned a plan


[We fully knew their conspiracy] and they had no idea/perception/clue of that plan. [27:50]

Resultantly, give a thought, how was the eventual fate of their ill-design,


that We We destroyed them by forceful entrance and their nation, altogether. [27:51]

Resultantly their houses are veiling the devastation/dilapidation/ruins upon their roofs for being persistently unjust;


indeed in this [ruins, archeological evidence] is certainly a demonstrative sign/lesson so that people may know [the eventual effect of being persistently remaining unjust] [27:52]

And We had saved/rescued those who believed and they persistently remained cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear. [27:53]




And as for Sanued are concerned, for reason We had guided them [by sending Messengers] whereupon they deliberately inclined themselves prefer mindless blindness over the Guidance, 

resultantly seized them the thunder of infliction of painful belittlement

[Same reason in same words 6:129;7:96;9:82,95;10:08;36:65;45:14]

for the reason of that which they people deliberately and consciously did and performed. [41:17]

[Same information in 27:53]

And We saved/rescued [in keeping with Our promise and self assumed obligation] those who believed and they persistently kept themselves remain cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear. [41:18]



[Similar information in 11:65]

And there is a lesson in the episode of Samued when it was said for them, "you people enjoy for some time"[51:43]

Thereat they rebelled against the command of the Sustainer Lord of them whereupon a thunderbolt seized them while they were watching it. [51:44]

Thereat  they were neither able to withstand  it nor could they seek for themselves help. [51:45]


People of Samued publicly contradicted the Warnings, [54:23]

whereupon they said to people, "Should we all consciously make ourselves to follow a solitary man from amongst us,

indeed if we do it certainly in that case we will be in neglectfulness and insane infatuation. [54:24]

[Read with 38:08]

What is this! has the Reminder sent to/placed before him from amongst us all?

Nay, actually he is a egotist liar" [54:25]

[the Messenger was informed] "They will know tomorrow who is really the egotist liar. [54:26]

Indeed We are sending the She-Camel as a liquefaction trial for them.

Therefore you keep consciously watching them and consciously retain your coolly perseverance. [54:27]

And inform them that the water is to be shared between them,

each and every drink point will be mutually made attended". [54:28]

Consequently they called their Leader whereat he drew the sword thereby hamstrung her. [54:29]

[Replica/Mirror 54:16,21]

Consequently how was My punishment and "My votive treats"? [54:30]

Indeed We sent upon them a single piercing thunderous blast

whereupon they became like dry twig fragments consciously and purposely colleted by one who pens cattle and/or fences the crop field. [54:31]

And it is a certain fact that We have since simplified/made easy the Grand Qur'aan for convenience of saving in memory, comprehension, understanding and recalling to narrate and taking lesson;

[Replica/Mirror 54:17,22,40]

therefore, is there one from amongst who consciously and purposely saves it in memory, comprehends, understands and recalls to mention/take lesson and admonition? [54:32]



The people of Sa'mued publicly contradicted because of their over brimming in transgression [91:11]

[Read with 54:29;91:15]

when the most wicked of them undertook the assignment/job, [91:12]

For reason/in consequence to what the Messenger of Allah has said to them, "this is the She Camel of Allah and the term of her drinking" [91:13]

[Similar information in 11:65]

Then/for reason they contradicted him and in defiance they hamstrung her. In consequence to their sin their Sustainer Lord caused upon them the complete destruction whereupon effaced them. [91:14]

[Read with 91:12]

and he/the most wicked one  was not fearing/mindful of its end result/eventuality. [91:15]