Our Majesty have granted them the sustenance

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.

  • And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted] [2:03]

Main article:  Economics: : Sustenance that sustains life

Recurrence: (1)2:03(2)8:03(3)22:35(4)28:54(5)32:16(6)42:28=6

: It is a verbal sentence: Verb: Perfect; First Person; Plural; [نَا] Subject Pronoun in nominative state +  Suffixed Object pronoun; third person plural; masculine, in accusative  state; مصدر-رِزْقٌ Verbal noun. Recurrence:   (1)2:03(2)8:03(3)13:22(4)14:31(5)16:56(6)22:35(7)28:54(8) 32:16(9)35:29(10)42:38=10 - reproduced below.

Verb: Perfect; First Person; Plural; [نَا] Subject Pronoun in nominative state +  Suffixed Object pronoun; third person plural; masculine, in accusative  state; مصدر-رِزْقٌ Verbal noun. (1)10:93(2)17:70(3)45:16=3

It stems from Root: ر ز ق which signifies sustenance, livelihood, all that is necessary for life and its comforts. Sustenance with everyone is the grant of His Majesty, Allah the Exalted.

: It is a verbal sentence; 'they spend'. Most, if not every, words in a language can have a set of collocates, other words which are typically associated with the word in question and are compatible, to a greater or lesser degree. The tendency of certain words to co-occur has to do with their propositional meanings. This word co-occurs with : sustenance, livelihood, all that is necessary for life and its comforts. The prepositional phrase and the verbal sentence: associated with the act of spending unfolds another two aspects. Sustenance with everyone is the grant of His Majesty, Allah the Exalted and only a portion of it is to be spent whatever be the nature of spending.

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.

  • And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted] [2:03]

  • Truly the Believers are only those who steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of  Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]  [8:03]


  • And they are who exercising patience remained coolly perseverant seeking the approval and appreciation of their Sustainer Lord;

  • And steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted, and they spent, secretively and publicly, for other's wellbeing out of the sustenance Our Majesty had provided them;

  • And they repel/avert evil/misconduct with good and mannered conduct.

  • They are the people: the best end place is in wait for them. [13:22]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for those of My servants who proclaim having accepted and become believers:

  • That they should stand for the performance of Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Allegiance and Servitude;

  • And should spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that We have given them;

  • They should do it privately and publicly;

  • Before that the Day might reach; the Day wherein neither pay-later system bargain nor friendship could be struck. [14:31]

  • And they ascribe a portion out of sustenance that Our Majesty have given them for someone about whom they have no concrete knowledge;

  • By Allah, certainly you people will be asked about what you people kept conjecturing falsehood. [16:56]

  • They are the people whose hearts blenched - trembled when Allah the Exalted is mentioned;

  • And they are coolly perseverant upon what adverse reached them;

  • And they are the steadfastly maintainers of Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted] . [22:35]


  • They are the people who will be paid their reward twice for the reason that they remained steadfast exercising coolly perseverance.

  • And they repel/avert evil/misconduct with good and mannered conduct.

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]  [28:54]

  • Reflexively their sides shrink: draw away from their sleeping bedrooms in reverence and fear;

  • They call upon their Sustainer Lord, fearing and hoping favourable response;

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]  [32:16]

  • Certain fact about those who recite/study the Book of Allah, word by word in the manner that passions, conceptions, perceptions, myths, notions already in memory interfere not in between the words of the Book and the Reciter/reader;

  • And they steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted, and they spent, secretively and publicly, for other's wellbeing out of the sustenance Our Majesty had provided them:

  • They are pursuing a business, an economic activity that might never suffer stagnation. [35:29]

  • And they are the people who have consciously and rationally responded to the message of their Sustainer Lord;

  • And steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;

  • And their affair is organized on the basis of consultation and consensus between them;

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]   [42:38]

Verb; Perfect; First Person; Plural; [نَا] Attached Subject Pronoun, in nominative state + Suffixed Object Pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in  accusative state; مصدر-رِزْقٌ Verbal noun.  (1)2:57(2)2:172(3)7:160(4)20:81(5)30:28=5

Verb; Perfect; First Person; Plural; [نَا] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state + Suffixed Object Pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in  accusative state; مصدر-رِزْقٌ Verbal noun. (1)2:254(2)63:10=2

  • And We had caused a Parasol, covering shade upon you people with Sky covering Clouds: Stratocumulus.

