Main article on the concept
It occurs once.
It is like a clause comprising of a
possessive phrase followed by circumstantial accusative. The first
noun is in nominative state as predicate of preceding verb-like
particle. The suffixed first person masculine pronoun is referent to
Allah the Exalted. The sentence itself is a dependent clause as its
subject is demonstrative pronoun referent to what is stated earlier
which is the course of conduct.

You the Messenger
invite them: "Come to exalt
yourselves beyond conjectures; I would
recite word by word what your Sustainer Lord has forbidden upon
That you
should never associate anyone-anything with Him the Exalted;
And look after
your parents with affectionate
And you should not kill
your children apprehending poverty/financial liability—"
-- We provide sustenance to you people
and for them --.
—"And that you should not approach
towards illicit sexual attractions; that which have become publicly
known places about it, and
also those which are secretive.
And you should not murder - hang a person; Allah
the Exalted has sanctified it, except for dispensation of justice on
a proven charge
of murder of a person or of creating
disturbance/ disorder/chaos/panic in the country
[refer 5:32,33].
These are the commands He the Exalted has bound you people with.
These are mentioned that perhaps you might conveniently save in memory
and objectively analyze to exalt beyond conjectures. [6:151]

Further, that you should
not approach the inherited property of certain father-orphan; except
handling it in the best manner, until he might attain the age of his full strength:
age of
And you people equitably discharge the
liability of measure, and maintain the weighing scale on exacting
Our Majesty does not
impose burden, responsibility, obligation upon a person except according
to her
capacity: physical and mental ability; scope, capability, strength, practicability, access
and tolerance.
"And that when you have said something, thereby, you
must do justice notwithstanding it
hurts the interest of a near relative.
And discharge your
commitment obligated by the Contract of Allah the Exalted.
These are the commands He the Exalted has bound you people with.
These are mentioned that perhaps you might
conveniently remember, recall and relate. [6:152]

And to inform you people that He the
Exalted has declared this course of conduct as "My High road".
It keeps leading safely and straight
to the destination of peace and tranquility.
Therefore, you are directed to
consciously and affectionately follow this direct route.
And you should not pursue many
divergent courses; if you do pursue a certain other course it might diverge
along with you away from His High road.
This is the command He the Exalted has bound you people with.
It is mentioned so that you people might remain heedful, cautious
and avoid unrestrained conduct, in reverence and fear of Allah the
Exalted." [6:153]
