
Root:      ق ر ر

settle, firm, fixed, reside in the place.


Root:       م  ك  ن

a place, abode, power, strength, authority.


Root:      م  ه  ن

weak, contemptible


Root: و  د  ع

bid farewell to, leave the thing and to empty. Reconcile and enter into agreement. A depository.

A trust entrusted to someone for safe custody.

The precision, beauty and comprehensiveness of this word in relation to the sex matter of husband and wife could be visualized and appreciated if the process ending in the joining of sperm with the egg is examined.








The prostate is a variable-sized gland located in the
male pelvis, usually the size of a walnut measuring 3-4 centimeters long by 3-5 centimeters in width. On
average the gland weighs about 20 grams. It is found behind the pubic bone, in front of the rectum, and below the bladder, surrounded by the pelvic muscles.
The prostate surrounds the urethra which carries
urine from the bladder to the penis and travels in the center of the gland. The seminal vesicles attach to the prostate and produce material that mixes with prostatic fluid to form semen. This fluid is then ejaculated during
orgasm by a connection to the urethra called the
ejaculatory ducts.

Cowper's glands are two small glands, about the size of a pea, located on each side of the base of the penis. Their secretion is thick and clear and is believed to protect the spermatozoa against excess vaginal acidity.


To comprehensively understand the perception and meanings of

please read about the process involved and the diagram of the prostate anatomy from front and back. Warning: It names and shows the parts of male genitalia but in the shape of a diagram normally available in medical books/sites.


Journey of Sperm Video/animation



























: Perception and meanings; Pushed into seminal fluid.


               Whenever someone will reflect upon his existence/presence the inescapable conclusion would be that he is a created one and that there is someone Who is his Creator. I thought that there will be none to deny such a vivid fact. But an opinion does not have the strength of truth, it is a conjecture at that point of time. Qur'aan proved even my this presumption as incorrect. There are people who do not accept/certify even this undeniable fact.

We have created you people. Then why don't you accept/admit it?

Do you people see/reflect on that you people pour? [into receptacle]

"Do you people create him? or We are the Creator" [56:57-59]

                  The creation of the first man and then the process of creation of his posterity is described:

And We have created the man from an extract from clay. Afterwards We made him a sperm in firm/strengthening/resting/stationing place. [ 23:12-13]

                 The posterity of first man, Adam is created from a sperm which is kept at and then poured into some other place. It is elaborated:

And He is the One Who created you living people from one person; then/for reason [for continuation process] there is a resting place and a depositary [receptacle as a trust/deposit]. . [Refer 6:98]

Where is the of the sperm with which man is created and why it needs strengthening?

Afterwards his posterity was made from extract secretly drawn from desiccated/artfully made water [Refer 32:08]

The Grand Quran has informed that the beginning of the posterity of man {Adam عليه السلام} is from an extract secretly drawn from water of weak/lowly nature. Thereafter it is made a sperm by placing it in meaning a safe maturing/strengthening place. It has been elaborated:

Did We not create you people from the desiccated/artfully made water? Then/for reason made that water stay in a safe maturing stationing place [epididymes] towards an appointed measure/proportion? [77:20-22]

The man's creation is initiated from an extract secretly drawn from a weak/low estimation water and then it is placed at a safe and maturing/strengthening  place. is a place where one stays with safety for a considerable period of time. And today we know and have also seen that the scrotum is a pouch that hangs below the penis and contains the two testes, which produce sperm (the male sex cell responsible for fertilization) and are considered part of the internal genitalia. The testes also are the primary producers of testosterone (male sex hormone) in men. Inside the testes are about 1000 seminiferous tubules that manufacture and store the sperm. The scrotum can pull up closer to the body when the surrounding temperature is low and can drop farther away when the temperature is hot in order to keep the testes at an optimal, constant temperature somewhat lower than body temperature.

         After sperm are produced, they move out of the testes and into the epididymes, a long tube coiled against the testes, where the sperm are stored and mature.

                 This is the where they are matured/strengthened and stay there for a longer period without losing the ability of fertilizing the egg. How this sperm from his stronghold is deposited/seen off, bade off to be placed in a depository/receptacle?

