The Day of assembly


: The Day of Accountability and Judicial Verdict - Reward and Punishment is characterized as:   the Day of assembly. The possessive noun of the Day: is definite verbal noun stemming from Root: ج م ع. It signifies to gather together, to crowd, to assemble. After assembly of the people they will be separated - bifurcated into three groups.

  • And notice: a point of interest - goal - objective is the hallmark for every one - group. He focuses - diverts his affiliation towards that view.

  • Therefore, [leave them engaged in their diversions] you people consciously hasten striving in doing the best things of benefit, welfare and tranquility for all.

  • Notwithstanding, wherever you people might have located yourselves, Allah the Exalted will bring you all collectively to accountability - justice.

  • Certainly Allah the Exalted has eternally the command and control over each and all things, individually and collectively, to set them right - fix them in measure. [2:148]

  • Our Sustainer Lord! You the Exalted are certainly the gatherer of the people together for the promised day. Not at all perplexity-confusion-delusion-uncertainty lies in the gathering of people in it".

  • The fact remains that Allah the Exalted never betrays the promise. [3:09]

  • Thereat,  how will they stand by their delusional stance [3:24] when We would have gathered them all together for the promised day. Not at all perplexity-confusion-delusion-uncertainty lies in the gathering of people in it.

  • And each of individuals would have been paid back that which he had earned/done.

  • While dispensing justice they are not subjected to even an iota of disproportion. [3:25]

  • Realize and recognize it about Allah the ExaltedNone at all in miscellany of iela'aha: godheads - deities that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshiped is alive or organizes, administers or sustains others except He the Exalted.

  • It is sworn promise that He the Exalted will certainly gather you people on the Day of Resurrection. There is absolutely no confusion-uncertainty in realization of it.

  • Heed the pronouncement seriously; Who is there more infallibly truthful than Allah the Exalted; Infallibly truthful in disclosure of breaking news; relay of hitherto unknown information? [4:87]

  • And Our Majesty has compositely sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book: Grand Qur'aan; it is the composition of Infallible Doctrine-Discourse-Constitution.

  • It the Grand Qur'aan serves as the affirmer/certifier/sanctifier for that which was revealed from the Book aforetimes. Simultaneously, it the Grand Qur'aan is a protective umbrella upon that: the revelations in the past.

  • Therefore, you the Messenger adjudge between them according to that which Allah the Exalted has sent: Grand Qur'aan.

  • Take note; you the Messenger should not incline to pursue their conjectures and hearsay in deviation of that which has reached to you as Infallible Doctrine-Discourse of Established Facts.

  • We had declared this for every one of you people as a single source and path: pursuing in letter and spirit the Book of Allah the Exalted [as was told to the first couple before dispatching them to the Earth-2:38;20:123].

  • [to differ is the right and prerogative granted to man] And if Allah the Exalted had so willed; He would have indeed made you all one harmonious unit [by exercising infinite power and dominance and taking away the freedom of will/choice]

  • But the purpose for not making you one harmonious unit by force is that He might subject you people to test for exposure of your true worth in what He has given to you [the Book and other things]

  • Therefore, [leave them engaged in their diversions] you people diligently hasten doing the best things.

  • The return of you people will be directed towards Allah the Exalted; all of you on the Day of Judgment:

  • Thereat, He the Exalted will disclose to you the matter in which you purposely kept differing. [5:48]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Orienting your personalities to guidance-aright course rests upon your selves.

  • He who has gone stray will not be able to importune you once you have diligently self attained the guidance-rationality: taken recourse to the Guide: Grand Qur'aan.

  • The return of you people will be directed towards Allah the Exalted; all of you on the Day of Judgment:

  • Thereat, He the Exalted will disclose to you about acts that you had been doing. [5:105]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth; to and for whom they owe existence and subjection?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them the answer: "Solely for Allah the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted has self prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Self. [this is how absolute power is made beautiful, balanced]

  • I swear He the Exalted will undoubtedly gather you people on the Day of Resurrection; there is absolutely no confusion-uncertainty about this news.

  • Those people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures], thereby, they do not accept it. [6:12]

  • Know the happening of the Day of resurrection; Our Majesty will collect them, all collectively;

  • Thereafter, We will question those who adopted sculpted idols as partners:

  • "Where are your partners; those about whom you kept publicly asserting as partners?" [6:22]

  • Imagine; the day He the Exalted will gather them; all assembled;

  • "O you the group of Jinn! you had indeed acquired multitude by befriending many of humans."

  • And their intimates belonging to humans said: "Our Sustainer Lord! Some of us did self benefit with one another;

  • And we passed over the respective moment of our duration-life which You the Exalted had appointed for us".

  • He the Exalted said: "Heated Hell is your place of accommodation/dwelling wherein you will live permanently."

  • Exception is for the one for whom Allah the Exalted has so decided.

  • Indeed the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger is the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realms and are the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of visible and invisible domains.[6:128]

  • The return of  you people, all together on the Day of Judgment, is destined towards Him the Exalted.

  • The promise of Allah the Exalted is always a proven and established truth.

  • Indeed He the Exalted initiates the creation and after pause of time will cause his relapsereverted to original state:

  • So that He may reward equitably those who believed and performed moderate righteous deeds.

