demonstrative pronoun and demonstrative adjective: singular,

This is
the Book, you will find reading it that
its contents are absolutely void of
peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting,
ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory,
incongruous, biased
and opinionated matter.
This Book is
a Guide-Manual for those who endeavor to remain cautious
avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of Allah the
In English, the most popular
demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives are four: this,
that, these, and those. The only difference between demonstrative
pronoun and demonstrative adjective is that the demonstrative
adjectives are followed by a noun but demonstrative pronouns are
not. The demonstrative pronoun takes the place of noun phrase.
Demonstrative pronouns are used to refer to a description of an
object, activity, or situation if it is used immediately following
the object.
It is a singular, masculine demonstrative pronoun. It is composed of:
ذَا a noun of indication, properly
meaning "This"; and "لِ" which is called: اللام للبعد
that represents a distant object and its third component is "كَ"
which is second person, singular, masculine pronoun referent for the
person who is the addressee. The pronoun will change when the addressee
is second person, singular, feminine to "كِ"; and by "كُمَا" for dual
persons; and by "كَمْ" for second person, plural, masculine addressee.
Similarly it will change to "كُنَّ" when the addressee are second
person, plural feminine.
As a principle, the demonstrative
pronouns are used to refer to an antecedent object and thus they initiate
dependent clauses. However, demonstrative pronouns are used in the
Grand Qur'aan like the demonstrative adjective in English to
initiate a new sentence and are referent to following nouns in the
sentence when they are preceded by an ayah comprising of
non-translatable alphabets and diacritical mark. This
demonstrative adjective occurs as a sentence starter in the
independent sentence only once in 2:2 and as a Possessive Phrase:
in ayah 42:3 preceded by
two ayahs comprising of radicals of alphabet and diacritical mark.
Ayah 2:1 and this demonstrative pronoun as sentence starter reveal that the speaker
is delivering a speech; and the Book, which is in the hands of reader, is
the script of the speech. A speaker and author uses a demonstrative pronoun to
divert and focus the attention of the addressee towards the pointed
object, person or concept for assigning it a
Visual axis
or attention
focused upon an object yields its accurate perception. Therefore, any thing in the reach of the vision
that has since been perceived is no more distant irrespective of its
distance from the addressee. It stands introduced to the addressee. This
demonstrative pronoun is a pointer-introducer of:
the noun made definite by prefixing definite article
it is of type:
الْعَهْدُ الْحُضُورِىُّ
denoting that the
thing is right in front of you, presence. Thereby, the speaker and
listener know it.
It means specific known book to
the second person-the reader who has either picked it up or to whom it
is presented.
Qur'aan is introduced as a peculiar Book.
A book contains written material; data, information, physical
facts, events and conduct of the earlier generations;
knowledge. It contains injunctions, instructions; procedural code,
prescription of lawful and unlawful matter or conduct; segregates or
demarcates one thing from another, describes the relationship of things,
and elaborates the cause and effect of events/rise and fall. Moreover, a
book may serve as a Guide giving permanent values and the road map for those seeking the destination.
The two words:

not convey full information for the person who picked it up or to whom it is presented for reading.
The book is in the hands of
the addressee or is in the process of handing over to him, therefore, it
is manifest that the intent of Speaker/Author is not limited to tell
him, "This is the Book" or "That is the Book"
because he already knows it
or is watching it on presentation.
The intent is
to draw his concentrated attention towards the peculiarity and
distinction of its contents- miscellany which he has not yet read and
still distant from his information and perception. This makes him
attentive and enthusiastic to hear or read its ascription/predication.
is the solitary occurrence in the Grand Qur'aan. A
book is introduced only once to the audience.
The accepted and
preferable mode of communication is that the subject of speech be the
one which is already in the know of the listener/reader followed by ascription that is not in his knowledge. The Book is not
presented with these words:

"This is the Qur'aan" where:
as ascription to the demonstrative pronoun. Ascription is defined as the
connection of one word with another wherein the listener benefits from
the ascription making it proper for him to remain silent. It is a
descriptive statement not specifically addressed to some audience. We
find mention: 
later in 6:19;10:37;
and 43:31.
A written piece of
information is created by an author for a specific reason. This reason
for writing is known as author's purpose. Understanding the purpose is
closely related to the ability to identify the tone of a passage.
Tone is the mood of author's
written voice. Purpose and tone are established with word choice. Choice of words:
the auditory faculty of the reader and helps him recognize that he is
addressed by the Majestic authority.
"The Voice is the heart and soul of a book"; we will keep
quite clearly hearing the "voice" of the Exalted Author and the elevated
Relater - Publisher: the honoured Messenger of Allah the Exalted throughout the text
of Grand Qur'aan provided we attentively and critically listen and read
People picking up books have different motives and inclinations, serious
as well as non-serious to the extent of few for just killing the time.
