Verbal sentence: Verb + Subject:

Main article:

 Verb; Imperfect; third person; plural;  Mood: Indicative evident by " نَ";  [Form-VIII]; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun.  (1)2:187(2)6:32(3)6:51(4)6:69(5)6:69(6)7:156(7)7:164(8)7:169(9)8:56(10)9:115(11)10:06(12)10:63 (13)12:57(14)20:113(15)26:11(16)27:53(17)39:28(18)41:18=18

  • Sexually inciting preliminary activities directed towards your wives were permissible during the night of the Fasting for you people.

  • They-respective wives are apparel for you people and you are apparel for them.

  • Allah the Exalted has known-observed that by self imposed restriction you people diligently kept lessening-suppressing the rights of your own selves. Thereby, He the Exalted has paid attention upon you to move you out of self imposed restrictions and has since removed it; erroneous perception away from you.

  • Therefore, after this clarification henceforth undertake mutual-consented intercourse with them in the nights of fasting and you people seek its result [not son or daughter but] that which Allah the Exalted has written for you people.

  • And you people eat and drink during the night till the horizontal white line renders itself for you people distinguishable emerging from unfolding of the day - daybreak—delineated from the horizontal line-layer of black-obscure colour;

  • Thereafter, you are directed to complete the fast spatiotemporally towards the setting in of night -Sun set: beginning of a new lunar day.

  • Take note; you people should not establish intimate mutually consented matrimonial contact-intercourse on visiting them: wives during the currency of the period you are devotee in reclusion inside the Mosques.

  • These—afore stated are the limits-restraints-demarcations prescribed by Allah the Exalted; Therefore, you people should not approach their boundaries [overstep/transgress-2:229].

  • This is how Allah the Exalted explicitly explicates His Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal  Passages of Qur'aan rendering each point-concept-situation distinctly isolated and crystal clear for the people—

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves. [2:187]

  • Realize it; the life of this lowly world is nothing but like short lived theatrical play and amusement;

  • And the Home of the Hereafter is certainly the best for the people who endeavour to protect their selves.

  • Is this neglecting the Hereafter for reason that you use not intellect to differentiate? [6:32]


  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] with it (Grand Qur'aan) foreshadow  those who fear that they might be gathered-summoned towards their Sustainer Lord:

  • That neither some protector nor intercessor is independent for them barring Him the Exalted—

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves. [6:51]

  • Take note; no responsibility regards any matter of reckoning of irrational vain discoursers rests upon those who sincerely endeavour to protect themselves;

  • But seriously reminding them is incumbent upon them. Its purpose is that hopefully they might endeavour to protect their selves.. [6:69]

  • And You the Exalted assign for us good both in this Worldly life and in the Hereafter;

  • We have indeed proceeded towards You the Exalted."

  • Allah the Exalted pronounced: "My punishment, I afflict with it him about whom I so decide;

  • However, My mercy extends overarching everything and matter.

  • Therefore, I will keep assigning-crediting goodness for those people who who sincerely endeavour to protect themselves and  keep paying Az Zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • And they are who truly believe heartily in Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book." [7:156]

  • And when a group of people amongst them said to advising people: "Why do you advise cautioning a people whom Allah the Exalted is going to annihilate or punish them with severe infliction?"

  • They replied: "Exculpation, We are doing so to get absolved of responsibility of reminding about prohibition before your Sustainer Lord—

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves." [7:164]

  • Thereafter, a generation ruled after them in timeline; they had inherited the Book, they were taking the presented things of this lowly worldly life

  • And they used to say [deceiving themselves]: "It will be forgiven/condoned for us [on the Day of Judgment]". And if similar more of it were coming before them they acquired/held it.

  • Was the covenant of the Book not taken prescribing upon them that they would not say anything attributing to Allah the Exalted except the infallible fact and that which they had studied written in the Book?

  • Take note; the Home of the Hereafter is certainly the best for the people who sincerely endeavour to protect their selves.

  • Is this neglecting the Hereafter for reason that you do not use intellect to differentiate? [7:169]

  • Those of them with whom you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] had made a pact—Afterwards, they violate their commitment on every occasion;

  • With impunity; they endeavour not to protect their selves of consequences. [8:56]

  • Understand it, this has never been the practice that Allah the Exalted might let people remain unwary after having given them guidance till such time He the Exalted rendered explicit for them of what they be endeavouring to protect themselves.

