Prepositional Phrase

جار و مجرور

Separable Preposition  (حرف الْجر) + Suffixed pronoun: third person; masculine; singular, genitive state.

The preposition and its object noun constitute what is called a prepositional phrase, in Arabic grammar: جار و مجرور.  The preposition: فِي is separable. When its object noun is a pronoun, the pronoun is suffixed to it, otherwise it appears separately from its object noun.

The preposition فِي signifies rest in a place or during a time, and motion into a place. This signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting between two things, one of which is regarded as the place in which the other is, or happens, or into which it goes or is put. The suffixed pronoun is for third person, singular, masculine referring to antecedent object. The preposition signifies what is meant in English by in, into, inside, among, within, about, and concerning. It is also used to join the company (89:29).

A prepositional phrase is neither the subject nor the predicate in a sentence. Identifying prepositional phrases is most important skill and critical for identifying the main subject and verb of a sentence. The true subject, predicate and verb of a sentence can never appear within a prepositional phrase. It is important to determine the element in the sentence to which a prepositional phrase relates.

It has spatiotemporal signification:

  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who endeavor to remain cautious and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted. [2:02]

The preposition phrase relates to elided predicate of the Genus negation particle: متعلقان بخبر محذوف and its object pronoun refers the Book, Grand Qur'aan before the reader.

  • The month of Ramadan is the month during which the Qur'aan was compositely sent. [refer 2:185]

Here the preposition signifies the time-frame of the accomplishment of the act denoted by the verb and its object pronoun refers the month of Ramadan. Therefore, we say the prepositional phrase relates to the verb: متعلقان بأنزل. In such cases It is utilized for adverbial meanings.

It is also used to refer to states that are experienced for a certain period:


  • Thereat, through devious manipulation Shai'taan caused both slip away off the given advice.

  • Thereby, he caused the exile of both from state of felicity-comfort in which they had been

  • And We directed: "You all descend.

  • Some of you people will be acting as enemy for some others.

  • Know it, comfortable dwelling and livelihood is arranged in the Earth for you people for a duration to an appointed moment of termination". [2:36]

It is used adverbially in the meanings of about, relating to, regarding, concerning a matter or issue:

  • Know that the Jew's elders-clergy proclaimed; "The Christians are not upon a standpoint of anything concrete";

  • And the Christian elders-clergy have counter claimed, "The Jews are not upon a standpoint of anything concrete".

  • They assert this despite the fact that they people read and recite the Book.

  • Likewise their statement, such common people who have no knowledge [of the Book] also said a similar assertion.

  • [Ignore them] For this Allah, the Exalted will judge them, on the Day of Rising, regarding what they kept mutually differing/opposing. [2:113]



 (1)2:02(2)2:19(3)2:20(4)2:36(5)2:63(6)2:113(7)2:185(8)2:191(9)2:213(10)2:213(112:213(12))2:217(13)2:217(14)2:248(15)2:254(16)2:266(17)2:267(18)2:281(19)3:09(20)3:25(21)3:49(22)3:55 (23)3:61(24)3:97(25)4:19(26)4:82(27)4:87(28)4:157(29)5:46(30)5:47(31)5:48(32)6:12 (33)6:60(34)6:139(35)6:164(36)7:139(37)7:169(38)7:171(39)9:108(40)9:108(41)9:108(42)10:19(43)10:37 (44)10:61(45)10:67(46)10:93(47)11:110(48)11:116(49)12:20(50)12:32(51)12:41(52)12:49(53)12:49(54)14:31(55)14:42(56)15:14(57)15:29(58)15:63(59)16:10(60)16:14 (61)16:39(62)16:64(63) 16:69(64)16:71(65)16:92(66)16:124(67)16:124(68)17:69(69)17:99(70)18:03(71)18:49(72)18:95(73)19:34(74)20:81(75)20:101(76)20:113(77)20:131(78)21:10(79)21:13(80)21:78(81)22:25(82) 22:25(83)22:69(84)23:77(85)24:14(86)24:37(87)25:69(88)27:76(89)27:86(90)28:72(91)28:73(92)30:28(93)32:02(94)32:09(95)32:25(96)35:12(97)35:37(98)38:72(99)39:03(100)39:29(101)39:46 (102)39:68(103)40:61(104)41:26(105)41:45(106)42:07(107)42:10(108)42:11(109)42:13(110)43:63(111)43:75(112)44:33(113)45:12(114)45:17(115)45:26(116)46:08(117)46:26(118)52:38(119) 52:45(120)54:04(121)57:07(122)57:13(123)57:25(124)66:12(125)68:37(126)68:38(127)72:17(128)78:03=128


Progressive number of grammatical units: = 12,344 + 128 = 12,472

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