
مضارع واحد مؤنث غاءب

low, faint, gentle manner; spoke or talked indistinctively, with confused manner, prompted or suggested; vain things suggested; something that disturbs the mind to confuse and to make stupid, an evil or unprofitable idea, thought, imagination which bestirs itself or occurs in the mind.



Two rulers/ governors with reference to a state..

Majority of the writers has translated this word as "angels". Satan was not that big a stupid to have said something in which there would have been no fascination for Adam since he had seen the angels paying him respect. He knew his superiority. Why would he like to become from amongst those who bowed before him? Malik {ruler} has been clarified by the word Mulk {kingdom, country}. There was even no remote justification to translate the word as "angels"



Root  غ  ر  ر

Deceive, beguile, make someone desire what is vain or false rendering him neglectful.
































مضارع واحد مؤنث غاءب















Jugular Vein

Blood vessel that carries blood from the head and neck to the heart. There are two sets of jugular veins, one on each side of the head. Each set is composed of two major veins: the external jugular vein and the internal jugular vein.

Lying just beneath the surface of the skin, the external jugular vein is formed when smaller veins from higher up in the head unite around the area of the lower jaw. The external jugular vein transports the blood from the outer portions of the head, including the scalp and face, into the subclavian vein at the base of the neck, which also carries blood back from the arms toward the heart.

The internal jugular vein is larger than the external jugular vein and lies deeper beneath the surface of the skin. Most of the blood that it carries comes from the brain and the neck. After passing behind the collarbone (jugulum in Latin), the internal jugular unites with the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein.

Many animals are slaughtered by the cutting of their jugular veins. The loss of blood, especially from the brain, is so great that the animal loses consciousness almost immediately and dies quickly.































Root: ل  ق  ى throw; meet or find face to face; encounter something; perceiving some thing by senses; communicate.


singular, sitting


It makes a comparison between two, nearer as compared to other.


Secret/privacy talks.


Open, manifest, public.



Conceal, hide



It signifies utterance from the mouth containing words of a language.






Root:        ل  ف  ظ

The basic perception infolded in this root is to eject, cast, disgorge and  therefore means to pronounce a word from mouth.


















































































































Please read it here

Perception and meanings; Vocal Cord.


Quran e Majeed had informed mankind, 1400 years back, as follows:

"We will henceforth keep visually exposing, Our tangible-physical realities prevalent in the Universe and in their own bodies, to the eyes of those who do not accept the Qur'aan, in order that it may become self evident/manifest for them that this Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact." {Refer 41:53}

                The Grand Quran has informed that Allah will keep bringing to human visual observation, the knowledge about the universe and human body, and it will become manifest to the people that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact/absolute reality. Why a first time visual observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests that, the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only if the same thing verbally finds mention of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal specification and visual observation are in fact two aspects/methods of identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by Arabic word . The visual observation of an earlier unseen fact by humans will manifest that Book as a Book of fact which, written earlier in time, contains its verbal presentation. This will establish that the Book really contains verbal statements of physical/scientific facts and is not conjectural, hypothetical and presumptive in its contents.

                 Allah has informed us:

"And indeed We have created the man. And We know that thought [desire/lust-heart] which inspires/ fascinates/allures his self. And We are nearer to that thought than the Cord that makes reach when the two Receivers/Acknowledgers may make themselves confront/acquire this thought [as buzzy sound] respectively from right side and left side, each sitting on one side. Man does not throw away any word from his statement except that there is always one near him alert to take that [for putting it down in writing/recording]." {Ref 50:16-18}

Traditionally the translation of above quoted Ayahs is as under:
YUSUF ALI: It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein. Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left. Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it)
PICKTHAL: We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. When the two Receivers receive (him), seated on the right hand and on the left, He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready
SHAKIR: And certainly We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his life-vein. When the two receivers receive, sitting on the right and on the left. He utters not a word but there is by him a watcher at hand.  

Rashad Khalifa:  We created the human, and we know what he whispers to himself. We are closer to him than his jugular vein. Two recording (angels), at right and at left, are constantly recording. Not an utterance does he utter without an alert witness.

                   Whatever has been stated as translation and explanation it is actually the material they picked up from old Exegeses like Ibne Kathir, Al Qurtabi and Jalalain. And in almost all the exegeses in Urdu and perhaps in other languages too, if they had merely copied, similar material is found.

