Root: ج ب ه
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 1

Severe torment is in wait for them;
the day the warmth becomes broiling upon gold and silver in the
scorching Hell-Prison whereby their
and their flanks, and their backs will get branded-marked;
They will be
told: "This is what you people
treasured for your selves; therefore, enjoy the taste of
that which you kept treasuring."
Semantic Domain: Human Body -
Root: ج س د
Sub domain: Forehead
1 |
Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; plural;
masculine; nominative + Suffixed possessive pronoun: Third
person; plural; masculine, in genitive state.
(1) 9:35=1
+ ضمير متصل-جمع
مذكرغائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |

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