Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; active; [Form-VIII]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)2:189(2)2:203(3)3:76(4)4:77(5)7:35(6) 92:05=6

Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; active; [Form-VIII]; [هُوَ] Subject pronoun hidden + Prolongation sign; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)53:32=1



  • They ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] regarding the recurring Crescent Moons.

  • You tell them; "This phenomenon is for people to reckon-determine timings; period/calendar and dates for Hajj".

  • And note that this conjectural hearsay were never a virtue-commendable act that you might enter the houses from their backs.

  • On the contrary the Virtue-commendable act is of he who remained cautious, heedful and mindful and avoided unrestrained conduct.

  • And you people are directed to come to the homes through their doors-front entrances.

  • And you people sincerely endeavour for the protection of Allah the Exalted;

  • So that you people may attain perpetual success. [2:189]

  • And you people praise Allah the Exalted during the appointed days.

  • For reason that someone hurried back in two days there is no wrong upon such person, and he who postponed his departure there is no wrong upon him too.

  • This is for one who did it consciously in the cause of Allah the Exalted  [not personal considerations of commerce].

  • Take note that you people remain mindful and avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.

  • And remain mindful that you people will be gathered-resurrected to be held accountable by Him the Exalted. [2:203]

  • No, it is their false understanding. The fact is that subject to one having discharged the commitment of His Contract and sincerely endeavored to attain salvation will get absolved;

  • Because Allah the Exalted certainly approves for nearness those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [3:76]

  • Have you marked the attitude of people whom it was said: "Hold back and restrain your hands;

  • Moreover, you people maintain Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and willingly pay Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;"

  • Thereupon, as soon fighting the war was prescribed for them a group of them started considering opponent people frightening like the awe of Allah the Exalted or even stronger in awe;

  • And they said on that occasion: "Our Sustainer Lord! Why have you prescribed and made mandatory upon us the fighting of war; why have You not deferred it for us for sometime more".

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce that the worldly sustenance-life is of a short while, limited nature, and the Hereafter is far better for the him who remains cautious, heedful and mindful of Allah the Exalted;

  • And you people will not be met with minutest injustice  equal of a spot on date-stone slit. [4:77]

  • It will be stated were you not told, "O You the posterity of Adam! Messengers, who will be the chosen and exalted men amongst you, thenceforth would have come to you;

  • Their distinct characteristic would be: They will be relaying to you people My Aa'ya'at: verbal passages of the Book word by word.

  • Thereat, responding to them whoever would have became heedful and cautious restraining himself, and perfected his conduct;

  • Thereby, fear will not overshadow-haunt such class of people.

  • Neither will they have a cause to grieve". [7:35]

  • They are the people who consciously avoid committing major and grave sins: that cause serious and deep rooted disturbance and dilapidation in society; and diligently avoid illicit sexual activities except the: اللَّمَمَ minor occasional lapses.

  • Indeed the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is vastly generous in overlooking and forgiving.

  • He the Exalted absolutely knows you people ever since He produced you people from the Earth; and while you people were fetuses in the bellies of your mothers. 

  • Therefore, you people should not boast of your selves of elevation, sanctification.

  • He fully knows the one who has made himself mindful, cautious, heedful and avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [53:32]

  • Thereat the one who donated to needy and deserving; and inclined himself to remain cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct; [92:05]

 Verb: Perfect; Second person; plural; feminine; [Form-VIII]; Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun [Verb of condition in Jussive state]. (1)33:32=1

  • O you the Wives of Elevated and Chosen Allegiant! You all are not like even a single one of the womenfolk  [Declarative-You are remarkably distinct-no woman matches you]

  • Since you have sincerely endeavoured to attain protection, therefore, you should also not let your speech be soft-limber:

  • Lest the one is moved in whose heart is a disease;

  • And you speak a sentence/statement in words of recognized unambiguous import; [33:32]

Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form-VIII];  [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun.  (1)2:103(2)2:212(3)3:15(4)3:172(5) 3:198(6)5:65(7)7:96(8)7:201(9)12:109(10)16:30(11)39:20(12)39:61(13)39:73=13 

 Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form-VIII];  [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)5:93(2)5:93(3)5:93(4) 13:35(5)16:128(6)19:72=6

  • And had they heartily accepted belief and had they endeavoured to attain salvation, a great reward from Allah the Exalted would have been certainly far better [than what they had opted].

  • Had they but knew-realized it. [2:103]

  • The worldly life has become charming, alluring and absorbing for those who have deliberately refused to accept [as against the permanent life in the Hereafter 14:03;16:107;79:38;87:16]

  • And they keep ridiculing some amongst those who have heartily accepted-believed [they will regret this habit one day-39:56].

  • And those who endeavoured to attain salvation will be enjoying an elevated position over and above them on the Day of Rising.

  • And mind it [worldly gain is no criteria of distinction] that Allah the Exalted grants worldly sustenance to whomever He wishes without regard to reciprocal measure/account/causality. [ 2:212]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them; "May I inform you people about a better thing than this stated sustenance-provision?

  • Gardens are prepared and are in wait by the grace of Allah the Exalted for those who endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • Canals of water flow by their side; the characteristic feature of those gardens.

  • They will be residing therein permanently-indefinitely.

  • And clean hearted companions will be their spouses therein. And above all the appreciations and approvals of Allah the Exalted".

  • And remain mindful of fact that Allah the Exalted is ever observant for His allegiants.  [3:15]

  • Those believers who had diligently responded for the sake of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] even after when the loss and injury had inflicted them.

