Root: ع ت ق

The Beacon of Guidance
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 1
The basic perception infolded in the Root is to be
in the prime of a condition with regard to sanctity, honour, dignity,
respect, adoration. Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated that it
combines the perception of a state of par
excellence [الكرم],
precedence, that excites admiration,
and antiquity [القِدم]. Lane's Lexicon
explains that it means the state of preceding, or having precedence
and become safe and secure.
The state of emancipation and to become free from the state of slavery.
It is employed to refer to wine kept in a
receptacle/jar of which no one has broken the seal upon the mouth of its
jar representing its "virginity-sanctity", the state of being untouched and
unspoiled. This in fact represents admiration and conviction of its
undiluted state for the drinker's point of view,
not necessarily the old age of the wine
contained therein.
Grand Qur'aan
has one word; occurring twice, made from this Root, in the adjectival
phrases, i.e.,
qualitative description of the House/

Thereafter the
consumption- disposal of sacrifice they should/may remove respectively
their dirt/hair by shaving/ or trimming of hair if bald [as prescribed
And they should consciously
cause the fulfillment - laying
off - alienating their respective vows;
And they should
walk - move around elliptically- gyrate around the Sanctified House. [Refer 22:29]
is الصفة
المشبهة i.e.,
Adjective resembling
participle: Definite; masculine; singular; genitive.
Adjective resembling participle, or termed
Verbal Adjective, is a noun derived from an intransitive verb
in order to signify the one who establishes an action
with the meaning of permanence. This
participle is used to indicate on an attribute for both the active voice
as well as the passive. In other words, it is used in place of the
active participle as well as the passive participle.
The context is the address to Iebra'heim [علیہ
who raised this First House-[3:96]
from foundations for the first time, on a
plot/piece of land identified and earmarked for him by Allah, the

Be aware of history
of that time when Our Majesty had marked
the site of the House for acknowledgment by
Iebra'heim [علیہ

And you pronounce amongst the
people for Hajj: Pilgrimage to Ka'aba; [Refer 22:27]
It is, at that point in
time of address,
a just raised House and obviously such a house is never called and considered
This is Sanctified House and is named as such in
5:97. The fact that it means what is denoted by الكرم
as mentioned by Ibne Faris, is manifestly evident
immediately by the following declarative statements:

This is demonstration of
respect for Allah's emblems;, and whoever
inclines - incites himself to honour
and glorify the Sanctifications
of Allah the Exalted, thereby that act is the best for him in the consideration of his
Sustainer Lord. [Refer 22:30]

This is demonstration of
respect for Allah's emblems; and whoever honours the
symbolic emblems - Sanctifications of Allah the Exalted;
Then indeed that is the
reflection of the piety—reverence and fear of Allah embedded in the
hearts. [22:32]

Advantages up to the Designated—Determined
Moment of wrapping the universe are ensured in the herbivore mammals for you people;
Thereafter their place of
sacrifice is towards the Sanctified House. [22:33]
The sanctification,
something to be considered and treated in
the prime of a condition with regard to sanctity, honour, dignity,
respect, adoration, glorification is the basic perception infolded in the Root of:
With regard to the House:
this is specifically declared:
[Purpose also stated in
Lane's Lexicon explains that
this Root signifies the state of preceding, or having precedence
and thereby become safe and secure.
a place where people should move and be sure of becoming safe and

Peculiarity of the
First House is that Distinctly indicative pointers are kept therein. The
standing place of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam, Al-Masjidilha'raam]
is therein.
And whoever had entered therein he
was in a state of amnesty and security.
Beware, the Huj:
pilgrimage of the
House is an obligation upon people for the sake of seeking approval of Allah the
Exalted whoever has
acquired the capacity and wherewithal to travel for performing Huj.
And if someone refused to discharge
this obligation,
[he caused his own loss] Thereat
know it, Allah
the Exalted is certainly the Absolutely Independent, not in need
from all the peoples. [3:97]
Adjective resembling participle:
denotes meaning
of permanence. Is it a confirmed fact? Yes,
here is the confirmation of this fact:

the FIRST House
appointed on the Earth for the
mankind is certainly that which was raised from foundations by Iebra'heim
with Iesma'eile
in the
vicinity of locality called Becca [City: Mecca].
prominent characteristic is that it is perpetuated.
And that it is
raised above the ground beacon of guidance for the mankind. [3:96]
Passive Participle:
masculine; singular; accusative; [Form III];
Root: ب ر ك
This Root enfolds the basic perception of anything
that became firm, steady, steadfast or fixed; remained, continued or
stayed in a place, constantly or perseveringly.
It reflects permanence and stability, thereby it
results in keeping expanding and developing and becoming more and more
prominent and obvious for people.
Any fixture, raised above
ground rock, monument, building, howsoever
antique it might be, does not serve as an
Emblem that guides people to direction leading to destination, place of
safety and security.
is declared as:
for humanity for all times to come. This denotes a
fixture, a rock, a visible fixed structure that helps find the direction
in a state of bewilderment in the vastness of ocean. This is how it
assumes, performs and acts as Guide. It guides people to move towards,
Allah the Exalted, since He, the Exalted declares it:
"The House of Mine" [Refer
, "The House of Glory, Sanctity, Honour", which has the specific unique
is the Beacon of Guidance in the time line. It flashes rays of light in
all directions of the universes to show direction to the humanity where
should they precede and secure themselves presently and eternally.

1 |
Adjective resembling participle: Definite;
masculine; singular; genitive. (1) 22:29(2)22:33=2
الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ
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