However, since our first objective is to attain
the ability of recognizing and knowing the nouns of Grand Qur'aan merely
by seeing the text without consulting a dictionary/Lexicon, we
restrict ourselves to visual study. The second type of Prepositional
Phrase occurring in the Grand Qur'aan is
It is composed of Inseparable
Preposition لِ
and the Proper Noun
with genitive sign on its last consonant.

The Particles have following seventeen sub divisions:
Genitive particles;
الْمُشَبَّهَةُ بِالْفِعْلِ"
resembling a verb;
3) "حُرُوفُ
الْعَطْفِ" Appositive particles;
4) "حُرُوفُ
التَّنبِيهِ" Particles of Notice;
5) "حُرُوفُ
النَّدَاءِ" Vocative Particles;
6) "حُرُوفُ
الإيجَابِ" Particles of Reply
7) "حُرُوفُ
الزَّيادَةِ" Extraneous Particles
8) "حَرفَا
التَّفْسِيرِ" Two particles of Clarification;
9) "حُرُوفُ
الْمَصْدَرِ" Particles of Masdar [Verbal noun}
10) "حُرُوفُ
التَّخْضِيضِ" Particles of Incitement;
11) "حَرْفُ
التّوَقُّعِ" A particle of Anticipation;
12) "حُرُوفُ
الإستِفهَامِ" Interrogative Particles;
13) "حُرُوفُ
الشَّرطِ" Conditional Particles;
14) "حَرْفُ
الرَّدعِ" A particle of Impediment;
15) "تَاءُ
التَّأنِيثِ" The Feminine Marker "Ta";
16) "نُونُ
التَّنوِينِ" The Nun of Tanwin;
17) "نُونُ
التَّاكِيدِ" The Nun of Emphasis.
Particles are divided into the
following 15 categories.
حروف الجر: genitival particles
الحروف المشبهة بالفعل: the particles that
resemble verbs
الحروف العاطفة: conjunctions (e.g. “and”)
حروف التنبيه: particles used for alerting
(e.g. “Hey!”)
حروف النداء: vocative particles (e.g. “O”)
حروف الإيجاب: particles for affirmative
answers (e.g. “yes”)
حروف الردع: particles used for negative
answers (e.g. “never”)
الحروف الزائدة: extra
حروف التفسير: particles that introduce an
explanatory sentence (e.g. “i.e.”)
حروف المصدر: gerundival particles
حروف التحضيض: particles use for prodding
حروف القرب: particles used to indicate
nearness in time or certainty (e.g. “has/had”)
حروف الإستفهام: interrogative particles
حروف الشرط: conditional particles
Genitive Particles are particles coined to connect a
verb, a word resembling a verb, or in the meaning of a verb to a noun
which is adjacent to it.
Amongst the category of Particles, near eighty in the Language, one
group is “Prepositions" and is termed as "حُرُوْفُ
the Genitival Particles. It is so termed because of its
most striking and visible attribute/characteristic
that the noun [the noun phrase or adjective object] attached to it/object
of it is ALWAYS in genitive case or genitive state if it is indeclinable
In Arabic, the Nouns have grammatically three "cases-الإعْرَابُ"
which are respectively called Nominative; Accusative and Genitive.
The Cases of Nouns-الإعْرَابُ
Case |
Arabic term for case |
Arabic term for such
word |
Visual Consequence |
حَالَةُ الرَّفْعِ
grammatically in nominative state
There are
eight roles
when the noun will be in this state which will show to our eyes
its function therein. |
last consonant has a vowel sign
or double sign written like
and is called
تَنوين [Nunation].
حَالَةُ النَّصْبِ
There are
twelve roles
when the noun will be in this state which will show to our eyes
its function therein. |
last consonant has a vowel sign
or two such diacritics.
حَالَةُ الْجَرِّ
There are
two roles
when the noun will be in this state which will show to our eyes
its function therein. |
The last consonant has a vowel sign
or two such diacritics.
It is said that prepositions are difficult to
define but are easy to understand. They, in
Urdu and English, generally tell the "position" of people or things in
relation to where other people or things are located. They show
relationship between objects in space, where one thing is in relation to
another, and they can show relationship in time when an event occurred
in relation to another event. Prepositions refer to a location or a direction and the meanings of
perceptions can apply to concepts of space or time. And in Arabic they can relate facts not
effected by time and space, i.e. absolute facts or realities. Grand Qur'aan begins with a prepositional phrase
reflective of the fact that it has been made easy to understand.
