those who sincerely endeavour for salvation


: Active participle; definite; sound Plural; masculine. Sound plural participles are spelled identically both in accusative and genitive state. As an object of verb and subject noun of verb-like particle it is accusative; and as object of a preposition and second noun in construction of possessive phrase they are treated in genitive case.

It occurs 23 times in ayahs:  (1)2:180(2)2:194(3)2:241(4)3:76(5)5:27(6)9:04(7)9:07(8)9:36(9)9:123(10)15:45(11)16:30(12) 16:31(13)19:85(14)19:97 (15)38:28(16)39:57(17)43:67(18)44:51(19)45:19(20)51:15(21)52:17(22) 54:54(23)77:41=23

  Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable Preposition  + Active participle; definite; sound Plural; masculine; genitive state; [Form VIII]. It occurs two times in ayahs: (1)3:115(2)9:44=2

Active participle; definite; sound Plural; masculine; nominative; [Form VIII]. It occurs 6 times in ayahs:  (1)2:177(2)8:34(3)13:35(4)25:15(5)39:33(6)47:15=6

: (1)2:180(2)2:241(3)

  • The Oral Bequest in favour of the Mother and Father and the relatively Near Relatives in accordance with the prevalent well known norms has been prescribed-decreed upon you people. This Oral Bequest is to be bequeathed at the point in time when natural death has approached someone of you if he is leaving behind worldly wealth.

  • The Oral Bequest is mandatory-incumbent upon those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [2:180]

  • Take note that some wealth, in accordance with the known norms of society, should also be apportioned for the Wives who are in the prescribed restraint period of alienation - suspended marriage before complete separation [in case the husband dies during this period].

  • This is mandatory-incumbent upon people who are cautious, heedful and mindful in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.[2:241]

:  Prepositional Phrase; relates to preceding verb.

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] convey them the news of the two sons of Adam as the infallible statement of fact relating to time when they both had offered a sacrifice.

  • Thereat, the sacrifice offered by one of them was accepted. And that offered by the other one was not granted acceptance. He whose sacrifice was not accepted said to the other: "I undertake on oath that I will certainly kill you".

  • He replied: "The fact is that Allah the Exalted accepts the offerings from those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [5:27]

  • Or lest that person say, "had Allah guided me indeed I would have been amongst those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation." [39:57]

: (1)2:194(2)9:36(3)9:123=3 Possessive Phrase

  • A month of sanctity can be honoured if its respect/dignity is also possessed by the other party.

  • And all sanctities-rights are to be followed to conclusion-adjudged in the manner of exactly following footsteps.

  • Thereby, if someone had done to you people an unrestrained act-harm, thereat in keeping with the principle of proportionality: "al-horo'maa'to qisa'suen" you may [if you can't pardon/ignore] inflict upon him similar harm as he had inflicted upon you.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted;

  • And remember that Allah the Exalted is with those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [2:194]

  • Know the fact; the number of months determined by and recorded in the Mother/Principal Book in safe custody of Allah the Exalted ever since the Day He created the Skies and the Earth is twelve, each as distinct month;

  • Four sacred months are so declared amongst these twelve Lunar months.

  • This is the primordial straightly settled, permanent discipline, ruleoperative system.

  • Therefore, you people should not in sacred months do harmful injustice falling to yourselves.

  • Take note, Confront the Statue Worshippers: Polytheists, you all collectively, in the manner they wage war on you collectively;

  • And remember that Allah the Exalted are with those who who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [9:36]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You people confront war with the disbelievers who are in neighboring borders-close to you and let them find in you people the unity and strength.

  • And remember that Allah the Exalted are with those who who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [9:123]

: Possessive Phrase


  •  And when those who sincerely endeavored to attain salvation were asked, "What is that which your Sustainer Lord has compositely sent?"

  • They replied, "It is the best, blessing, tranquility."