  • And as for those are concerned who deliberately and persistently refused to accept:

  • Drinking water of heated reservoir and severe punishment is arranged and is in wait for them for the reason that they persistently kept refusing to accept the truth. [preferring worldly interests and fascination] [10:04]

  • Know the happenings of the Day of resurrection; Our Majesty will collect them, all collectively;

  • Afterwards We will say for those who ascribed partners, stay where you are, you and your partners.

  • Then We made a rift between them;

  • And their partners said to them: "you were not worshipping and allegiant to us exclusively. [10:28]

  • Indeed the news about the past civilizations have certainly an indication-lesson for him who feared the punishment in the Hereafter.

  • That is the day, its feature is that people will be gathered together;

  • And that is the Day, its feature is that presence of everyone is ensured. [11:103]

  • Beware, We are postponing it but for the terminating moment of a determined duration. [11:104]

  • Know the happenings of day of resurrection; they the non-believers assembled in the open, all collectively, to make submissions for consideration of Allah the Exalted.

  • Thereat, the downtrodden said for those; who had attained position of arrogant elite over them and were obsessed with pride of grandeur, "We were indeed for you people the unquestioning followers.

  • Therefore, can you people act as those who could avail averting some thing from the infliction of Allah away from us?"

  • They replied, "Had Allah the Exalted guided us, we would certainly have guided you.

  • It is one and the same thing for us whether we remain annoyed or we exercised patience. For us there is no retiring place other than the Hell-Prison." [14:21]

  • And the Day when we would have left some of them in a state that each one will surge in some others,

  • And the sound would have been blown in the Trumpet.

  • Thereby, we would have gathered them all collectively. [This is the happening of the Last Day]  [18:99]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Our Sustainer Lord will make gathering between us,
  • Thereafter He will adjudge between us on Fact and True Merit;
  • And He the Exalted is the Supreme Judge, the Source of Knowledge." [34:26]

  • And the Day He will gather them altogether;

  • Thereafter He will ask the Angels, "Were these people used to worship/show allegiance to you?" [34:40]

  • And that each one of them all collectively will be but brought up before Our Majesty. [36:32]

  • [everyone died and calmness prevailed] Know it, as soon the second sound would have been blown in the Trumpet;

  • Thereat, they will be driven, on emerging from their respective graves, towards their Sustainer Lord. [36:51]

  • They said, "Woe is for us! Who has revived us from our graves: sleeping place?

  • This is that which Ar'Reh'maan had promised and the Messengers had truthfully affirmed it," [36:52]

  • It was just but one Big/mighty Bang

  • Whereat that point in time they all will be brought up before Our Majesty. [36:53]

  • And likewise We have verbally communicated [Parlance-Book] to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Qur'aan: a compilation in Arabic: perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive and precisely expressive language; the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.

  • The intended objective of it is that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, with it] might admonish and awaken the inhabitants of the Mother of cities [Mecca-the Sanctified City]; and all those who inhabit around it. [the whole world]

  • Moreover, you might cause cautiousness-awareness-alarmed of  the Day of the Gathering. The Day about which there is absolutely no confusion/uncertainty.

  • On that Day, a group will be escorted into the Paradise, and a group will be dragged into the Scorching Hell-Prison. [42:07]

  • And amongst His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs is the creation of the Skies and the Earth;

  • And  that which He scattered all kinds of animals in both two of them.

  • And He has full command and control over their collection as and when He so willed. [42:29]

  • The certain fact is that the Day of Separation-Segregation-Compartmentalization-Sorting is the Appointed Time of them, all collectively. [44:40]

  • That is the Day during which no relative will have any avail from a relative.

  • Mind it that they will never ever get help [from those who can otherwise help]. [44:41]

  • However, there is one excepted from the above disclosure upon whom Allah the Exalted bestowed mercy.

  • It is a certain fact that He the Exalted is Absolutely Dominant, He the Exalted is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [44:42]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah the Exalted creates you people, afterwards the lapse of time of your period of life, He causes you to die.

  • Afterwards, upon blowing of second trumpet, indeed He will gather you people on the Day of Resurrection. There is absolutely   no confusion/uncertainty/duplicity of thought within it.

  • However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept it/know this fact. [45:26]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed the earlier ones and the later generations, [56:49]

  • Certainly they all will be gathered at the appointed moment of the known day. [56:50]

  • The Day Allah the Exalted will revive them to life/resurrect, all together

  • Whereby He will inform them about that which they did.

  • Allah the Exalted has elaborately enumerated/enfolded it [in writing in the book] and they have forgotten it.

  • Allah the Exalted is Ever Witness/Observer over each and everything/matter/affair. [58:06]

  • The Day Allah will revive them to life/resurrect, all together

  • Thereat they will swear for Him in the same manner as they swear for you people;

  • and they think they are on some foundation

  • Undoubtedly it is a certain fact that they are the liars. [58:18]


  • The Day He will collect you people for the Day of the Gathering,

  • That is the Day of the exposition of mutual deceits.

  • And whoever consciously inclines to believe in Allah the Exalted and conducts righteously;

  • He will delete/remove/hide from him his misdoings.

  • And He will enter him into gardens with streams of water flowing beneath/side by. They shall reside therein perpetually,

  • This [approval and appreciation of Allah] is the greatest/grand achievement/success. [64:09]

  •  "This is the Day of Separation/Compartmentalization;

  • We have gathered you people and the earlier/former ones. [77:38]

