o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ق ص و Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 5 b) No of constructions: 4 The basic perception infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibne Faris [died 1005] is: يدلُّ على بُعدٍ و إِبعاد That it leads to the perception of far distance and deportation to far away, utmost limit. Lane's Lexicon signified the perception of proceeding to extremities; with reference to drinking water it conveys meaning of drinking in the manner of exhausting the last drop, again reflecting extremity in any action. He emphasized its meanings as reaching and attaining the utmost by referring to various words made from it. The fact of reaching or attaining the utmost has the built in perception of elevation and altitude. As mentioned earlier also, the Grand Qur'aan, for itself is the best Lexicon. It exposes the perception and meanings of most of its words in a picturesque manner by relationships and contrasts. The basic perception and meanings of the Root are unfolded at the very first place of its occurrence:
This is the verbal transcription of geographical
map of the battlefield area in such lucid manner as if we are watching a
picture of satellite map. This map of
location of three different groups, Two
Armies and One Merchant Caravan, is of the Decisive Day of Division of
Humanity [ The most important factors and considerations in a war is the location occupied by the confronting armies and the psychological frame of mind of individual soldiers, their conviction about the cause and purpose of war, their perceptions and thoughts, fears and assessments about the strength of enemy. Had the Political leadership and generals of Russia earlier, and now the Allied Forces read the picturesque depiction of the Decisive War of the World, they might not have made their soldiers land in Afghanistan only to face humiliating and shameful defeat at the hands of a handful of what are called "Talibaan-Students", perhaps initially raised and trained by themselves. First, the physical location of two armies is described. One, the addressee-Muslim, was on the peace of land comparatively lower in altitude/elevation while the other approaching army was at a far off distance on a peace of land comparatively at higher elevation/altitude. The third group present in the area was stationed on a peace of land comparatively lower than the elevation/altitude of Muslim army location.
The scene of the area is that an Army and a Caravan is already stationed at two peaces of land. The point of location of Army is higher than the location area of Merchant Caravan. An Army at a far off distance on a comparatively elevated altitude is marching and approaching towards them. What visual illusion and perception will be caused to the soldiers of stationed Army when the approaching army comes into their sight at a distant point?
The geographical features of the area and peculiar locations of the two armies created this visual illusion for both. It benefited the one, Muslim Army, and caused a great psychological setback to the advancing Army of infidels. When perception and thought of immediate pleasure and solace suddenly disappears, in short span of time, overtaken by adverse perception, the aftereffect is breaking for nerves. Their first impression, first visual illusion causing pleasant feeling shortly disappeared when they further advanced towards Muslim Army, and another visual illusion overtook them. They started perceiving the Muslim Army double their size. This is earlier told:
The number of Muslim Army suddenly increased in their eye observation, not factually, when they approached nearer. This visual illusion was caused because of the presence of men and camels/horses of Merchant Caravan at comparatively lower plank which seemed part of the same gathering from a distance on higher elevation than both other two.
We will, Allah the Exalted willing, study the Decisive War of the World on the Decisive Day of Division of Humanity [
Allah the Exalted took along His sincere Allegiant, Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam during the hours of Night on the Earth from within the Sacred Mosque in Mecca towards the Remotest/Farthest-the Extreme Distant Altitude Mosque with the purpose of visually showing him demonstrative signs. Where was he, Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, taken to highest and farthest altitude? Allah, the Exalted has given us the updates about this breaking news:
Our guide lord Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam was neither unmindful of his surroundings nor his attention and concentration of mind distracted, despite being at the farthest elevations and beyond the boundary of our Universe comprising of the Earth and Seven Layered Sky. The heart and mind do not negate and contradict things in dreams watched during Rapid Eye Movement sleep. This happens only when man is physically and consciously watching something. Another thing can also happen when a man is physically very high in much farther atmosphere of the Skies. That too has been negated that it did not happen:
The purpose of taking him along from the Sacred Mosque towards the Extreme Distant Altitude Mosque was to visually show him the physical/tangible demonstrative signs in its surroundings. What did he physically watch there? [Read with