The Day of Accountability


The possessive element in this possessive phrase is a verbal noun of Form-III that signifies accountability: obligation of an individual to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them. It is followed by rewarding and retribution. To subject people to accountability is the exclusive prerogative of the Supreme Sovereign Allah the Exalted:



  • Know it; if in future Our Majesty causes you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to witness-see with eyes a part of Last Day which We are promising to them; or in future We cause you to become segregated from people by natural death before that Day:

  • It will make no difference since the only responsibility upon you is to deliver-convey-pass on the message to their ears and hands, orally and in writing.

  • On deliverance of Qur'aan your corporeal alienation will make no effect; since subjecting people to accountability vests upon Our Majesty. [13:40]

  • My Sustainer Lord, declare me as he who institutionalizes the As-Sal'aat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance. And declare as such someone of my progeny.

  • Our Sustainer Lord, and do accept my prayer. [14:40]

  • Our Sustainer Lord, Kindly grant forgiveness for me and for my biological mother and father and for the believers on the day the accountability will be held." [14:41]

  • And Our Majesty has rendered every individual person accompanying permanently his augury-destiny within his neck;

  • And We will bring it out in writing-print out for him on the Day of Resurrection which he would see openly; [and will be asked]; [17:13]

  • "You read your book/record;

  • Today, you suffice for yourself as accountability judge." [17:14]

  • The subjection to their accountability has come nearer in time for the people. Despite its nearing, they are yet in heedlessness; they are deliberately overlooking - disregarding. [21:01]

  • They do not listen except hearing in a playful mood whatever warning - information comes to their notice anew quoted from the Reminder- Admonishment: Grand Qur'aan received from their Sustainer Lord. [21:02]

  • And Our Majesty will lay down the Scales of adjudging - evaluation - appreciation - weighing - Equitythe same Weighing Scale: Books of Allah revealed in timeline, for the Day of Resurrection,

  • Whereby, no person shall be treated unjustly even minutely.

  • And if there were an act worth a grain-seed of a mustard plant, Our Majesty would bring it to limelight.

  • And Our Majesty is the Administrator of Accountability and Justice. [21:47]

  • And if someone calls along with Allah the Exalted any other as iela'aha: godhead;  there is absolutely no substantive evidence and argument for him in support of his conjectural contention,

  • [let him conjecture] Thereafter his accountability is only upon his Sustainer Lord.

  • Indeed the matter is that those who persistently refuse to accept/believe never attain prosperous success at the end. [23:117]

  • They the ruling elite replied, "Should we believe for you while only they have followed you who are vilest - riffraff among us." [26:111]

  • Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, " I have no knowledge about what they people were doing in the past; [26:112]

  • Their accountability is but upon my Sustainer Lord

  • If you people follow/comprehend/perceive [the point]. [26:113]

  • And nor I am the one to ever drive away the believers [26:114]

  • Since I am but an Awakener - Revivalist - Admonisher - Warner making for people things manifest and crystal clear." [26:115]

  • And these people [present day confederates] wait nothing except a Big/mighty Bang; for which there will be no gap/interval [of ease, wave after wave of sound, breaking everything]. [38:15]

  • And they said: "Our Lord! hasten to us our share of punishment before the Day of Accountability!" [38:16]

  • "O Da'wood [alai'his'slaam] indeed We have appointed you the Ruler in the country;
  • Therefore, decide and adjudge amongst people on principle of justice and equity.
  • And [advise everyone] you should not follow the conjectural statement which might render you forgetful of the Path of Allah the Exalted.
  • Indeed those who aberrantly move away from the Path of Allah the Exalted:
  • A severe punishment  is in wait for them because they have neglected the Day of Accountability."  [38:26]

  • This is that which you people are being promised for the Day of Accountability. [38:53]

  • This Day each and every person shall be paid back that which he had earned/acts performed

  • This Day is such that there is absolutely no injustice for anyone.

  • Be mindful: Allah the Exalted is certainly swift in accounting-measuring-judging-evaluating-reckoning. [40:17]

  • And Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said, "I take refuge with my Sustainer Lord and Sustainer Lord of you people from each and every arrogant who has made himself obsessed with feel of grandeur;

  • That who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning/Accountability". [40:27]

  • That Day you people will be exhibited [the record/Book], nothing secret will remain hidden from you. [69:18]

  • Thereat as for he is concerned whose record is handed over to him in his right hand:

  • Thereat he will say to others: "Here, you people read my record; [69:19]

  • The fact is that  I was positively sure that I will certainly be confronting my account." [69:20]

  • Thereby, he will live in affluent economics, a pleasantly enjoying life[69:21]

  • In the elevated Garden[69:22]

  • Its clusters of fruits are hanging near in hand reach for plucking: [69:23]

  • "You people eat and drink with satisfaction because of that which you did beforehand in the days gone by." [69:24]


  • And as for he is concerned whose record is handed over to him by his left side;

  • Thereupon he will say to himself, "Alas, I were not given my book/record; [69:25]

  • And I would not have known as to what is my account[69:26]

  • Alas, I wish it had been the conclusive end;. [69:27]

  • My Wealth has not benefited-availed to divert anything away from me.  [69:28]

  • My authority and control over people has vanished." [69:29]

  • Indeed they used not to expect the accountability. [78:27]

  • And they publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book] declaring as false and conjecture. [78:28]

  • Thereat as for the one who is given his book/written record in his right hand[84:07]

  • Thereat he will swiftly become realizer about the leniency in accountability, [84:08]

  • And he will cause himself to return [with some protocol escort] to his household, delighted. [84:09]

  • Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] advise-narrate it because you are only the Admonisher-Revivalist. [88:21]

  • You have certainly not been a controller and guard upon them. [88:22]

  • But whoever turned away from your admonition and refused to accept[88:23]

  • Thereat/in consequence Allah the Exalted will punish him with severe infliction. [88:24]

  • Indeed their return is to Our Majesty for accountability; [88:25]

  • Afterwards their accountability is incumbent upon Our Majesty.. [88:26]


