Root: خ ف ت
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 3
b) No of constructions: 2
Lane's Lexicon: It (the
voice) was, or became,
still, or silent; was, or became, low,
or soft, or gentle, or slender; and became weak, by
reason of vehement hunger
Contra. Root
ج ھ
Related Root
Root: س ر ر

You the Messenger
instruct them;
people are directed to call-address your Sustainer Lord
the Exalted,
or interchangeably call-address
by personal name Ar'Reh'maan.
At whatever point in time
should you wish to seek attention, you should address with attribution
since the names attributing the sublime connotation of exacting
balance/proportioned/equilibrium/virtue/admirable/grandeur/just/majesty/absoluteness/beauty are appropriate and exclusive for
Him (Ar'Reh'maan)
the Exalted.
Moreover, you
(individual) should neither perform aloud your Salat: Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance nor should you
reduce it to sub-vocal/zero audibility.
Instead, find a way out in between two extremes."
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Second person; singular;
masculine; Mood: Jussive; [Form-III]; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-مُخَافَتَةٌ
Verbal noun. (1)17:110=1
فعل مضارع مجزوم/الفاعل ضمير مستتر
حاضر-باب مفاعلة |
2 |
Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; [Form-III]; Mood: Indicative
evident by "نَ";
and [و] Subject
Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-مُخَافَتَةٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت
متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر/باب مفاعلة |

خ ف ض
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