No other book in the world gives this
much regards and respect to its individual reader as if he were the sole
audience of the Book. Pronoun: "كَ"
in demonstrative pronoun:
is for second person, singular, masculine; the
addressee who has picked up, or is presented this Book.
The Book recognizes and acknowledges him as truly a truth seeker.
A truth-seeker wishes to get hold of such books only
which would reveal to him the
information, knowledge, truth
and fact and raise their level of understanding.
Nevertheless, apprehension
and uncertainty is always there that whether or not he will find truth
and fact in the book after going through entire volume, and that it
might turn out an exercise in futility and waste of time.
The first concern of a serious/critical reader
is the accuracy, reliability and objectivity of the Book in hand. These concerns
are satisfied only if the book is
void of
suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, un-certain, illusory, perplexing,
and opinionated matter.
Grand Qur'aan is the only book that cares and respects the
concern and time value of serious reader. It addresses the natural apprehension
and uncertainty he might feel having picked up the Book in the hope and pursuit
of truth. It tells
the reader, whoever he might be, about its peculiarity immediately after
This is
the Book, you will find all the time
you read it, that
its contents are absolutely void of
psychologically disconcerting suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, un-certain, illusory,
and opinionated matter.
[Refer 2:02]
85(9)2:176(10)2:178(11)2:178(12)2:196(13)2:228(14)2:231(15)2:232(16)2:233(17)2:248(19)2:275(20)3:13(21)3:14(22)3:24(23) 3:28(24) 3:44(25)3:49(26)3:58(27)3:75(28)3:82(29)3:89(30)3:94(31)3:112(32)3:112(33)3:156(34)3:182(35)3:186(36)4:03(37)4:12(38)4:13(39)4:25(40)4:30(41)4:30(42)4:48(43)4:59(44)4:70(45) 4:114(46) 4:116(47)4:133(48)4:143(49)4:150(50)4:153(51)4:153(52)4:169(53)5:12(54)5:29(55)5:32(56)5:32(57)5:33(58)5:43(59)5:54(60)5:58(61)5:60(62)5:78(63)5:82(64)5:85(65)5:89(66)5:94 (67)5:95(68) 5:97(69)5:108(70)5:119(71)6:16(72)6:88(73)6:96(74)6:131(75)6:146(76)7:26(77)7:26(78)7:146(79)7:168(80)8:13(81)8:51(82)8:53(83)9:06(84)9:26(85)9:27(86)9:30(87)9:36(88)9:63 (89)9:72(90) 9:80(91)9:89(92)9:100(93)9:111(94)9:120(95)10:05(96)10:61(97)10:64(97)10:67(98)11:65(99)11:100(100)11:103(101)11:103(102)11:103(103)11:114(104)12:38(105)12:40(106) 12:48(107)12:49 (108)12:52(109)12:65(110)12:102(111)13:03(112)13:04(113)14:05(114)14:14(115)14:18(116)14:20(117)15:66(118)15:75(119)15:77(120)16:11(121)16:12(122)16:13(123)16:65 (124)16:67(125) 16:69(126)16:79(127)16:107(128)16:119(129)17:35(130)17:38(131)17:39(132)17:58(133)17:98(134)17:110(135)18:17(136)18:23(137)18:64(138)18:82(139)18:106(140)19:34 (141)19:64(142) 20:54(143)20:76(144)20:128(145)21:82(146)22:06(147)22:10(148)22:11(149)22:12(150)22:30(151)22:32(152)22:60(153)22:61(154)22:62(155)22:70(156)22:70(157)23:07(158) 23:15(159)23:30 (160)23:63(161)24:03(162)24:05(163)24:30(164)24:44(165)24:47(166)24:55(167)25:10(168)25:38(169)25:67(170)25:68(171)26:08(172)26:67(173)26:103(174)26:121(175) 26:139(176)26:158 (177)26:174(178)26:190(179)27:52(180)27:86(181)28:28(182)29:19(183)29:24(184)29:44(185)29:51(186)30:21(187)30:22(188)30:23(189)30:24(190)30:30(191)30:37(192) 30:38(193)30:50(194) 31:17(195)31:30(196)31:31(197)32:06(198)32:26(199)33:06(200)33:19(201)33:30(202)33:51(203)33:59(204)34:03(205)34:09(206)34:17(207)34:19(208)35:11(209)35:17 (210)35:32(211)36:38 (212)38:25(213)38:27(214)38:64(215)39:15(216)39:16(217)39:21(218)39:23(219)39:34(220)39:42(221)39:52(222)40:09(223)40:22(224)41:09(225)41:12(226)41:28(227) 42:22(228)42:23(229) 42:33(230)42:43(231)43:35(232)44:57(233)45:13(234)45:30(235)46:28(236)47:03(237)47:04(238)47:09(239)47:11(240)47:26(241)47:28(242)48:05(243)48:12(244)48:27 (245)48:29(246)50:03 (247)50:19(248)50:20(249)50:34(250)50:37(251)50:42(252)50:44(253)51:16(254)52:47(255)53:30(256)56:45(257)57:12(258)57:21(259)57:22(260)58:04(261)58:07(262) 58:12(263)59:04(264) 59:13(265)59:14(266)59:17(267)61:12(268)62:04(269)63:03(270)63:09(271)64:06(272)64:07(273)64:09(274)64:09(275)65:01(276)65:05(277)66:04(278)68:13(279)70:31 (280)70:44(281)72:11 (282)75:40(283)76:11(284)78:39(285)79:26(286)79:30(287)83:26(288)85:11(289)89:05(290)98:05(291)98:08(292)100:07=292
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect + Demonstrative
Interrogative particle + Demonstrative
Prepositional Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition + Demonstrative
definite; singular; masculine; genitive state.