                     Let us first study the perception and meanings infolded in the individual words used:

تُوَسوِسُ  Root: و س و س : In lexicons we find its meanings as low and faintly heard sound; to speak indistinctively or with confused manner; prompt or suggest something that disturbs the mind and confuses it. The Quran has given and explained in a very simple manner the perception infolded in this word. It says:

"Then he created for both two of them confusion, so that it may become visible to them what was hidden of their bodies from each other, {how he created the confusion?} and said " The Lord of both of you has not forbidden both of you from this tree except that both of you may not become governors {rulers} or become as immortals/people of permanence

And he swore to both of them that he was their sincere advisor. This is how by deceit he made both victim/fall" {Refer 7:20-22}

"Then he created confusion for him by saying "O Adam! May I lead you to the tree of eternity and to a kingdom that never falls/decays?" {Refer 20:120}

وَسوَسَ singular, masculine, third person, past {واحد مذكر غاءب ماضى معروف}. This was an act of the Satan to confuse Adam by stating something fascinating which could create a desire and an aspiration to obtain and get hold of that thing. Satan did nothing except making this statement to Adam. A fascinating thing which inspires a desire and a hope for achieving something that is made to look great and remarkable is the perception and meaning infolded in the word الوسوس. And this act has been declared as his deceit/fraud/cheating with which he succeeded in making them his prey for their fall. Satan had made clear his strategy as to how he would try to deceive and make human beings astray. He had said:


"I will make them forgetful/neglectful; {how, what would be the technique/strategy?} and I will create for them false hopes and desires" {Refer 04:119}

"{Be cautioned, Satan's strategy/modus operandi is} He gives them promises and false hopes and desires. And Satan promises them nothing but for deceiving them" {Refer 04:120}

وَسوَسَ creates a desire, false hope, fascination and it causes excitement and excitement results in disquiet. Excitement and disquiet of the heart and brain results in forgetfulness from the thing/point earlier told or which is in the knowledge/memory of the man. Allah had told Adam while asking him to stay as a guest in the Paradise along with his wife that he should not go near a certain tree otherwise he will be considered amongst those who interrupt/use the things of others without permission; and that in that eventuality he will no more deserve to stay as guest there and they will have to quit the place. And they were told that Satan will make an attempt upon them to get them out of that place since he had become an apparent/evident enemy of them. No physical restraints/structures were placed to make it impossible for Adam to reach that tree. Allah treated and considered them as honorable guests and by it also made it clear that they had the freedom of their decision/choice/action. Man has the tendency of haste. They just entered the paradise. But he did not ask/prayed for a clarification/reason about the advice regarding that particular tree.

"Someone has mingled/molded the man confounded/perplexed/distracted/ bereft with haste" {Refer 21:37}

How haste in action could be avoided?

"And say, "My Lord! Increase my knowledge.

And in the past We had made an obligation upon Adam but he forgot though We had not found any willful/deliberateness for {forgetfulness} what he did" {Refer 20:114-115}

            Satan experimented his strategy. He imagined and concocted fascinating story that could create an excitement and desire and told Adam and to put substance and weight in his utterance he swore to him to be his well-wisher. In, and about the words of Allah new fascinating words/statements were added by Satan. This alone is the strategy and powerful technique to make people forget and slip away from the original words of Allah. What is the effect of وَسوَسَ narration of imaginative, conjectural assertions loaded with fascination and attractive possibilities?   

"As a sequel, Satan made both of them slip" {Refer 02:36}

Adam was told exciting and fascinating things about the tree and to convince him Satan took oath also. An oath is taken to emphasize the truth and correctness of some stated thing. And this purpose can also be achieved by ascribing some statement to some big name who enjoys great respect amongst people.

"And do not make your oaths a means of deception amongst people with the result that someone's step  may slip after it was firmly established" {Refer 16:94}

One can slip only by وَسوَسَ i.e. by fascinating and imaginary statements spread in the society which inspire people. And the slipping results in forgetting the original and genuine thing; "For that Adam forgot". Allah has warned us:

"And if you people slipped after having reached to you distinct statements in the Book

Then know and remember that Allah is The Sovereign, The Wise " {Refer 02:209}

We have observed that the الوسواس is to approach and adversely effect the intellect/brain of a man through his heart. A fascination, desire will create passion which will influence and pressurize the intellect/brain and the result will be forgetfulness and making it act thoughtlessly and stupidly yet perceiving it as an intelligent and beneficial approach. This is the deception.