  • Moreover, We had sent fully prepared "Munna and Sal'wa" upon you people.

  • [your forefathers were told] "You eat the permissible-liquefiable and respectively beneficial and nutrient which We have given to you as sustenance". 

  • Realize that they, your forefathers, did no harm Our Majesty; the fact is they rather kept harming their selves. [2:57]

  • O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • You eat from "tayi'baate" the permissible-liquefiable and respectively beneficial and nutrient which We have given to you as sustenance.

  • And express gratitude exclusively for Allah the Exalted;

  • If exclusively to Him the Exalted you people remain submissive allegiants. [2:172]

  • O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people before lest the day might come.

  • No pay-later system bargain could be struck during that day.

  • Neither that day friendly help would be available nor recommendation/pleading--intercession be of avail to non believers [of intercessors-2:48,123;74:48].

  • The fact is that those who persistently refuse to accept are truly the wrong-doers/distorters/unjust. [2:254]

  • Know their past, Our Majesty had fragmented them into twelve generations/tribes with different parental root.

  • And We conveyed to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] when his nation inclined him to pray for water:  "Strike; displace-move away certain stone with the help of your Staff."

  • Sequel to his displacing the particular stone, twelve water-flows self emerged there from gushing as springs.

  • Each of the nation's twelve groups thereby got known its own place for water.

  • And We had caused a Parasol, covering shade upon them with Sky covering Clouds [Stratocumulus].

  •  Moreover, We had sent fully prepared "Munna and Sal'wa" upon them.

  • We conveyed them; "You people eat the permissible-liquefiable and respectively beneficial and nutrient which We have given to you as sustenance"

  • Realize that they did not harm Our Majesty; the fact is they rather kept harming their selves. [7:160]

  • You people eat the permissible - liquefiable and respectively beneficial and nutrient food which We have given to you as sustenance.

  • And you should not brim out - transgress in the granted sustenance; matter; otherwise it will become incumbent against you My taking criminal cognizance - seizing you.

  • Be mindful, should My taking criminal cognizance become incumbent upon someone, thereby, he is certainly ruined. [20:81]

  • He the Exalted has struck for you people an example of a contrast relating to your selves.

  • Are they who are under control of your right hand-domestic servants-serfs in your submission, the sharers and partners in the affluence that We have given to you people;

  • Thereby you all are in equivalence relation therein, you people fearing them sort of fear like the one of yours people have for your dominant affluence?

  • This is how We distinctly elaborate the Aa'ya'at-Verbal Unitary Passages presenting facts and concepts, for the people who perceive by critical thinking. [30:28]

  • Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people in times before the death might reach someone of you

  • Whereat he might say: "My Sustainer Lord! why not You the Exalted granted me a respite-delayed for a little more time;

  • That would have enabled me to become generous donor, and I should have been one of the righteous-perfectionists. [63:10]

  Verb; Perfect; First Person; Plural; [نَا] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state + Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine; in accusative  state; مصدر-رِزْقٌ Verbal noun. (1)16:75=1

  • Allah the Exalted has struck a contrast by an example of a subjugated person; his peculiarity is that he persistently have no power and prerogative over anything;

  • And another person whom Our Majesty have given from Our Grace affluent stable sustenance whereby he spends out of it, secretly and publicly;

  • Adjudge, are such people considered equivalent in public eye?

  • [having understood the point say] The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah the Exalted.

  • However, the fact remains that most of them do not know; retain not such simple facts in their memory. [16:75]


Progressive number of grammatical units: = 13,639 + 13 = 13,652

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