Beast: An animal, especially a large four footed mammal.

Creature: created thing; somebody or something that has been created.

Animal: a living organism that is distinguished from plants by independent movement and responsive sense organs.

















































Plants, produce of earth.








































































































:Classification of Animals; eight families of mammals.


           Allah has informed:

"And in every moving living creature that He scatted in earth" {Refer 02:164}

"these are the things/bits of information/knowledge for people to reflect" {Refer 02:164}

"And He scatted in earth every moving living creature" {Refer 31:10}

"And what He scatted in the two {sky and earth} earth every moving living creature" {Refer 42:29}

 "And in the creation of you people and those scatted in earth from every moving living organisms are Signs/information/knowledge for people of conviction/or people may get convinced" {Refer 45:04}

The wordis ordinarily translated as "beasts", "animals", "creatures".


YUSUFALI:  in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth;
PICKTHAL:  and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein,
SHAKIR:  and spreads in it all (kinds of) animals,

Rashad Khalifa: spread in it all kinds of creatures.

The Root of is "د  ب  ب". The basic concept infolded in the Root is gentle, soft, noiseless movement, walking, creeping. Therefore translating this word as "beasts" is absolutely incorrect since beast conveys the perception of an animal especially a large four footed animal. Grand Quran has employed this word for all living organisms which are distinct by moving faculty as against static life, like plants.

"If Allah were to punish people for their excesses/wrong-doings He would not have left a single living moving specie" {Refer 16:61}

"If Allah were to punish people for what they had earned He would not have left a single living moving specie upon sky/earth" {Refer 35:45}

The issue is about the excesses of human beings therefore the question of punishment is also related to them. There the word is used for the entire living moving organisms. And then further classification of is made in two separate groups, human beings and animal kingdom.

"And Allah is The One who created man from water" {Refer 25:54}

"And Allah created all animals from water.

Then amongst them some creep on their bellies;

and some amongst them walk on two legs and some among animals walk on four legs

Allah creates whatever He likes/wills. Indeed Allah has absolute power/command over everything" {Refer 24:45}

                   And then further classification of animals is made by distinction between animals moving on earth and flying in the sky.

"And there is no animal on earth nor any bird that flies with two wings except that they are species/communities/groups/nations/generations like you people"

"We have not neglected mention in the Book from something" {Refer 6:38}

The living beings with capability of motion have been divided into three groups. Human beings, animals and birds. The distinct feature of bird is indicated as flying with two wings. This is the only distinction for the classification of a bird even today in the 21st Century. The common thing between all the three is that they are species/communities. It negates all those conjectural theories which talk about change and shift from one class to another class. An animal has all along been an animal and a bird has all along been a bird. Each specie is a distinct specie from beginning to extinction.

Man is distinct from animal and are further divided into groups:

And amongst men, and animals and cattle {herbivores} are of varying colors. And for that


indeed those fear Allah amongst His servants who have knowledge/information" {Refer 35:28}

have been classified separately from rest of the animals. Who are they?

"produce of the earth which is eaten by people and cattle {herbivores}" {Refer 10:24}

And with that water We produced various species of herbs. Eat yourselves and pasture your cattle {herbivore} {Refer 20:53-54}

And brought out with that crops, from which provided  food for their cattle and for them. {Refer 32:27}

"He brought from it its {stored} water and its pasture; provision for you and for your cattle" {Refer 79:31,33}

"And fruits and grass, provision for you and for your cattle" {Refer 80:31-32}

It has abundantly and conspicuously explained that are those who eat the produce of earth of various kinds. are therefore only herbivorous. The herbivores range from insects (such as aphids) to large mammals (such as elephants), but the term is most often applied to ungulates, or hoofed mammals. Notwithstanding that there are numerous animals who survive on plants, the produce of earth as their food/diet but the term , herbivores is even today applied only to those milk-giving Mammals who are even-toed ungulates and in present day classification they are categorized as Artiodactyls. are milk giving mammals;