Created him from one active participial pushed into water which secretes/discharges from between the backbone and ribs. [86:06-07]

Traditionally, influenced by the statements of old writers, it is translated as under:

YUSUFALI: He is created from a drop emitted-Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs: 
PICKTHAL: He is created from a gushing fluid That issued from between the loins and ribs.
SHAKIR: He is created of water pouring forth, Coming from between the back and the ribs.

Rashad Khalifa: He was created from ejected liquid From between the spine and viscera. {viscera. the internal organs of the body, especially those of the abdomen such as the intestines}

         is active participial noun, singular, masculine. Man is created from only one sperm though in one ejection there are 300 million sperms deposited/poured into wife's vagina. The Root of this word is "د  ف ق". According to  ابن فارس المتوفى 395 هجرى the basic perception infolded in it is to press/push something forward. Qur'aan has stated that man is created from one male active participial who was pushed into that water which "يَخْرُجُ" secretes, comes out in between the back bone and ribs.

               The sperm is placed at , he is the one active participial with which man is to be created; he is pushed into the water that secrets/discharges from in between the backbone and ribs. The sperm is carried from epididymes through the tubes to the prostate where the sperm are pushed into seminal fluid secreted/discharged by prostate and seminal vesicles attached to the prostate gland. And now the sperm is moving in the semen. It is still with the man and has not been bid farewell/poured to the place of depository . The point will be easily understood by reading about the movement of sperm before being sent to the depository as a "trust" to the wife in any encyclopedia about the male reproductive system of human beings. Sperm does not have the ability of self movement; it is first moved/pushed upwards to be thrown into the secretions {semen} discharged from prostate and seminal vesicles and then goes downward floating in the semen eventually to be poured into the depository.

               In men, orgasm occurs in two stages. First, the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate contract, sending seminal fluid to the bulb at the base of the urethra, and the man feels a sensation of ejaculatory inevitability—a feeling that ejaculation is just about to happen and cannot be stopped. Second, the urethral bulb and penis contract rhythmically, expelling the semen—a process called ejaculation.

"And that He created the pairs, male and female from a sperm when it is poured/lodged"[53:45-46]

"Was he not a sperm in the semen which is poured/lodged" {Refer 75:37}

"And from him {sperm which was in the semen poured} created two sexes, male and female" Refer 75:39]

     The Grand Quran had informed humanity, 1400 years back, that the male and female both are created from that sperm which is poured into the depository . And it is common visible knowledge that it is only the semen of the man which is poured. Woman has no role to play in the determination of sex of new human being to be born. And today it has become visible and known to us. Where this is to be deposited, bid farewell, given, poured as a "trust", who is the trustee? Is that trustee safe?

"He is the One Who has created you from a single person and from him made his mate/wife so that he may have satisfaction upon her. And when he covered her she carried a light burden and moves with it" {Refer 7:189}

This has abundantly made clear the . Something is handed over/deposited/given as a trust only to such depository/person about which one is sure that it is safe and protected. Women are required to be sought for the purpose of making them "مُحْصَنَاتٍ " taken into a safe and secure fold, kept as a pearl, wives. Woman is the trustee of the purpose of creation. The purpose of creation is to test and expose who amongst the human beings conduct in a moderate/decent manner. And the creation of man is now a trust deposited with the woman. She is a trustee; she does not betray the trust. And let us remember that the Creator, Lord of the Worlds, Allah has a great liking and love for the Trustees. We should always be mindful of the honor, dignity, respect and the place Allah has granted to the woman.

             The aforesaid information about the stages and journey of sperm inside the body of the male  was narrated and made public by a resident of valley of Mecca located in a desert about 1400 years back, the Last Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. And he did not claim that what he stated was his own knowledge or research. Despite that would someone be considered a man of rational attitude if he attributes the discovery of journey of sperm, with such a precision and vivid manner, and it being the source of determining the sex of under creation human being to Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم as his personal knowledge/ understanding/ perception/research?

"Do they say, "He {sincere servant upon whom the Book has been sent} has drafted/compiled/fabricated/forged it from his own perception/knowledge/understanding?

No, their perception is wrong; the reality is that this Book is the statement of proven/evident fact from your Sustainer Lord with the objective that you may warn a nation whom a Warner was not sent before you, so that they may get guidance" {Refer 32:03}