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect +
Prepositional Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition + Demonstrative
definite; singular; masculine; genitive state.
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect + Prepositional Phrase: Preposition + Demonstrative
pronoun, genitive state (1)42:15=1
Second Person; plural; masculine.
(1)2:54(2)2:232(3)2:282(4)3:15(5)3:81(6)4:24(7)5:03(8)6:99(9)6:151(10)6:152(11)6:153(12)7:85 (13)8:14(14)8:18
pronoun: addressee: Second Person; plural; masculine
(1)2:49(2)7:141(3)14:06(4)21:56(5) 30:40(6)40:12(7)40:75(8)45:35=8
pronoun: addressee: Second Person; plural; masculine;
Vowel sign
ـُ is added for reason
الساكنين of
cluster of two vowel-less consonants.
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect +
pronoun: addressee: Second Person; plural; masculine;
Vowel sign
ـُ is added for reason
الساكنين of
cluster of two vowel-less consonants.
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect +
pronoun: addressee: Second Person; plural; feminine
pronoun: addressee: Second Person; dual; masculine;
Prefixed Noun of comparison,
in nominative state-Subject +
pronoun, in genitive state.
(1)2:73(2)2:113(3)2:118(4) 2:143(5)2:167(6)2:187(7)2:191(8)2:219(9)2:242(10)2:266(11)3:40(12)3:103(13)4:94(14)5:89(15)6:53(16)6:55(17)6:75(18)6:84(19)6:105(20)6:108(21)6:112(22)6:122(23)6:123(24)6:125(25)6:129 (26)6:137(27)6:148(28)7:32(29)7:40(30)7:41(31)7:57(32)7:58(33)7:101(34)7:152(35)7:163(36)7:174(37)10:12(38)10:13(39)10:24(40)10:33(41)10:39(42)10:74(43)10:103(44)11:102(45)12:06(46) 12:21(47)12:22(48)12:24(49)12:56(50)12:75(51)12:76(52)13:17(53)13:17(54)13:30(55)13:37(56)15:12(57)16:31(58)16:33(59)16:35(60)16:81(61)18:19(62)18:21(63)18:91(64)19:09(65)20:96(66) 20:99(67)20:113(68)20:126(69)20:126(70)20:127(71)21:29(72)21:88(73)22:16(74)22:36(75)22:37(76)24:58(77)24:59(78)24:61(79)25:31(80)25:32(81)26:59(82)26:74(83)26:200(84)27:34(85) 28:14(86)29:47(87)30:19(88)30:28(89)30:55(90)30:59(91)35:09(92)35:28(93)35:36(94)37:34(95)37:80(96)37:105(97)37:110(98)37:121(99)37:131(100)40:06(101)40:34(102)40:35(103)40:37(104) 40:63(105)40:74(106)42:03(107)42:07(108)42:52(109)43:11(110)43:23(111)44:28(112)44:54(113)46:25(114)47:03(115)50:11(116)51:52(117)54:35(118)68:33(119)74:31(120)77:18(121) 77:44=121
Prefixed Noun of comparison,
in nominative state-Subject +
pronoun, addressee feminine,
singular, in genitive state.
Prefixed Noun of comparison,
pronoun: Second Person, masculine, plural, in genitive state.(1)48:15=1
Prefixed conjunction
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect + Possessive
Prefixed Noun of comparison,
in nominative state-Subject +
pronoun, in genitive state.
Prefixed preposition +
pronoun, addressee masculine, singular, in genitive state. (1)11:119=1
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= 12,029 + 293 = 12,322

The book