  • A great reward is in wait for those of them: the believers who conducted moderately, gracefully and generously and endeavoured to attain salvation. [3:172]

  • But those who sincerely endeavoured to attain the protection from their Sustainer Lord:

  • Gardens with side by flowing streams of water are in wait for them;.

  • They will abide therein permanently,

  • This is the abode and hospitality from the grace of Allah the Exalted.

  • Remain aware: That which is promised and reserved by the grace of Allah the Exalted is the best for the pious people. [3:198]

  • However, had the people of Book (remaining faithful to their covenant) heartily accepted belief (Grand Qur'aan) and had endeavoured to attain salvation:

  • Our Majesty would have certainly [as per the Agreement/Pledge with them-5:12,14] absolved them overlooking and deleting their record of sins-bad deeds;

  • And Our Majesty would have allowed them enter the Gardens/Paradise lush green, side by which flow streams. [5:65]

  • Know it, in case the inhabitants of the city had heartily believed and endeavoured to attain salvation;

  • We would have certainly opened upon them perpetually lasting treasures, embedded therein, out of the Sky and the Earth;

  • But they publicly contradicted the message and the Messenger. Thereby on termination of determined reprieve period, Our Majesty seized them indicted for what they earned with their misdeeds. [7:96]

  • You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] keep holding the habit of forgivingly overlooking; and command with distinctly known cognizable facts.

  • However, you avoid confronting the emotionalists, passionate, traditionalists, vain talkers. [7:199]

  • And advise that henceforth if  ill-will thought, inspiration is relayed to you by the Shai'taan, thereat, consciously seek refuge with Allah the Exalted by remembering and recalling.

  • Indeed He the Exalted is ever Listener and is intrinsically the Fountain of all knowledge of visible and invisible domains;  [7:200]

  • It is a fact about those who who sincerely endeavoured to attain salvation: whenever devilish people belonging to coterie of Shai'taan visited them:

  • As their habit they spontaneously recalled the injunctions of the Book. Thereat, they react as men of vision. [7:201]

  • Though their brothers, men of society, stretch-pull them in transgressing the bounds and limits; afterwards they cease not in their efforts. [7:202]

  • And We never sent as the Messengers even before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] but the Men whom We communicated verbal messages.

  • They were living amongst the residents of certain cities.

  • Is it for reason that they have not traversed in the world/land;

  • Whereby they may see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who were before them [and take heed/lesson]

  • Be cognizant, the Home of the Hereafter  is the best for the people who endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • Is this neglecting the Hereafter for reason that you use not intellect to differentiate? [12:109]


  •  And when those who sincerely endeavored to attain salvation were asked, "What is that which your Sustainer Lord has compositely sent?"

  • They replied, "It is the best, blessing, tranquility."

  • Appropriate and adequate reward is in this world for those who conducted [and advised others also] moderately, gracefully and generously;

  • And the abode of the Hereafter is certainly the far better;

  • And the abode of those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation is certainly the excellent: [16:30]

  • The Gardens of pleasant abode, they will enter therein;

  • Side by which streams flow;

  • Everything that they desire therein will be made available to them.

  • This is how Allah rewards those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation; [16:31]

  • Whom the Angels will respectfully-pleasantly separate saying,

  • "Peace and tranquility is upon you people; you enter into the Paradise for what you people had been doing" [16:32]

  • But those who sincerely endeavoured to attain the protection from their Sustainer Lord: for them are lofty mansions of multiple stories;

  • Beneath/side by which streams flow.

  • This is the promise of Allah the Exalted.

  • Allah the Exalted never betrays His promise. [39:20]

  • And Allah the Exalted will render them safe, who endeavoured to attain salvation, by their achievement.

  • Physical weakness, pain or any troublesome thing will not touch them and nor will they face any grieve. [39:61]

  • And those who endeavoured to attain salvationthey were escorted [on their turn] in groups towards the Paradise;

  • Till when they arrived to her, its doors were already open

  • And its Guards said to them [in the reception Hall], "Welcome Peace and tranquility is upon you people; you have done well; therefore you people enter into the Paradise for ever". [39:73]

  • And they pronounced, "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has fulfilled for Us His promise

  • And He has made us the demesne of the Land that we may settle ourselves in the part of Paradise wherever we wish".

  • Thereby what a pleasant/exalted/aggrandized reward of performers is. [39:74]

 Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form-VIII];  [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)5:93(2)5:93(3)5:93(4) 13:35(5)16:128(6)19:72=6

  • There is nothing embarrassing-contracting for those who have heartily accepted/ believed and acted righteously as to what they had eaten and drank earlier:

  • Henceforth when they endeavoured to attain protection, and believed and did righteous acts.

  • Afterwards they mindfully endeavoured to attain protection [by not violating restrictions]; and believed, thereafter they endeavoured to attain protection and behaved moderately and generously.

  • And Allah the Exalted appreciates and approves for nearness those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [5:93]

  • The resemblance of the Paradise which is promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation;

  • The streams of water flow side by it;

  • Its eatables are everlasting and so is the shade-pleasant temperature.

  • This is the final destination of those who sincerely endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • And ultimate end for the persistent deniers is the abode in heated Hell-Prison. [13:35]

  • Indeed, Allah the Exalted is with those who sincerely endeavoured to attain salvation;.

  • And those are the maintainers of generosity, equilibrium and balanced approach/conduct. [16:128]

  • And there is none amongst you people but who will visit her: Hell-Prison;

  • It were inevitably concluded affair, incumbent upon your Sustainer Lord. [19:71]

  • Afterwards Our Majesty will save those who endeavoured to attain salvation;

  • And We will leave the distorters, unjust and evil mongers, put in her bounded together. [19:72]