  • The fact remains; Allah the Exalted is eternally the knower of absolute: visible and infolded knowledge of physical realm: all that exists. [9:115]

  • It is a fact that existents which are explicitly distinct manifestations reflect the Divine Providence and Will evidently:

  • In the alteration-revolving-circular pursuit of the Night and the Day;

  • And in all that which Allah the Exalted has created in the Skies and the Earth;

  • [distinct manifestations reflect the Divine Providence and Will] For the people who endeavor to protect their selves. [10:06]

  • Know and be encouraged by the news about those who will be in affiliation-party of Allah the Exalted:

  • Fear will not overshadow-haunt them; and neither will they have a cause to grieve; [10:62]

  • They are the people who had heartily believed and kept endeavouring to protect their selves. [10:63]

  • And certainly the reward in the hereafter is the best which is promised for those who believed and kept endeavouring to protect their selves. [12:57]

  • And afore stated is the manner that Our Majesty has compositely sent that: Memoir's narrative [20:99] in the form of a compiled book named Qur'aan having characteristic of text-transcription in Arabic: a perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive and precisely expressive language; the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.

  • And in the contents of it (Grand Qur'aan) We have rotated - centrifuged making the point distinct and separated from all angles regarding the warnings—

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves;

  • Or it may for them be a source to refresh memory/remembrance. [20:113]

  • Narrate the episode when the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger had called Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] commanding that, "You go to the nation of unjust tyrannical people— [26:10]

  • The nation of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh. Will not they endeavour to protect their selves upon watching the displays?  [26:11]

  • And We had rescued those who believed and kept endeavouring to protect their selves. [27:53]

  • This Qur'aan is in the state of a compilation having characteristic of text transcription in Arabic: a perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive and precisely expressive language; the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula. The characteristic of the compiled text is that it is unlike those texts which contain illusory, delusory, conflicting, contradictory, confusing, unaligned verbal content.

  • So that they might endeavour to protect their selves. [39:28]

  • And We saved/rescued [in keeping with Our promise and self assumed obligation] those who believed and kept endeavouring to protect their selves. [41:18]


 Prefixed conjunction فَ that shows cause and effect + Imperative Particle + Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Jussive, evident by elision of نَ;; [Form-VIII] + [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)4:09=1   

  • And the guardians-people should squeeze humbly that had it were they leaving behind the assets with weak children, how fearful for them they would have been!

  • Therefore, they should sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted;

  • And they should speak in a straight forward manner with words of unambiguous import stating distinctly—like a wall which segregates and makes distinct two areas. [4:09]

 Imperative Particle + Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive; [Form VIII]; Subject Pronoun hidden + Added vowel-sign to break cluster vowel-less consonants; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1)2:282(2)2:283=2


  • O those people/you, who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Whenever you people have mutually decided a fiscal deal of promissory nature: lending whose maturity term is specified by deadline-specific date for payment, thereat you are directed to document it in writing.

  • A scribe should write down the agreement struck between you people, impartially in just manner.

  • Take note, a scribe should not refuse documenting-writing down since Allah the Exalted has imparted him the knowledge to write.

  • Therefore, he should write down and the party under liability should dictate, and should aspire to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, his Sustainer Lord. And he should not undervalue anything relating to the liability/obligation.

  • For reason of the indebted person being immature or weak, or if he does not consider himself capable to dictate it, thereby, the guardian of his interests should dictate it; details of deal with equity.

  • Moreover, you must seek two men of good repute amongst you as observers-non participating witness to the contract.

  • However, in case of non-availability of two men, the recourse is to seek one man and two women of vicinity selected by mutual consent to observe the deal. [two women; it is embarrassing for a woman to join unknown 4 men in a commercial shop; she might remain absent minded].

  • The cause of inviting two women to observe the transaction: supposedly one of the two ladies might become lost-absorbed in herself-unmindful other woman might make her mindful.

  • And the observers should not refuse to observe the contract when they are called upon for it.

  • And you should not neglect to reduce it: lending-loaning deal to writing-documenting;  notwithstanding whether it be small or big in worth, validating till its termination date.

  • Allah the Exalted considers it-documentation as an act more just for you people and is primary evidence. And it reduces the chances that you might suffer confusion and double mindedness.