"And indeed We have created the man. And We know with what thought {heart} inspires his self"

Allah is the Creator and He knows what is going on between the heart and brain of a man. This point has been made very clear at many places:

"Say "If you conceal/hide what is in your hearts or reveal it publicly {it is one and the same thing}, Allah knows that" {Refer 3:29}

{Refer 3:119; 05:07; 31:23}

{Refer 3:154;64:04}

{Refer 8:43;11:05;35:08;39:07;42:24;67:13}


"Indeed Allah is aware/knows the possessions/secrets of  chests/hearts"

"Would He not know Who created? {He knows} And He is the One Who is The Awarer to the Finest detail/precision" {Refer 67:14}

"And We are nearer to that thought than the communicating cord when it is taken/received by the two Receivers" {Refer 50:16-17}

              It is composed of two words. Traditionally it is translated in exegeses and lexicons as "Jugular vein" though "حَبلِ" individually is also translated as "Jugular vein". حَبلِ etymologically means "rope or cord" which necessarily implied that it is twisted conveying the concept of strength; and metaphorically transmits the concept of bond, cause of union and connection, means of approach or access to a thing/person/group. Let us see its use in the Quran both in etymological and metaphorical way:

 "He said, "No, you better throw first". And when they threw their ropes and their rods" {Refer 20:66}

"And they threw their ropes and their rods" {Refer 26:44}

"A twisted rope of palm-leaf fiber round her neck" {Refer 111.05}

"And bond yourself all together with the Rope of Allah {The Quran} and do not divide into groups and always remember Allah's this favour upon you" {Refer 03:103}

        What was this particular favour needed to be remembered and which one is the Rope of Allah that keeps the people bound as one unity and not let them scatter into groups? Rope binds things together into a bond of unity/fraternity/closeness/compactness. The metaphor of  حَبلِ has been explained in the most simple, vivid and conspicuous manner here:

"And always remember Allah's  favour upon you and His bond with which He has tied/bound you when you said "We have listened and we have accepted" {We have listened and accepted Quran. This is the only promise, our covenant, our obligation; nothing else} {Refer 05:07}

             It should be remembered that ONLY ONE ROPE can bind the things compacting/compressing them into one unit/bond/nearness/unity/relationship. It is the Book alone which unites people into a coherent social unit. Additions of traditions/sayings by individual people in time and space only create dismemberment and scattering of the people in groups. It is the most successfully tested technique of the enemies of the Messengers, the Book and Allah to spread material to un-tie people from the bind of Rope of Allah. All the Messengers in time and space came with the objective of Reviving the Message of Allah {Book} and to take them away from the traditions and sayings of their forefathers which had become shackles in their necks restraining independent reflection by intellect.

             We have cross checked from the Quran that حَبلِ etymologically means "rope or cord" which necessarily implied that it is twisted conveying the concept of strength; and metaphorically transmits the concept of bond, cause of union and connection, means of approach or access to a thing/person/group.

Its Root is "و  ر  د". It means "come, arrive, reach; lead cattle to water place; to make something reach somewhere. Let us find its meanings and perception from the Quran:

 "He {Pharaoh} will lead his people on the Day of Judgment, and made them reach the Fire. And indeed woeful is this reaching place to which they are led" {Ref 11:98}

"And there came a caravan; and they sent their water-carrier and {reaching the well} he let down his bucket into the well" {Refer 12:19}

وَارِدَ  is a person who draws water from well etc then he carries it to make it reach to other people.

"And there is none amongst you who will not reach her {place of hell}" {Refer 19:71}

 It may please be noted and remembered here that the words made from this Root do not prescribe entering into a place but its meanings are restricted to reaching a point where the limit of a place start. This meanings have immediately been clarified in the very next verse where this word has occurred:

"And We shall let the sinners driven towards Hell, like thirsty cattle driven towards water place" {Refer 19:86}

  Particle/preposition. It can be used both with regard to time and space. In simple terms "towards". After reaching the gates of hell those whose abode is that place shall be asked to enter into it.

"And when he reached at the watering (place) in Madyan" {Refer 28:23}

                 The Quran has quite distinctly explained both the words in . Its meanings are evidently "The communicator rope".  حَبلِ can never be used to represent "vein" since it is a vessel that carries liquid; it makes liquid to reach somewhere. Jugular Vein is blood vessel that carries blood from the head and neck to the heart. There are two sets of jugular veins, one on each side of the head. Each set is composed of two major veins: the external jugular vein and the internal jugular vein. In simple terms these are four pipes not rope. Let us now see the context in which is used:


"And We are nearer to that thought than the cord that makes reach, when it is taken/received from right side and left side by the two Receivers, each sitting on one side"

        is mentioned in relation to a point of time reflected by the word "إذ" denoting time "when". And this point of time is "when it is perceived/taken by two Takers/ Perceivers one from right side and one from left side, one sitting {on each side}".

is singular, masculine, third person, aorist.

  active participial, dual, masculine. Two takers/perceivers.

