The High Road defined by Allah the
Main article on the concept
It is a possessive phrase. It occurs
once. It is appositive [بدل]
for the preceding phrase.
The object noun of preposition; and [مضاف]
[مضاف إليه]
Proper Noun; Allah the Exalted

Let it be on record that in the same manner:
through Angel Messenger and directly when you visited Us beyond the Skies,
Our Majesty has communicated to you
the Messenger
the Life Breathing and Sustaining Guarantor: Vital Principle: Grand
Qur'aan, a promised affair of
Ours-divine guidance being exclusively Our task.
However, in your
past life you were not in habit of pursuing-wishing the Book and nor for acknowledging it.
But We have declared it: Grand Qur'aan as
Visible Light-the Sustainer of Life.
We guide with this Grand Qur'aan anyone from
Our subjects for whom We so intend-decide;
And beyond an iota of doubt
you the Messenger
are certainly
guiding them towards
High road: Course that keeps heading
safely and stably to the destination of peace and
tranquility. [42:52]

This is the High Road of Allah
the Exalted; the One and Only—
exists in the Skies and
whatever exists in the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects
for Him the Exalted.
Unquestionably the
matters for finalization/disposal/decision are returned
towards Allah the Exalted. [42:53]