"And indeed for you there is instructive sign/lesson/point/info for investigation in cattle; We make you drink what is in their bellies; like in between broken food and blood, raw milk easy to swallow/digest for drinkers" {Refer 16:66}

"And indeed for you there is instructive sign/lesson/point/info for investigation in cattle; We make you drink what is in their bellies; and for you in them are many advantages and some out of them you eat" {Refer 23:21}

"And for them in them are advantages and drink, For this should they not be grateful?" {Refer 36:73} ٱلْحَمْدُ للَّهِ

       According to the classification of Quran are milk producing {mammals} herbivores. And Grand Quran tells about the number of families included in herbivores mammals:

"And from amongst herbivore mammals We have sent for you eight families/species" {Refer 39:06}

 And the ground reality is that in the scientific classification of animal kingdom, the herbivore mammals have nine families:

(1) Camelidae: Camels;

(2) Cervidae: Deer 

(3) Giraffidae: Giraffes and Okapi

(4) Antilocapridae: Pronghorn

(5) Tayassuidae: Peccaries

(6) Hippoptamidae: Hippopotamuses

(7) Tragulidae: Chevrotains

(8) Bovidae: Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Antelope

(9) Suidae: Pigs

The Grand Quran has used the word لَكُم "for you people". Amongst the the ninth family is Swine-Pig which is not for human beings; it is prohibited for them. For human being eight families from amongst have been sent.

                      And then the Grand Quran has given further classification/division of herbivorous mammals:

"And He has created herbivorous animals. For you people in them is warmth {fur}, and other advantages and from amongst them some you eat" {Refer 16:05}

"And that We have subjugated herbivorous animals for them, therefore some of them are for travel and some from them are for their eating" {Refer 36:72}

"Allah is The One Who has made for you people herbivorous animals so that some of them may be used for traveling and some from them are for their eating" {Refer 40:79}

                It has thus been made clear that only some of the herbivorous animals are permissible for eating while some are employed for travel/carriage of weight.

"And amongst the herbivorous animals there are some for burden carriage and some for slaughter, eat what Allah has provided you" {Refer 6:142}

"And they carry your loads to lands/places which you could not carry to those places except with great distress/fatigue" {Refer 16:07}

"And He created horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride/carriage and use for show/attraction. And He has created others whom you people do not know" {Refer 16:08}

              It is interesting to note that Quran has not included and mentioned camel along with horses, mules and donkey as beast of burden while it is commonly known as a valuable beast of burden which could carry a load up to 454 kg. Camel has been mentioned separately:

"The sacrificial camels We have made for you as among the symbols from Allah; for you there is much in them

therefore pronounce the name of Allah over them when line them for sacrifice; and when they are down on their sides after slaughter, then eat thereof" {Refer 22:36}

The Quran is , a statement of proven fact; and a proven fact is not effected in time and space. The Quran has subdivided the into two groups and it is only recently that in scientific classification they have been separated into Artiodactyls {even toed} in which camel is included and Perissodactyl {odd toed} which include horses and asses.

                    The Grand Quran has specifically clarified as to which of are for eating.

"Permissible/lawful for you are in herbivorous animals" {Refer 5:01}

"And mention {on sacrificial animals} the name of Allah  during the appointed days on what Allah has given them from amongst those herbivorous animals who are " {Refer 22:28}

"so that they mention {on sacrificial animals} the name of Allah  on what Allah has given them from amongst those herbivorous animals who are "{Refer 22:34}

: Its Root is "ب  ه  م" dubious, confused or vague or indefinite speech or language; a rock or great mass of stone, solid not hollow. With reference to herbivorous animals it would then mean stout bodied with vague-indefinite speech-voice. These are those animals who make the half-nasal, half-throaty noise. A pig whose family is not meant for human beings and has specifically and distinctly declared as unlawful also has a voice called Grunt: half-nasal, half-throaty noise that a pig makes.