          It is thus abundantly evident that has nothing to do with "jugular vein". Allah has said that He is "أَقرَبُ" nearer to the thought of the man than when it is taken/perceived by the two takers/perceivers. What is the meaning and perception of Allah being nearer to the thought when it is taken by the other two and how is it so? It is because a thought is in the chest before it is communicated to others by words or sound and Allah's claim is this:

"Are they not aware that Allah knows what they secretly say and what they say publicly/openly" {Refer 2:77}

"Allah knows what they secretly talk {withhold in their hearts} and what they say publicly/openly. Indeed Allah is aware/knows the possessions/secrets of  chests/hearts" {Refer 11:05}

"Allah knows what they hide {withhold in their hearts} and what they say publicly/openly. {Refer 27:25}

"Allah knows what their hearts hide {hold/conceal} and what they say publicly/openly. {Refer 27:74}

"For that you {O Messenger} should not feel grieved with their utterances of mouth. We certainly know what they secretly say and what they say publicly/openly. {Refer 36:76}

              Allah is nearer to the thought of man than when it is perceived/taken by two Takers/Perceivers since He knows the secrets of the heart and knows the thought whether it is withheld in the chest or communicated and made public. Thought of a person becomes known to others by قَول utterance of words from mouth. Let us see relation of thought with its communication to others

"And We are nearer to that thought than the cord that makes reach, when it is taken/received from right side and left side by the two Receivers, each sitting on one side. Man does not throw away any word from his statement except that there is always one near him alert to take that {for recording}".

               While studying earlier aboutit was noted that the word does not prescribe making something enter into somewhere, it denotes to reach a point where the limit of a place start. And now see the perception and meaning of the word "يَلفِظُ". Its Root is  ل  ف  ظ. When we utter a word from our mouth we do nothing except ejecting a sound, throwing a word into the air to create vibration in the ear drum of listener. We only make the word reach that point where limit of listening begins. We cannot make the ejected word/sound reach inside the brain of the listener. It is his own choice to interpret it and store it in his memory in whatever manner/perception he decides to store it. It is for this reason that the duty and responsibility of the Messenger of Allah is restricted to "بلغ" meaning to deliver/make reach people the message/Book and not make/force people to accept it. It is the freedom/ choice of man to accept or refuse it.

               As soon a man utters a word from his mouth it is recorded in writing by the one alert near him.            

 "There is no person but has a guard upon him" {Refer 86:04}

"Or do they think/presume that We do not hear their secrets and their private/secret counsels/talks? Indeed We do; and Our messengers are by them taking and recording their utterances". {Refer 43:80}

                  Allah knows the thoughts/passions of the heart with which he inspires his intellect, since He knows the secrets of the heart. The thought is made public or pronounced and it involves a process. Till such time a man keeps his thought withheld in chest it is known apart from that man only to Allah. But once man decides to process the thought for conveying it to some one secretly/privately or by whispering or by saying it loudly the first to perceive/take that thought are the two Receivers/Perceivers who take it from the before that man throws it into the air in the shape of words of his statement {قَول}. The two have taken the thought of the man immediately after it was converted into buzzy sound by the vibration of that made it reach them.

                  It seems in the ordinary life that we say something from the mind directly through the tongue. But that is not the truth. We speak to people through the chest. Although it seems to happen without time lag but there is a process involved in the thought converting to a word of a language. Let us see it in the manner of medical students:

Diagram of Voice subsystems

Voice as We Know It = Voiced Sound + Resonance + Articulation
Voiced sound: The basic sound produced by vocal fold vibration is called "voiced sound." This is frequently described as a "buzzy" sound. Voiced sound for singing differs significantly from voiced sound for speech.
Vocal Folds (also called Vocal Cords)
"Fold-like" soft tissue that is the main vibratory component of the voice box; comprised of a cover (epithelium and superficial lamina propria), vocal ligament (intermediate and deep laminae propria), and body (thyroarytenoid muscle)

Diagram of Vocal Cords

The vocal cords lie in the center of this framework of Larynx in an anterior-posterior orientation. When viewed from above the right and left folds appear as a "V"-shaped structure with the aperture between the "V" forming the entrance to the trachea. At the rear of the larynx on each side, each vocal fold is attached to a small arytenoid cartilage. Many small muscles also attach to the arytenoids. These muscles contract or relax during the various stages of breathing, swallowing, and speaking, and their action is vital to the normal function of the larynx.
"Wiper-Like" Movement of Vocal Folds
The vocal folds move similar to a car's windshield wipers that are attached to the middle of the windshield and open outwards. The front ends of both vocal folds are anchored to the
front-middle (anterior commissure). The back ends of both vocal folds are anchored to the arytenoid cartilages. When arytenoids are moved to the open position by the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, vocal folds open, resulting in glottal opening. When arytenoids are closed by the lateral cricoarytenoid and inter arytenoid muscles, vocal folds are brought to the midline resulting in glottal closure.
Resonance: Voiced sound is amplified and modified by the vocal tract resonators (the throat, mouth cavity, and nasal passages). The resonators produce a person's recognizable voice.

