you people protect yourselves

Main article:

It is a verbal sentence comprising of verb and subject. The verb is Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ; [Form-VIII]; [و] Subject Pronoun-nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. It is intransitive.

The imperfect indicative mood verb does not restrict itself to any idea of time; it indicates enduring existence, begun and incomplete, either in past, present or future time.

It indicates an act which does not take place at any one particular time to the exclusion of any other point in time, but which takes place all the time, or rather in speaking of which no notice is taken of time, but only of duration. In English grammar, we call it "the indefinite present". A verb in the indefinite aspect is used when the beginning or ending of an action, an event, or condition is unknown or unimportant to the meaning of the sentence. The indefinite aspect is also used to indicate an habitual or repeated action, event, or condition.

Form-VIII verb has reflexive causative meanings and indicates a stronger role of the Subject as a performer of the action involving painstaking, meticulous effort. Most result verbs also describe events that take time, but these events have an inherent temporal endpoint: the time when the result state comes about. The duration of the event up to the endpoint is taken up by the process that leads up to this result state, though it is left unspecified by the verb; it is this process that a means/manner verb names. Such events are known as ACCOMPLISHMENTS People who abide by this imperative verb are declared successful and their achievement is entrance into the Paradise which is exclusively made for the people who sincerely endeavaour to attain salvation.

It occurs 19 times in these ayahs: (1)2:21(2)2:63(3) 2:179(4)2:183(5)6:153(6)7:65(7)7:171(8)10:31(9)16:52(10)23:23(11)23:32(12)23:87(13)26:106(14) 26:124 (15)26:142 (16)26:161(17)26:177(18)37:124(19)73:17=19 which are reproduced below

  • O you the Mankind, listen attentively;

  • You demonstrate subservience and allegiance to your Sustainer Lord. He the Exalted has created you people and those who existed in times before you

  • So that you might protect yourselves.  [2:21]

  • Recall the day when We obtained the Covenant of you people;

  • In circumstances while We had elevated over you the At-Tur: towering height of Mount Sinai; prescribing:

  • "Adopt-hold firmly with determination that which We have given to you people; and remember and narrate that which is written therein

  • So that you might protect yourselves."  [2:63]


  • And mind it that life is secured for you people-society in the penal provision of capital  punishment for the crime of murder, O you the men of wisdom who look into matters objectively.

  • So that you might protect yourselves. [2:179]

  • O those/you, who proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • The Fasting: time bound abstinence of activity relating to food intake and genitalia has been made obligatory-decreed upon you people exactly as it was decreed upon the people who existed prior to you

  • So that you might protect yourselves. [2:183]

  • And to inform you people that He the Exalted has declared this course of conduct as "My High road". It keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility.

  • Therefore, you are directed to consciously and affectionately follow this direct route.

  • And you should not pursue many divergent courses; if you do pursue a certain other course it might diverge along with you away from His High road.

  • This is the command He the Exalted has bound you people with

  • So that you might protect yourselves. [6:153]

  • And Our Majesty had deputed their brother Hued [alai'his'slaam] as the Messenger towards the nation Aad.

  • He said: "O my nation! "You are directed to express servitude, subjection and allegiance for Allah the Exalted. None of those considered and worshipped as iela'aha: lords other than Him the Exalted is Sovereign Lord of you people.

  • Would you people still not protect yourselves? [7:65]

  • And when during the Earthquake We jolted the mountain upon them in the manner as if it were a canopy and they apprehended as if it was falling on them any moment:

  • We directed them: "Adopt-hold firmly with determination that which We have given to you people; and remember and narrate that which is written therein

  • So that you might protect yourselves." [7:171]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who provides you sustenance for life from the Sky and the Earth;

  • Or Who controls and commands the faculty of listening and vision;

  • And who brings out the living from the matter-dead; and brings out matter-dead from the living;

  • And who organizes, manages and commands all matters until their logical conclusion?

  • In response, they will say after a little pause: "He is Allah the Exalted".

  • Thereat, in response to their admission you ask them: "Would you people still not protect yourselves?" [10:31]

  • Realize it, Whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects for Him the Exalted.

  • Know it, the Prescribed Code: Islam: submission-subjection will remain in vogue perpetually for Him the Exalted.

  • Would you people still aspire protection of someone other than Allah? [16:52]

  • Our Majesty had indeed deputed Noah [alai'his'slaam] as the Messenger towards his nation.

  • Thereat, he imperatively said: "O my nation! Express servitude, subjection and allegiance for Allah the Exalted. None of those considered and worshipped as iela'aha: godheads other than Him the Exalted is Sovereign Lord for you people.

  • Would you people still not protect yourselves? [23:23]

  • Thereat, Our Majesty deputed in them Messenger who was a staunch monotheist believer amongst them;

  • To persuade them: "you people express servitude, subjection and allegiance for Allah the Exalted. None of those; considered and worshipped as iela'aha: godheads, other than Him the Exalted, is Sovereign Lord of you people;

  • Would you people still not protect yourselves?" [23:32]

  • They will say, "That is for Allah."

