Root: ب ع ر
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 1
domain: Animal Kingdom
Sub category: Camel as beast of burden

Later when they opened their
baggage they found their capital stock had been returned to them.
They said, "O our father! what
else should we desire. This is our capital stock which has been
returned to us;
And by going there we will acquire provision
for our household; and we will protect our brother;
and we will get one excess camel load of grains.
Getting one
excess measure would be
easy." [12:65]
Other Root:
ء ب ل
species camel;
flocks of birds
ب د ن
: Camels
ج م ل
: Camels
Root: ن و ق
: female camel
1 |
Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine/feminine;
اسم جنس:مجرور-مذكر/مؤنث |

ب ع ض
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