Articulation: The vocal tract articulators (the tongue, soft palate, and lips) modify the voiced sound. The articulators produce recognizable words.
Voice Depends on Vocal Fold Vibration and Resonance
Sound is produced when aerodynamic phenomena cause vocal folds to vibrate rapidly in a sequence of vibratory cycles with a speed of about:
110 cycles per second or Hz (men) = lower pitch
180 to 220 cycles per second (women) = medium pitch
300 cycles per second (children) = higher pitch
higher voice: increase in frequency of vocal fold vibration
louder voice: increase in amplitude of vocal fold vibration
Vibratory Cycle = Open + Close Phase
The vocal fold vibratory cycle has phases that include an orderly sequence of opening and closing the top and bottom of the vocal folds, letting short puffs of air through at high speed. Air pressure is converted into sound waves.
The Process of Voice
Voice production involves a three-step process.
A column of air pressure is moved towards the vocal folds: Air is moved out of the lungs and towards the vocal folds by coordinated action of the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, chest muscles, and rib cage
Vocal fold vibration – sequence of vibratory cycles:
Vocal folds are moved to midline by voice box muscles, nerves, and cartilages
The vibratory cycle occurs repeatedly; one vibratory cycle is as follows:
Column of air pressure opens bottom of vocal folds
Column of air continues to move upwards, now towards the top of vocal folds, and opens the top
The low pressure created behind the fast-moving air column produces a "Bernoulli effect" which causes the bottom to close, followed by the top
Closure of the vocal folds cuts off the air column and releases a pulse of air New cycle repeats.

The rapid pulses of air created by repeat vibratory cycles produce "voiced sound" which is really just a buzzy sound, which is then amplified and modified by the vocal tract resonators, producing voice "as we know it"  

                It is thus evident that the thought first gets converted into a sound created by the vibration of the vocal cord which is done by numerous cells just in response to the will/decision of the person. Otherwise in the process a deliberate/conscious physical act is not ordinarily involved. It is for the scientists to conduct research/study to find if perception/thought has a built in sound/energy which could excite the cells to create an appropriate air pressure and vibrate the cord in a manner exactly to give the matching sound in which that thought/perception is infolded. Today we have the instruments and cameras to see and measure the vibration of vocal cord. There are particles in Arabic which cannot be articulated by people of other languages; for example Turks articulate/pronounce "ك"as "chay". If the words have built in energy/sound then while uttering word "الله اكبر"the vocal cord of an Arab, a Turk, Pakistani, Japanese should produce similar buzzy sound/vibration. This can be experimented by the speech/vocal cord experts. And if we find a relationship in the sound and the concept/thought/idea then the sound of animals could be translated to find the concept/thought/idea of the animal he conveyed through that sound.

                One question may agitate the mind that as to why two Receivers/Perceivers take and record the thought immediately when it is translated/converted into buzzy sound before being articulated by the person and shaped in words/recognizable speech for others? The simple answer is that Allah's record keeping is superbly minute. Man has the capacity to twist the thought after having been converted into buzzy sound by twisting his articulators i.e. tongue and lips. It is for this reason:

"O You who claim have believed! Do not say and instead say "Please look/attend us" and then listen carefully" {Refer 02:104}

Why the believers were asked to avoid the use of an Arabic word? The reason being that amongst the the people who claim to be believers there are also who are not actually the believers but Munafiq. They used to twist their tongues while uttering this word to convey a perception different than the one which had come out from their hearts:

"Any they say with a twist of their tongues" {Refer 4:46}

             If prejudice and bias does not scum our intellect how could one deny that the Grand Quran is "" a statement of proven fact? Grand Quran had used the word حَبلِ , Cord about 1400 years back and when it has now been seen by human beings/medical specialists/scientists they have also given it the name "cord". We call it "vocal cord", a cord that makes reach the voice, which contains the thought of the person, to others.

And indeed We have created the man. And We know that thought [desire/lust-heart] which inspires/ fascinates/allures his self. And We are nearer to that thought than the Cord that makes reach when the two Receivers/Acknowledgers may make themselves confront/acquire this thought [as buzzy sound] respectively from right side and left side, each sitting on one side. Man does not throw away any word from his statement except that there is always one near him alert to take that [for putting it down in writing/recording]. {Ref 50:16-18}