from their Sustainer Lord

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05] [Its Replica/Mirror 31:05]

: Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase, it (متعلقان بمحذوف صفة لهدى) relates to the elided adjectival of preceding indefinite noun.

Separable Preposition.

Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite by construct; Masculine; Singular; genitive + Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; Masculine; Plural, genitive.

Their very purpose of prepositions is to expose certain attributes in the words around them. They relate to verbs, adjectival description - specification of an indefinite noun which may be elided in the sentence, and it relates to elided circumstantial clause of a definite noun in the sentence. This grammatical unit relates to elided adjectival clause (متعلقان  بمحذوف صفة); and relates to elided circumstantial clause (متعلقان بمحذوف في محل نصب حال); and to the preceding verb (متعلقان بالفعل).

Recurrences: 16

: (1)2:05(2)2:157(3)3:136(4)5:2(5)5:66(6)7:152(7)31:5(8)47:15=8



: (1)2:26(2)2:136(3)2:144(4)3:84(5)47:2(6)47:3=6

متعلقان بالفعل ;  متعلقان بمحذوف في محل نصب حال ; متعلقان  بمحذوف صفة

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05]

  • Allah the Exalted certainly considers it not a matter of shyness-reluctance-embarrassment to strike example of a female mosquito; thereby highlighting that which exists besides herof that which enters a female mosquito where after it reaches to top of her.

  • The response of those who have since heartily accepted-believed is that they understand it as infallible fact disclosed and communicated by their Sustainer Lord.

  • However, as for those are concerned who have rejected-refused to accept, they in response question others, saying; "What is that which Allah has intended by this disclosure-similitude?"

  • He by such revelation exposesproves/let many remain aberrant;

  • And He the Exalted guides with it many.

  • Realize it that except for those who are: aberrant: averse, dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints, He the Exalted by it does not let anyone remain unmindful. [2:26]


  • You people say to Jews and Christians; "We have believed in Allah the Exalted, and in that-Grand Qur'aan which has been compositely sent to us.

  • And we believe in that which was compositely sent to Iebra'heim, and Iesma'eile, and Ies'hauq; and to Ya'qoob [عليهم السلام]; and in that sent to excessively numbered progeny.

  • And we believe in that which was given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Easa [alai'his'slaam].

  • And in that which was given to all those declared as Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants [plural of Nabi علیہم السلام] from their Sustainer Lord.

  • We do not castoff-seclude a single one from amongst them.

  • And we are subjects exclusively for Him the Exalted consciously following Constitution-Code of Conduct prescribed by Him the Exalted". [2:136]


  • We are indeed continuously watching, O you the Messenger, the frequent turning of your face into the Sky. 

  • For this reason, We swear- assure you that We will certainly give you the guardianship of the Qib'la'tan: Ka'aba.

  • Fulfillment of this promise will make you persistently pleased.

  • Therefore, keep fronting your face to the Sacred Mosque as long as you are out- away from it.

  • And wherever and from whatever direction you people- believers have exited; thereat, purposely cause your selves face to face that Mosque when you are away from it.

  • It is a fact fact that those who were earlier given the Book certainly understand that this promise of guardianship in the Grand Qur'aan is an established fact ordained by their Sustainer Lord.

  • Beware, Allah the Exalted is never ever unmindful about what they people do. [2:144]

  • They-the coolly perseverant are sure of the blessings of tranquility and mercy to shower upon them from their Sustainer Lord.

  • And they are truly the people who persistently and consciously guide their selves aright. [2:157]

  • You the Messenger [Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم] tell believers to pronounce; "We have believed in Allah the Exalted, and in that which has compositely been sent upon us;

  • And we believe in that which was compositely sent upon Iebra'heim, and Iesma'eile, and Ies'hauq; and upon Ya'qoob [عليهم السلام]; and in that sent upon his excessively numbered progeny.

  • And we believe in that which was given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Easa [alai'his'slaam].

  • And in that which was given to all those declared as Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants [plural of Nabi علیہم السلام] from their Sustainer Lord.

  • We do not castoff-seclude a single one from amongst them.

  • And we are subjects exclusively for Him the Exalted consciously following Constitution-Code of Conduct prescribed by Him the Exalted". [3:84]

  • They are the people: their reward is forgiveness promised-guaranteed by their Sustainer Lord.

