Index of /English Tafsir e Haqeeqat/002. Meanings and Tabweeb of words/007. Habalil Warid VOCAL CORD/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[IMG]000. a Diagram of Vocal cords.gif2021-10-14 10:04 86k
[IMG]000. Diagram of voice system.gif2021-10-14 10:04 68k
[IMG]001. Al Warid {word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]001. Habalil Warid {word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]01. 50.16-17.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]01. 50.16-18.gif2021-10-14 10:04 3k
[IMG]01. a 50.16 {Towaswiso nafs}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]01. a 50.16-18.gif2021-10-14 10:04 3k
[IMG]01. b 50.16 {Aqrabo min hab...}}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]01. c 50.17 {When two take}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]01. d 50.17 {Ya ta laqqa word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]01. e 50.17 {Al mutta laqeyan word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]02. 111.05.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]03. 20.66 {Hibalohum}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]03. a 26.44 {Hibalohum}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]04. 12.19 {Warida hum}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]05. 28.23 {Warida}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]06. 1198 {aurada}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]06. 1198 {part 2}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]07. 19.71 {Warido}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[TXT]07. Hablil Warid Vocal Cord.htm2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[TXT]07.Duplicate copy retained.htm2021-10-14 10:04 58k
[IMG]09. 19.86 {wirdan}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]10. 21.98 {Waridoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]11. 16.19 {Tolenoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]12. 2.77 {Yosiroona and Tolenoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]13. 27.25 {Tolenoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]14. 64.04 {Tolenoon and knows in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]15. 11.05 {Tolenoon and knows in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]16. 27.74 {Tolenoon and knows in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]17. 28.69 {Tolenoon and knows in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]18. 36.76 {Tolenoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]19. 60.01 {Tolenoon}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]20. 71.09 {tolenoon means publically}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]21. 3.29 {tukhfoo what in chest or describe}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]22. 3.118 {saying with mouth conceqling in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]23. 3.119 {Allah knows what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]24. 3.154 {Allah knows what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]25. 8.43 {Allah knows what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]26. 29.10 {Allah knows what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]27. 40.19 {Allah knows eyes mischief what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]28. 57.06 {Allah what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]29. 67.02 {Allah what heart possess}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]30. 100.10 {brouht out what in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]31. 114.05 {brouht out what in hearts}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]32. 67.14 {Would He not know who created}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]33. 30.22 {language}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]34. 43.80 {know secret talks and write}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]35. 86.04 {one guard}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]36. 2.104 {Dont say Raina}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]36. a 2.104 {Raina word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]36. b 4.46{by twisting tonge Raina word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]37. 47.30 {recognize by style of talk}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]38. 7.20 {regarding Waswasa}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 3k
[IMG]39. 20.120 {regarding Waswasa}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]40. 114.04-05 {regarding Waswasa}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]41. 7.21-22 first part {oath and cheating}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]42. 15.39 {Satans strategy}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]43. 4.119 {Satans strategy}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]44. 4.120 {Satans strategy nothing but deceit}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]45. 21.37 {tendency of haste}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]46. 20.115 {He forgot witout wilful}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]46. a 20.115 {Fa naseya Word}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 5k
[IMG]47. 2.36 {He made them slip.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]48. 2.209 {slipped after the book}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 2k
[IMG]48. a 2.209 {slipped after the book}.gif2021-10-14 10:04 1k
[IMG]48. b 2.209 {last paert}.gif2021-10-14 10:05 1k
[IMG]49. 16.94 {oaths make people slip}.gif2021-10-14 10:05 1k
[IMG]50. 20.114 {increase my knowlege}.gif2021-10-14 10:05 1k
[IMG]51. 3.103 {Rope of Allah}.gif2021-10-14 10:05 2k
[IMG]52. 5.07 {Allah tied you with}.gif2021-10-14 10:05 2k
FileHLW Word Forms Units Vowels.mht2021-10-14 10:05 521k
FileUCLA Phonetics Lab Vocal Fold Animation.mht2021-10-14 10:05 137k
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