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Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 4
Language is the principal means used
by human beings to communicate with one another. It is the main tool of
transmitting perceptions amongst human beings.
Perception is a neurological process of observation and interpretation.
is a neurological process of acquiring and mentally interpreting
information from the senses. Perception and word of a language are
compulsorily complementary to each other.
Matter has dimensions and we can perceive and conceive it only if there
is a language. Without there being a language neurological perception
would have been non existent. Sensory feelings could have any meanings
if there existed a language, since they could become meaningful
data/information/knowledge capable of storage and retrieval from the
memory if it were assigned some code/name using some language.
Could some thing be created with a purpose and
design if there was no language to name the product being created? From
human beings point of view, there must exist a language before anything
is created; language precedes creation or at least is developed
simultaneously with the creation of things.
1 |
Particle + Noun:
[Adjectival] Indefinite; plural; masculine; nominative
للاستفهام + اسم: مرفوع-واحد
2 |
[Adjectival] Indefinite;
singular; masculine; nominative.
اسم: مرفوع-واحد
مذكر |
3 |
[Adjectival]: indefinite; Masculine; singular; accusative.
مذكر |
4 |
[Adjectival]: definite; Masculine;
plural; accusative.
اسم:معرفہ باللام- منصوب--جمع
سالم مذكر |

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