1 رَاشَهُ  , aor. يَرِيشُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَيْشٌ, (S, Mgh, TA,) He feathered it, namely, an arrow; stuck the feathers upon it: (S, A, * K:) or he repaired it, or put it into a right state, by putting the feathers upon it: (Mgh:) or he repaired, or put into a right state, its feathers: (Msb:) and ↓ ريّشهُ , (K,) inf. n. تَرْيِيشٌ, (TA,) signifies the same; (K;) and so ↓ ارتاشهُ . (TA.) It is said in a prov., فُلَانٌ لَا يَرِيشُ وَ لَا يَبْرِى [lit., Such a one neither feathers nor pares arrows]; meaning, (assumed tropical:) Such a one neither profits nor injures. (TA.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) He fed him, and gave him drink, and clad him; namely, a friend: (K:) (assumed tropical:) he clad him, and aided him; namely, a poor man; because such is like a bird with a clipped wing: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) He (God) restored him, from a state of poverty, to wealth, or competence: (TA:) (tropical:) he strengthened his wing, [or power,] by beneficence to him: (A:) (tropical:) he rectified, or made good, or amended, his state, or condition, (S, K,) and profited him: (K:) (assumed tropical:) he did that which was a means of good to him: or he caused him to attain good: (Msb:) (assumed tropical:) he did good to him: (assumed tropical:) he strengthened him, and aided him to obtain his subsistence. (TA.) In the saying of Dhu-r-Rummeh, “ رَاشَ الغُصُونَ شَكِيرُهَا
” (assumed tropical:) [Their shoots clad the branches: or surpassed in length the branches:] it is said to mean كَسَا: or, accord. to AA, طَالَ: but the former meaning is the better known. (TA.) [It is also doubly trans.:] you say, رَاشَهُ اللّٰهُ مَالًا (assumed tropical:) God gave him property. (TA, from a trad.) -A2- رَاشَ, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) [seems to have originally signified, when used intransitively, He became feathered. ― -b2- And hence,] (assumed tropical:) He collected ريش, meaning, property, and أَثَاث [or household goods, or furniture and utensils, &c.]. (K, * TA.) ― -b3- And He (a man) became rich, or in a state of competence: (Fr:) and ↓ تريّش (assumed tropical:) he became wealthy, or abundant in wealth. (Bd in vii. 25.) [See also 8]. -A3- He (a bird) shed many feathers. (TA.) 2 رَيَّشَ see 1, first sentence. 5 تَرَيَّشَ see 8, in two places: and see 1, last sentence but two.

 8 ارتاش  (tropical:) He became strengthened in his wing, [or power,] by being an object of beneficence; as also ↓ تريّش : (A:) he became in a good state, or condition: (S:) he attained good: (Msb:) he obtained good, and the effect thereof was seen upon him; as also ↓ the latter verb. (TA.) [See also 1, last sentence but two.] -A2- ارتاشهُ: see 1, first sentence. رَاشٌ  A bird whose feathers have grown. (TA.) ― -b2- [And hence,] (assumed tropical:) A man possessing property and clothing; as also ↓ أَرْيَشُ . (TA.) -A2- See also the next paragraph. رِيشٌ  [Feathers; plumage;] a certain appertenance of birds, (S, A, Msb, K,) well known, (A, Msb,) constituting their clothing and ornament; (A, TA;) as also ↓ رَاشٌ : (Kt, K:) n. un. of the former with ة: (S, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَرْيَاشٌ (S, K) and [of mult.] رِيَاشٌ. (IJ, K.) ― -b2- Hence, (B,) (tropical:) Clothing: (ISk, B:) or superb, or excellent, clothing; as also ↓ رِيَاشٌ : (S, K:) or both signify what appears of clothing: (Kt:) the former occurs in the Kur vii. 25, accord. to one reading; (S;) and ↓ the latter accord. to another reading: (TA:) and hence also, the former signifies (tropical:) ornament; and beauty: (A, TA: *) or ↓ both signify (assumed tropical:) property; and plenty, or abundance of the produce of the earth and of the goods or conveniences and comforts of life: (S:) or the former signifies (assumed tropical:) good; or prosperity; or wealth: (Msb:) and (assumed tropical:) state; or condition: (TA:) and ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) property: (Msb:) and (tropical:) goodness of state or condition; (A, TA;) or a goodly state or condition: (Msb:) or the former signifies, (K,) and ↓ the latter also, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) plenty, or abundance of the produce of the earth and of the goods or conveniences and comforts of life; and the means of subsistence: (K, TA:) and (assumed tropical:) property which one has acquired for himself: and أَثَاث [or (assumed tropical:) household-goods, or furniture and utensils, &c.]: (TA:) the Benoo-Kiláb say that ↓ the latter word means (assumed tropical:) household-goods of whatever kind, consisting of clothes, or stuffing for mattresses or the like, or outer garments: and sometimes it means (tropical:) clothes, exclusively of other articles or kinds of property. (ISk, TA.) You say, إِِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الرِّيشِ (tropical:) Verily he is goodly in clothing, or apparel. (TA.) Respecting the saying, أَعْطَاهُ مِائِةً بِرِيشِهَا, it is said, (S, A, * K,) by AO, (S,) that kings, when they gave a gift, put upon the humps of the camels [that bore it] ostrich-feathers, (S, K,) or [other] feathers, (A, TA,) in order that it might be known to be the king's gift; (S, A, K;) and the meaning is, accord. to As, [He gave him a hundred camels] with their saddles (S, A *) and their coverings: (S:) or with their coverings and their cloths beneath the saddles. (K.) رِيَاشٌ ذ : see رِيشٌ, (of which it is a syn. as well as a pl.,) in several places. رَائِشٌ ذ : see مَرِيشٌ. -A2- Also (tropical:) An agent between two persons, (A, Mgh, K,) namely, the briber and the accepter of a bribe, (Mgh, K,) who composes their affair, (Mgh,) or who gives (يَرِيشُ) this one of the property of that. (A.) Such Mohammad cursed. (Mgh, TA.) [See رَاشٍ, in art. رشو.) أَرْيَشُ  : see رَاشٌ. مَرِيشٌ  , applied to an arrow, Feathered; or having the feathers stuck upon it; (S, A, * K;) as also ↓ مُرَيَّشٌ : (A, K:) or having its feathers repaired, or put into a right state: (Msb:) and ↓ رَائِشٌ signifies [the same: (see رَاشَ:) or] having feathers; (K;) being like دَافِقٌ applied to water [in the sense of ذُو دَفْق]. (TA.) Hence the saying, مَا لَهُ أَقَذُّ وَ لَا مَرِيشٌ [lit., He has not a featherless arrow nor a feathered one]; meaning, (assumed tropical:) he has not anything. (S.) مُرَيَّشٌ  : see مَرِيشٌ. ― -b2- Also, applied to the kind of garment called بُرْد, (A, K,) an epithet similar to مُسَهَّمٌ: (A:) signifying (tropical:) Figured (Lh, K) with marks in the forms of feathers. (Lh.) Credit: Lane Lexicon