  • Thereby you ask them, Would you people still not protect yourselves? [23:87]

  • When their brother, Noah [alai'his'slaam] said to them "Would you people not protect yourselves? [26:106]

  • When their brother, Hued [alai'his'slaam], said to them "Would you people not protect yourselves? [26:124]

  • When their brother, Saleh [alai'his'slaam], said to them "Would you people not protect yourselves? [26:142]

  • When their brother, Luet [alai'his'slaam], said to them "Would you people not protect yourselves? [26:161]

  • When Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said to them "Would you people not protect yourselves? [26:177]

  • When he [Il'yaas alai'his'slaam] said to his nation "Would you people not protect yourselves? [37:124]

  • Thereat, how would you protect yourselves

  • If you people have denied or have kept aside veiled - neglected the Day, the day which will render the children horrified, dismayed - paralyzed having been left neglected? [73:17]

Main article:

Verbal sentence  Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive/Jussive evident by elision of  نَ; [Form-VIII] [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. (1) 2:224(2)3:28(3)3:120(4)3:125(5)3:179(6)3:186(7)4:128(8)4:129(9)8:29(10)47:36=10


  • Take note that [like magniloquent people refer 2:204-206] you people should not declare Allah the Exalted as witness for your sworn truthfulness that you might self project goodness and endeavours of salvation and of corrective measures amongst the people.

  • Be mindful, Allah the Exalted is eternally the Listener, the Absolute Knowledgeable of everything, visible and otherwise concealed-infolded. [2:224]

  • The True Believers should not incline towards adopting co-dweller non-believers as their guardians-protectors-patrons, instead of the Believers.

  • Take note; if someone did adopt them as patrons; thereat, he has no patronage in any matter from the grace of Allah the Exalted.

  • Except that they: true believers might protect themselves from them; to guard against the harm they could cause in future.

  • And Allah the Exalted warns you to remain vigilant of His injunctions.

  • And be cognizant that the doctrine: the finality of issues is the exclusive prerogative of Allah the Exalted, is a fact. [3:28]

  • If some privilege reaches you people it would be noisome for them. And would adversity befalls on you people they would rejoice on it.

  • Remember; should you people remain coolly perseverant and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation; their tricks-crafty schemes will not at all cause you any harm.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted encompasses all acts that they do. [3:120]

  • Surely, rather if you remain coolly perseverant and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation; and should they suddenly attack you here with full force:

  • Your Sustainer Lord will help you through five thousand Angels who identify and recognize by marks. [3:125]

  • It is never the course of Allah the Exalted that He might leave the true believers upon the suppositions and perceptions you have been cherishing until He might distinctly expose the abominable-repugnant-ignoble-junk-conjecture from the pleasant-noble-objective-fact.

  • And it was never the intention that Allah the Exalted might verbally disclose-expose-exhibit  upon you people the secrets of the realities which are not evident to your eyes-perception.

  • But for this disclosure Allah the Exalted exclusively selects a messenger in the galaxy of the Messengers of Him the Exalted; whom He wills.

  • Therefore, believe in Allah and all the elevated Messengers of Him the Exalted.

  • And should you people heartily believe and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation:

  •  Thereat, a reward par excellence is in wait for you people. [3:179]

  • Take note you people will certainly be subjected to trials for exposure of your inner-self with reference to your wealth - worldly wherewithal and your personal selves.

  • And know: you will certainly listen much irritating and disturbing assertions by some of those who were given the Book before you (Jews). Likewise, you will certainly listen much irritating and disturbing assertions by some of those who ascribed partners to Allah the Exalted.

  • Remember; should you people remain coolly perseverant and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation:

  • [their tricks-crafty schemes will not at all cause you any harm-3:120] This course is indeed a subject of strong willpower. [3:186]


  • Take note; If there were a wife who feared-anticipated discordant conduct or "indifference-avoidance" by her husband:

  • Thereat, nothing at all objectionable is blemished upon them both that they might mutually reconcile the [financial] matter between them; a perfect sincere reconciliation.

  • Remember; reconciliation is always a better thing.

  • And the person's self gets tempted to covetousness-selfishness.

  • Remain cautioned; if you people maintain a balanced and moderate approach and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation:

  • It is far better for you since Allah the Exalted is certainly always aware of the acts you people perform. [4:128]

  • However know it: You people would not be able to attain a capability to maintain absolute justice between your wives even if you had vehemently wished it.

  • Therefore, for reason of this natural fact and to remain near to justice: You people should not turn away, an altogether turning, whereby you leave her-one wife in the manner as flesh separated from bone making her like something suspended-hanging.

  • And should you people reconcile-make things balanced and perfect; and should you sincerely endeavour to attain salvation:

  • Thereby, Allah the Exalted is certainly repeatedly Overlooking-Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:129]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • If you people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, He the Exalted will render for you people acme of excellence;

  • Since He the Exalted will cause the deletion-hiding away from you your recorded misdemeanors and will grant forgiveness for you people.

  • Know it; Allah the Exalted is the possessor of Infinite Bounty. [8:29]

  • Indeed the life of this lowly world is nothing but like short lived theatrical play and amusement;

  • And if you people accept/believe and sincerely endeavour to attain salvation, He the Exalted will grant you the recompense of you people;

  • And He will not ask you about your wealth. [47:36]

لِ Prefixed particle of intent/purpose + Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive; [Form-VIII] [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-اِتِّقَاءٌ Verbal Noun.  (1)7:63=1 

  • They were asked: Is your rejection only because you people felt it strange that the Memoir/Referential/Reference Book, an explicit verbal discourse, has come to you from your Sustainer Lord by revelation upon the Man of staunch monotheist belief amongst you?

  • Its objective is that he might alarm and admonish you; and that you might sincerely endeavour to attain salvation and hopefully become the people blessed with clemency." [7:63]