  • And Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually.

  • And the reward of performers is pleasant and aggrandizer. [3:136]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You should not liquefy-untie-disrespect the symbolic emblems of Allah the Exalted;

  • Nor the sanctity of the sacred month;

  • Nor the offerings nor the garlanded sacrificial animals;

  • Nor those who visit the House of Sanctity seeking Grace and appreciation from their Sustainer Lord.

  • And when you are free from the pilgrimage restraints-bindings then you hunt for game.

  • And nor let the ill feeling overpower you that you people may over step against a people for the reason that they stopped you to visit the Sacred Mosque.

  • And cooperate and facilitate in matters of righteousness-commodiousness-helping and accommodating people, and in endeavours for salvation.

  • But you people should not participate-collaborate in dilapidating acts-sinful activities, and digressions/injustices/excesses.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted is severe in awarding punishment/takes the matter to its logical conclusion. [5:02]

  • Know it; Had they in time and space remaining faithful to their pledge enforced, implemented and stood by At-Tor'aat; and likewise Al-In'jeel; and had they stood by that: Grand Qur'aan which has been compactly relayed towards them by their Sustainer Lord:

  • Certainly they would have enjoyed nourishment from space above them and underneath their feet [in Paradise as per Articles of Agreement/Solemn Pledge-5:12, instead of facing scorching heat from below and above in Hell-Prison].

  • Their composition: A fairly balanced rational group has existed and is present amongst them.

  • But  majority of them are characteristically deviants; vile; abominable and evil way is how they conduct. [5:66]

  • Know the information about those who willingly adopted the sculpted Golden Calf as godhead: Criminal cognizance/liability to arrest [for the Day of Resurrection] decreed by their Sustainer Lord will become incumbent for them.

  • Moreover, dependence/pitiable-ness/humiliation will reach to them in the worldly life.

  • Mind it, this is how We "award" those who innovatively craft and conjecture falsehood distorting the fact. [7:152]

  • They do not listen except hearing in a playful mood whatever warning - information comes to their notice anew quoted from the Reminder- Admonishment: Grand Qur'aan received from their Sustainer Lord. [21:02]

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success - fruitfulness. [31:05]

  • And news about those: Who had heartily accepted-believed and conducted righteously and moderately [Nisara-Christians, and Monotheist believers belonging to people whom book was not given];

  • And acknowledged-believed in that which was gradually sent to Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]; (Grand Qur'aan):

  • -- And it is the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse, which is sent compositely towards them in easy to read and comprehend composition by their Sustainer Lord --

  • He the Exalted has exonerated them of their past lapses and shortcomings;

  • And has perfected their condition. [47:02]

  • This dichotomous end result is because of the reason that those who refused to accept-believe in Grand Qur'aan they had purposely followed the conjecture and scum.

  • And that those who accepted-believed they diligently followed, in letter and spirit, the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse: Grand Qur'aan which is sent compactly towards them in easy to read and comprehend composition by their Sustainer Lord.

  • This is the manner Allah the Exalted strikes for the people citing their own credentials. [47:03]

  • The similarity - portrayal of the Paradise, which is promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation

  • Therein are streamscontinuous flow-supply of water void of contamination, stagnation and stinking;

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of milk the taste, quality, nutritional value of which will never deteriorate;

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of wine/hard drinks which will be delighting for drinkers

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of honey made absolutely pure;

  • And for them are therein all sorts of fruits;

  • And absolute protection from the Sustainer Lord of them;

  • Is the above mentioned person comparable with the one who is permanently residing in heated Hell-Prison

  • And were given to drink water, hot at boiling point, which resultantly pricked their intestines. [47:15]

  • [you have not seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, since they don't exist] Indeed these are merely feminine names which you people and your forefathers have coined/innovated for which Allah the Exalted has sent no affirmation/authority for it.

  • Indeed they consciously and purposely follow nothing but the fabricated conjecture and hypothetic non verifiable assertions and that which their selves desire

  • While the fact is that the Guide [Qur'aan] has since come to them from the Sustainer Lord of them. [53:23]

Progressive number of grammatical units: =  + 16

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