  • However, if it were an on-spot transaction by hand-to-hand, a routine daily business of rotation of things by selling and buying, thereat, no blame is upon you people in not reducing it to writing.

  • And you are directed to make it a witnessed activity when you have mutually struck a promissory commercial transaction: credit sale.

  • Take note that neither the scribe nor the witnesses should be harassed.

  • In case you do so, thereat you will indeed be guilty of excess.

  • Moreover, sincerely endeavour for the protection of Allah the Exalted;

  • And recognize the fact that Allah the Exalted is teaching you [the right way to conduct business].

  • And Allah the Exalted has the absolute knowledge of each and everything [visible and infolded][2:282]

  • However, If you were on a journey and could not find a scribe to write the document, then recourse is pledging something as security - mere possession without right of consuming.

  • Thereby, if some of you has entrusted to another, then the one who was entrusted should release what was entrusted to him.

  • And he should endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, his Sustainer Lord.

  • Take note that you people should not conceal and withhold evidence.

  • And whoever conceals it, then certain about him is that his heart is sinful lacking strength of moral character.

  • And be mindful that Allah the Exalted fully knows everything that which you people do. [2:283]

 Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive evident from elision of last delicate consonant; [Form VIII]; Subject Pronoun hidden;  مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun (1)12:90(2)65:02(3)65:04(4)65:05=4

  • [overpowered by suspense and happiness] They said, "Are you indeed! certainly you are Yu'suf."

  • He answered, "I am Yu'suf and this is my brother [whom you are demanding to remit as gift]

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted has done obliging favour upon us.

  • The fact is he who would endeavour to attain salvation, and remains coolly perseverant:

  • Thereby, Allah the Exalted does not let remain un-rewarded those who conduct moderately and rationally. [12:90]


  • Consequently when they have crossed over—accomplished their respective appointed duration:

  • Thereat you husbands cause uniting them in your fold in accordance with known norms of society—

  • Or you apart them respectfully, in accordance with known norms of society.

  • And you make it [remarriage/reunion or separation] witnessed by two persons of just minded repute from amongst you.

  • And you people establish the testimony for Allah the Exalted.

  • With this course/conduct/attitude is advised the one amongst you people who has been believing in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • And whoever would endeavour for attaining protection of Allah the Exalted—

  • He the Exalted will make for him a way out. [65:02]

  • Take note about those Wives of you people who have lost expectation of menstruation: if you felt double minded unsure about their state, thereby, the intervening period of their restraint is three months instead of three menstrual cycles [prescribed in 2:228] in between pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond and Culmination-Separation-Untying the Matrimonial Bond/Nikah.

  • And so is the duration of three months for those Wives who have not yet menstruated immediately before pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond [otherwise it can much shorten the period of three menstrual cycles-one happening immediately after pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond-this also takes care of those Wives with removed uterus]

  • Take further note that the duration for those alienated wives by pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond by the husband, who are pregnant, shall be till such time that they might deliver their Pregnancy.

  • Remember that whoever would endeavour for attaining protection of Allah the Exalted—He the Exalted will make for him an element of ease in his affair. [65:04] 

  • This is the Command of Allah which He has decreed/sent upon you people.

  • And whoever would endeavour for attaining protection of Allah the Exalted—

  • He will delete/remove/hide from him his misdoings.

  • And He will strengthen the reward for him. [5:05]

  Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive evident from elision of last delicate consonant; [Form VIII]; Subject Pronoun hidden; Suffixed fronted Object Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine, in accusative state;  مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun (1)24:52=1

  • Indeed the statement of the true believers; when they are called towards Allah the Exalted and His Messenger so that he may adjudge between them, is only this that they say,

  • "We have attentively listened Qur'aan and we have affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted the Word."

  • Know it, they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success-fruitfulness.  [24:51]

  • Be aware, whoever willingly and affectionately accepts the Word of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [contained and relayed by him from Grand Qur'aan];

  • And experiences awe for Allah the Exalted, and would endeavour to attain protection of Him the Exalted—

  • Thereby, they are truly the people who have achieved status. [24:52]

 Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative; [Form VIII]; Subject Pronoun hidden;  مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun ( (1)39:24=1

  • Is it then the one who endeavours to  protect his face of worst punishment on the Day of Rising—
  • And it is said for those who were evil mongers/distorters/unjust, "You people taste punishment for what you people earned/did". [39:24]