

Parts of Speech-Visual identification of Phrases comprising Nouns.

The text of languages is typically divided into three categories:

1. Word

2. Phrase

3. Sentence

  We have already acquired the skill to recognize and identify the Nouns just by watching the text of Grand Qur'aan. We have also acquired the skill to visually identify the Prepositional Phrases by memorizing an Inseparable Preposition and few Separable Preposition [Particles]. We will now try to acquire the skill to visually identify other Phrases comprising Nouns.

Phrase: It is a string of words that form a constituent and so function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. A phrase is lower on the grammatical hierarchy than a clause. These are compounds, in Arabic الْمُرَكَّبَاتُ. When two or more words are joined they constitute a Phrase [مركب ناقص] or [مركب تام] a Sentence-جُمْلَةٌ

In default state, they are always in "Nominative" case, which is reflected by the vowel sign ـُُ  or the same sign doubled ـُـُ, on the last consonant of the word. the nominative case (رفع)

أَلإضَافَةُ ٱلْحَقِيقِيَّةُ

   [literally: annexation, addition, or attachment] Possessive Phrase-"the Construct"

[مضاف و مضاف إليه]

Annexed, attached, or possessed And second Noun is termed as "Annexer", or "Possessor"


We are familiar with the Possessives in English like "my, their, etc" and possessive clitic "-'s". الإضافة in Arabic represents primarily the association of one Noun with another Noun.

[two nouns, one "belonging/having association" to the other]


[مضاف و مضاف إليه]


*          The noun that is possessed comes first, and is called مضاف meaning "additive", "attached", "annexed", "appendix";

**         The noun that is the possessor comes second/after, and is called مضاف إليه ;

***       The first and the second noun worry about their own gender and plurality.

****     If the second noun is definite, the first noun derives its definiteness from the second noun.

*****   Since the first noun derives its definiteness from the second definite noun, therefore, in possessive phrase the first noun will never have definite article and nor "nunation/تنوين .

******  The نون that is the suffix for duality and masculine sound plurality will also drop.

******* The first noun, whatever its grammatical state may be, which is determined by external factors, it will always render the second noun in the genitive case.


We can learn and determine the prepositional, possessive and adjectival phrases, just by carefully focusing on the written pattern of the words of the sentence, whether or not we have those words/nouns in our vocabulary and understand their meanings. A little concentrated effort with couple of sentences is the requisite where after, Insha-Allah our brain will automatically parse the sentence for us simultaneously while reading from the Grand Qur'aan. Remember and believe in Allah's word that it is easy to retain in memory and distinctly comprehend.


Grammarians say that the genitive state in Mudaf Ilaihi is due to the estimation of a genitive particle whose government is present while the particle itself is not. The original expression could be estimated.......Min [Fawaid] The government of Izafa is semantic government related to meaning. 

A complex Possessive Phrase may contain several nested annexers but only the last will take the definite article.

In everyday speech, a phrase may refer to any group of words. In linguistics, a phrase is a group of words (or sometimes a single word) that form a constituent and so function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. A phrase is lower on the grammatical hierarchy than a clause.

Possessive Phrases in Grand Qur'aan

1 Recurrence: (1)1:02(2)6:45(3)6:162(4)7:61(5)7:67(6)7:104(7)10:10(8)10:37(9)26:16(10)26:109(11)26:127(12)26:145(13)26:164 (14)26:180 (15)26:192(16)27:08(17)27:44(18)32:02(19)37:182(20)39:75(21)40:65(22)43:46(23)45:36(24)56:80(25)69:43=25


2 (1)01:06=1


3 (1)01:06=1