  • Appropriate and adequate reward is in this world for those who conducted [and advised others also] moderately, gracefully and generously;

  • And the abode of the Hereafter is certainly the far better;

  • And the abode of those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation is certainly the excellent: [16:30]

: Possessive Phrase

  • Indeed they can never alleviate from you any thing inflicted by Allah the Exalted;

  • And indeed some of the distorters and mischief mongers are comrades and allies of some others;

  • And indeed Allah the Exalted is the Guide, Helper, Protector, Sustainer, Benefactor and Companion of those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [45:19]


Object of verb

  • No, it is their false understanding. The fact is that subject to one having discharged the commitment of His Contract and sincerely endeavored to attain salvation will get absolved;

  • Because Allah the Exalted certainly approves for nearness those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [3:76]

  • This public proclamation of denouncement is excepting those groups amongst the referred Polytheists with whom you had struck a pact, where afterwards they have not disappointed you in anything nor have they supported a single one against you.

  • Therefore. in respect of these Polytheists you fulfill their pact towards their appointed duration.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted approves for nearness those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [9:04] 

  • How can a pact persist with Allah the Exalted and with His Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for the [persistently betraying] polytheists except those with whom you people made a pact near Sacred Mosque;

  • Thereby, they remained upright for you people, therefore, you remain upright for them.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted approves for nearness those who who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [9:07]

  • The Gardens of pleasant abode, they will enter therein;

  • Side by which streams flow;

  • Everything that they desire therein will be made available to them.

  • This is how Allah rewards those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation; [16:31]

  • Whom the Angels will respectfully-pleasantly separate saying,

  • "Peace and tranquility is upon you people; you enter into the Paradise for what you people had been doing" [16:32]

  • Know it, We will order on the Day of Judgment to bring towards Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted; with protocol of a delegation coming to call upon the Sovereign Lord, those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation; [19:85]

  • And We will order to drive the Convicts towards Hell-Prison, in the manner thirsty cattle are driven towards water place. [19:86]

  • They do not hold the authority for intercession. The exception to this negation of authority for intercession is only for the One who had obtained the prior Permission and Authority from the Grace of Ar'Reh'maan, the Exalted as a commitment. [19:87]

  • Thereby, for reason of its universality and permanence, Our Majesty have certainly rendered it: Grand Qur'aan facilitative for reading and comprehending by transcribing it in the mother tongue: Arabic language of you Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

  • The purpose of rendering it facilitator is that you the Messenger might give glad tidings-guarantee on the strength of it (Grand Qur'aan) to those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation;

  • And so that you the Messenger may admonish with it (Grand Qur'aan) the excessively  argumentative people. [19:97]

  • Should We declare and treat those who believed and performed appropriate and balanced acts like those who create distortions/impropriety/disturbance/spread conjectures in the Earth-society?

  • Or should We declare and treat those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation equal and like those who are prominently wicked? [38:28]

  • That Day the friends will be foes for some others, except the friends of those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [43:67]

As subject noun of verb like particle in accusative case.


  • Indeed they who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation;

  • They will enjoy the life in gardens and fountains. [15:45]

  • They will be requested, "You people enter therein with tranquility, living safe and sound." [15:46]

  • Indeed those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation are stationed at a place of peace and tranquility [44:51]

  • Indeed those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation:

  • Are in the gardens and fountains; [51:15 is Replica/Mirror of 15:45]

  • Beneficiaries of that which is given to them by the Sustainer Lord of them.

  • Indeed they were before this Day in the habit of conducting moderately and magnanimously. [51:16]

  • Indeed those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation: are in the gardens and in delighted comfort [52:17]

  • Enjoying that which the Sustainer Lord of them has granted them;
  • And the Sustainer Lord of them protected from the infliction of Hell-Prison. [52:18]

  • Indeed those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation are in the gardens, while lakes/streams flowing side by, [54:54]

  • In the abode of dignity given by the Absolute Sovereign King. [54:55]

  • Indeed those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation:

  • Are in shades and fountains; [77:41]

  • And fruits which they desire. [77:42]

  • [they are told] "You people eat and drink with satisfaction for that which you people used to do". [77:43]

  • Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [77:44]

  Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable Preposition  + Active participle; definite; sound Plural; masculine; genitive state; [Form VIII]. It occurs two times in ayahs: (1)3:115(2)9:44=2

  • And whatever good if they do, they might not be denied its fruitfulness.