Genitival Particles are particles coined
in order to connect a verb, a word resembling a verb, or in the meaning
of a verb to a noun which is adjacent to it. Genitive particles are
If the preposition govern an
adverb, the later, of course, does not change its form.
Every harf jarr necessitates a majrur, and every
primary harf jarr necessitates a muta'allaq (bihi) i.e. a verb or
verb-like noun to which it must be linked/connected.
In Arabic prepositions are of
two categories:
Inseparable prepositions.
* Separable prepositions.
is a single consonant coupled with a short vowel.
The consonant "ب"
with vowel
is first such preposition "بِ"
which is used in Grand Qur'aan. It is always conjoined with the NOUN,
An inseparable/prefixed preposition always comes before a NOUN and it does not
come before a verb.
The noun following a preposition is
changed from
nominative case to the
genitive case, the apparent
sign of which is the presence of vowel
on the last consonant of the Noun.
حرف الجر: Inseparable Preposition,
particle governing the genitive case.
The preposition bi designates
contiguity in its broadest sense. It has a wide range of uses including
spatiotemporal, instrumental and manner adverbial.
bi for substance: a relate
use but not instrumental as such, bi meaning "with" in the sense
what constitutes of the filling, a substance or accompaniment,
abstract/figurative use: one
way or another; because of/on account of; in the same way; by the aim
Manner adverbial: The prep bi
can be used with a noun to modify a verb phrase by describing the manner
in which an action took place.
(1)for connectivity, be it true
or figurative.
(2). For accompaniment.
(3) For assistance;
(4) to make a verb
(5) for an adverbial meaning;
(6) for requital;
(7) extraneous; according to
a rule for the negated Khabar, also in interrogation;
In Arabic language the words
are divided into three categories which are mutually exclusive and
embrace all words in the language.
In Arabic prepositions are of
two categories:
Inseparable prepositions.
* Separable prepositions.
Inseparable prepositions consist of one letter. These are "بِ" "تَ",
"وَ", "لِ, لَ", "كَ".
is بِ + إسمٌ.
is one of حروف الجر
the genitival particles, it takes down the vowel
of the last letter of noun and pronoun downwards, i.e. the noun and
pronoun is declined to Kasra, genitive case. And both are collectively termed as
جارٌ و مجرورٌ.
**It is used to denote "with".
"Beginning is with the name/code".
**It is used to denote a cause
when used with Anna and Ma.
**It is also synonym with Fee
before a noun [adverb-ظرف] signifying place or time.
** It also denotes
substitution, i.e. instead of or in place of.
Preposition "ل ِ "

[جار و مجرور Prepositional Phrase]
لِ [الاختصاص
for, indicating exclusive prerogative] +
Proper Noun, masculine; genitive.
Particle is called/termed as
كثير المعاني
a particle denoting multiple
meanings/uses. But following the "Made Easy" pattern of Grand Qur'aan we
need not delve about that here]
Just undertake an exercise as was done earlier about Prepositional
Phrase with "بِ"
for finding next such جار و مجرور Prepositional Phrase
with Prefixed
لِ and attached noun
with vowel
on the last consonant
This will give us grammatical understanding and
grasp over hundreds of words of Grand Qur'aan with use of eyes just for
ten minutes.
Inseparable prepositions consist of one letter. These are "بِ" "تَ",
"وَ", "لِ, لَ", "كَ".
There are less than 80 particles in the entire
language. Due to the number being so small, it is possible to categorize
them based on their meanings and their effects, explaining the meaning
of each particle one by one.
words in Arabic are divided into three categories.
The following is a more detailed treatment of this.
Particles don’t impart a meaning on their own. This
means that they are only understood when other words are mentioned along
with them. In fact, their very purpose is to expose certain attributes
in the words around them. For example, the word “and” cannot be
understood fully unless it has something to its right and left, as in
“you and I”. The purpose of “and” in this example is to expose the
attribute of conjunction in the words “you” and “I”. Another example is
the word “from”. On its own, it doesn’t give a clear meaning and it
needs to have something after it, as in “from Basra”. In the example,
the word “from” exposes the attribute within Basra of being an origin.
