Root: د خ ن
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 2

Afterwards, having created the
Earth and its wherewithal, He the Exalted attended-directed towards
the Sky
which was already existing in gaseous state.
Thereby, it was ordained for the
gaseous Sky
and for the Earth: solid mass-matter: "you both develop relationship
of attraction-tug-pull or repulsion".
They said: "We have assembled like those who develop relationship of
pull-affection-attraction desiring proximity". [41:11]

[they are not in a state of conviction] rather the fact is that they in their
skepticism are playful. [44:09]
Therefore, you the Messenger
make yourself in wait for the Day the Sky will bring evidently visible
smoke-gaseous concentration;
Which will veil/cloud the
[it will become known]
This is a painful punishment.
They will say, "O the
Sustainer Lord of us! You remove away from us the punishment, indeed we
have converted ourselves as believers". [44:12]
1 |
Prepositional Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition
+ Noun: indefinite; masculine, genitive.
جار و مجرور= بـِ
حرف جر + اسم:مجرور-واحد
مذكر |
2 |
Noun: indefinite; masculine, nominative.
مذكر |
د رء
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