  • And Allah the Exalted is always fully aware of those people who who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [3:115]

  • Know it, they do not seek exemption from you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that they might not strive with their wealth and physical participation who heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • And Allah the Exalted is always fully aware of those people who who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [9:44]

Active participle; definite; sound Plural; masculine; nominative; [Form VIII]. It occurs 6 times in ayahs:  (1)2:177(2)8:34(3)13:35(4)25:15(5)39:33(6)47:15=6

  • Know you the Christians and Jews, turnabout of your faces confronting the East and the West is not the Virtue-Magnanimous Conduct.

  • On the contrary; the Virtue-Magnanimous Conduct is of that person: Who consciously and heartily believed in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day; and the Angels; and the Book: one peculiar Book, Qur'aan; and the Chosen and Elevated Allegiants of Allah the Exalted;

  • And he spent-donated wealth for the sake of attaining approval and appreciation of Allah the Exalted to the near relatives, and the father-orphans, and the destitute, and the wayfarer, and those who seek help, and to get freedom-remission for the slaves-prisoners.

  • And he steadfastly maintained the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and he paid Az-Zakaa't; financial liability for economic uplift of society.

  • Note it; Such are the people who fulfill their commitment - obligation when they have bilaterally contracted;

  • And they remain coolly perseverant in crisis and financial adversity; and in times of natural calamity.

  • They are the people who have proved their word-declaration of belief with their acts as true;

  • And they are truly the people who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [2:177]

  • But what cause subsequent to migration is left for them that Allah the Exalted might not punish them while they hinder people from the Sacred Mosque despite the position that they have no right to be its guardians, maintainers, management?

  • Take note; the guardians, maintainers, organizers of the Sacred Mosque can legitimately be none except those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation.

  • But the fact is that most of them do not know/intend to understand. [8:34]

  • The resemblance of the Paradise which is promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation;

  • The streams of water flow side by it;

  • Its eatables are everlasting and so is the shade-pleasant temperature.

  • This is the final destination of those who who sincerely endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • And ultimate end for the persistent deniers is the abode in heated Hell-Prison. [13:35]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask, "Is this narrated happening better or the Eternity of Paradise which has been promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation!"

  • It will be for them a reward and place of destination-abode. [25:15]

  • Therein is/will be everything for them which they desire; they will therein be permanently.

  • This has been a promise upon your Sustainer Lord ensured to be fulfilled. [25:16]

  • And the one who remained steadfast with the Truth/Grand Qur'aan and with it he proved his word [of believing] as true;

  • Such are the people who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [39:33]

  • For them is/will be everything from their Sustainer Lord which they desire,

  • This is the reward for moderate/balanced people. [39:34]

  • So that Allah may delete/remove/hide from them the misdoings/ill deeds they did;
  • And He may pay them their reward most appropriate for what good they had been doing. [39:35]

  • The similarity - portrayal of the Paradise, which is promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation

  • Therein are streamscontinuous flow-supply of water void of contamination, stagnation and stinking;

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of milk the taste, quality, nutritional value of which will never deteriorate;

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of wine/hard drinks which will be delighting for drinkers

  • And streams/continuous flow-supply of honey made absolutely pure;

  • And for them are therein all sorts of fruits;

  • And absolute protection from the Sustainer Lord of them;

  • Is the above mentioned person comparable with the one who is permanently residing in heated Hell-Prison

  • And were given to drink water, hot at boiling point, which resultantly pricked their intestines. [47:15]