Root: ذ م م
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 5
b) No of constructions: 3
Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
لذال والميم في المضاعف أصلٌ واحد يدلُّ كلُّه على خلافِ الحمد
That it signifies what is contra. of praise, appreciation,
Lane Lexicon : He blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended, him, in respect of evil conduct; ذِمَّةٌ A compact, a covenant, a contract, a league, a treaty, an engagement, a bond, or an obligation; because the breaking thereof necessitates blame: and a right, or due, (حَقٌّ,) for the neglect of which one is to be blamed:
How could the pact persist? When it has become evident that they would have no regard for the kinship in you nor for the pact of protection should they gain prominence/power over you - balance of power is in their favour.
They satisfy, please, cool you people by lip service and their hearts avert.
And most of them are "fasiqoona": aberrant: the promise breakers, transgressors, prone to violating the bounds. [9:08]
They bartered a trifling worldly gain by going against Aa'ya'at: verbal passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted whereby they hindered people from the High road of Him the Exalted.
Indeed evil and extremely harmful is for them what they have been doing. [9:09]
They regard not the kinship tie in a believer nor the pact of protection.
And they are the people who are the transgressors. [9:10]
Whoever were aspiring for reward of his efforts in this worldly life, Our Majesty hastened for him in it what We decide for the one for whom We so intend.
Afterward, We have declared for him the Hell-Prison, wherein he will enter to scorch, disgraced and discarded. [17:18]
You should not assign and declare along with Allah the Exalted another iela'aha: godhead;
If you do it thereby you will sit condemned and discarded-abandoned. [17:22]
Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant and wait for the time your Sustainer Lord decrees,
And be not [in haste in response to disbeliever's utterances seeking quick decision] like the Companion of the Fish when he called and he was in a state of distress/agony/respiratory difficulty. [68:48]
Had the Grace from his Sustainer Lord not made itself overtake him certainly he would remained on the open/deserted shore while he was unable/incapacitated to move out. [68:49]
Thereat his Sustainer Lord caused him consolidated recovery whereupon declared him from amongst the Perfectionists. [68:50]
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اسم مفعول:-مرفوع-واحد مذكر |
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