Without “from”, this attribute would not have otherwise been apparent.
Hence any word that does not impart a meaning of
its own accord, rather it helps expose attributes of other words, is a
particle. If this is not the case, then the word is either a noun or a
Any sound released from the mouth of a human is
termed by the Arabs as ‘utterance’ (لفظ).
Now utterance may be sensible or it may not be. Sensible utterance is
that which makes sense to the Arabs, and it is termed ‘coined utterance’
Non-sensible utterance is that which does not carry any meaning for the
Arabs. This includes things like foreign speech, awkward sounds, and so
forth, and it is termed ‘unpointed utterance’ (مهمل).
Coined utterance is then either realized as single
words (كلمة),
or as multiple words (كلام).
If these multiple words have a copula (a link between the subject and
predicate) then the speech is termed a ‘sentence’ (جملة).
Otherwise, the speech is known as a phrase (كلام
غير مفيد). Examples of sentences are “he is back” and “I ate the
apple”, where “is” is the copula in the first sentence and the copula in
the second sentence is abstract. Examples of phrases include “the old
woman across the street”. Within these words there is no copula, hence
the speech is a phrase.
There are relatively few particles in the language
(less than a hundred) and all of them are
مبني. These particles do not experience grammatical roles; they
don’t become subjects, objects, or any such thing. Therefore, there is
no need for them to decline and so they don’t.
Be careful not to confuse meaning with grammatical
role. A particle may have several meanings (e.g.
باء can mean ‘with’ or ‘by means of’), but that does not mean it
experiences roles.
Particles are divided into the following 15
حروف الجر: genitival particles
الحروف المشبهة بالفعل: the particles that resemble verbs
الحروف العاطفة: conjunctions (e.g. “and”)
حروف التنبيه: particles used for alerting (e.g. “Hey!”)
حروف النداء: vocative particles (e.g. “O”)
حروف الإيجاب: particles for affirmative answers (e.g. “yes”)
حروف الردع: particles used for negative answers (e.g. “never”)
الحروف الزائدة: extra
حروف التفسير: particles that introduce an explanatory sentence
(e.g. “i.e.”)
حروف المصدر: gerundival particles
حروف التحضيض: particles use for prodding
حروف القرب: particles used to indicate nearness in time or
certainty (e.g. “has/had”)
حروف الإستفهام: interrogative particles
حروف الشرط: conditional particles
(1)01:01(2)11:41(3)27:30=3 Root:
س م و
"Beginning is with the name/code"
Prefixed preposition
;definite article
Noun: Singular; Masculine; Genitive. (1)2:03(2)5:94(3)12:52(4)18:22(5)19:61(6)21:49(7)34:53(8)35:18(9)36:11(10)50:33(11)57:25(12)67:12=12
This preposition is used for 2538 times??
Today NASA gives me the news that after 1000 years there shall be an
eclipse. I accept it without questioning. Why? I accept it because I
know they have said it on the basis of knowledge that they have. They
tell me that on such and such date at such and such time a cyclone will
hit your seashore, we immediately take appropriate precautionary
measures. If Allah had given news about the happening in future 3-9
years, what is strange in it that this news should not have been
accepted? One Messenger had told his nation that enjoy for another three
days and then you will face a tragedy and Book tells that it happened.
What is strange in it not to accept?
All actions are taken only with a purpose.
If we are not sure of the possibility of achieving the desired result,
men of prudence do not perform an act. There is always doubt before
knowledge. And there is always a conviction/belief/understanding of
achieving the desired result for which we intend/decide to take an
And our capability of action is dependent
upon the fact that Allah has created everything by قدر and making it
تقديرا. Had everything around us not like that, could we imagine of
taking a decision even for taking a glass of water? We know the things
only by relationship. And anyone who is not aware of the result of his
doings seems to have been acting in a distorted state of mind. We know
the future; we know our destiny; we are the writers of our own book,
which will decide our fate. We will be our own judge. Everything is
recorded. And when we read about our past actions, we recall and see
them in our vision. That day we will recall/see minutest of things done
good or bad.