
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


a) Total occurrences: 1 

b) No of constructions: 1


In Grand Qur'aan other Roots with first two letters  ف س

1) ف س ح

2) ف س د

3) ف س ر

4) ف س ق




Lane Lexicon




25:33 Word by Word Analysis

































 Root: ف س ر



1. The basic perception infolded in the Root ف س ر.

2. Its one time occurrence in Grand Qur'aan.

3. Disclosure of something previously unknown is called news.

3. The perception and meanings infolded in the Word "Nabi"


1. The basic perception infolded in the Root ف س ر.

The basic perception infolded in the Root is to disclose and state information about something the listener is hitherto not aware. The renowned Classical Arabic Lexicon, لسان العرب describes it as كشف المُغَطّى, "disclosure of the wrapped, covered, not known thing". The Lane's Lexicon states, "to explain, to interpret, to explicate, to elucidate, to disclose a hidden thing; he discovered, detected, revealed, or disclosed a thing that was concealed, or obscured". [Lane's Lexicon-Page 302, Vol-6]

The disclosure of information about something which is in a concealed, obscured, hidden, covered or wrapped state that comes to the knowledge of a listener-reader for the first time is but "breaking news" for him. The act of breaking the news occurs only once. Certainly it is no coincidence that the word from this Root has occurred only once in the Grand Qur'aan. 

  • Moreover, the objective of gradual revelation is that no sooner they come to you with a proposition-example-query:

  • We would certainly have already brought to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the factual and the most dynamically balanced information as breaking news about it. [25:33]

The context is about explaining the rationale and objective of gradual and intermittent revelation of Grand Qur'aan. This was to answer with regard to oral propaganda and questioning of people by the non-believers that why and for what reason the Qur'aan has not been sent to him, Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, in one go, as a complete bound book [25:32].

I feel pleased that the non-believers had raised this question before people, though with bad intention of creating confusion because the response has disclosed the first priority of Allah, the Exalted. The tranquility of the exalted heart of our Guide Lord, Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is the first priority of Allah, the Exalted. الله اكبر الله اكبر-الحمد لله. 

The responsibility, and expectation of people from the Guide Lord, is to guide and answer their queries and provide them the information/news about anything of their interest. The Guide Lord can feel uneasiness and heaviness in the heart of his heart on the thought of feeling embarrassment in case he has no news and information to offer in response to a query. The objective of gradual and intermittent communication of Qur'aan is only to keep the heart of the Exalted Messenger at peace. The assurance was that whatever the people might ask from him, the best breaking news about that would have reached him prior to floating of the question or query or proposition.

3. Disclosure of something previously unknown is called breaking-news.

The disclosure of information about an hitherto covered, wrapped, concealed, or undisclosed thing or phenomenon does not mean elucidation, interpretation, explanation or explication. The disclosure of something previously unknown is called the "news".

Realize it that he/the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam tells you people the knowledge/information/data which hitherto you did not have [for lack of Book]. [Refer 2:151]

O, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], this information is partly from the news of the past/facts which We are communicating to you. You hitherto did not know these facts/news, you and nor your nation knew these facts before this Qur'aan.

  • Our Majesty has not revealed the Grand Qur'aan upon you the Messenger [ Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]  with the intention that you might stress yourself. [20:02]

  • Objective of its revelation is only to serve as Reference Book - Frequented source for him who is apprehensively cautious. [20:03]



Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative; [Form-II]. (1)25:33=1        مصدر: منصوب



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