Root: د ر ر
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4 Nouns
b) No of constructions: 2
Lane's Lexicon: It (milk) was, or became, copious,
or abundant, and flowed, or streamed; it flowed,
or streamed, copiously, or abundantly;
دَرِّىٌّ A shining, or brightly-shining, star: or a star that shines, glistens, or gleams, very brightly:
دُرِّىٌّ in relation to
دُرّ [i. e. pearls, or large pearls], because of
its whiteness and clearness, and beauty:

Have they not yet seen many of
civilizations Our Majesty had annihilated who were before them in human history?
Their characteristic
feature was that We had firmly established them in the Earth such as We have not settled for you.
And Our Majesty sent upon them
the Sky: rain,
timely and abundantly;
And placed streams flowing
beneath/side-by them.
Sequel to their sins,
We annihilated them;
And Our Majesty
let flourish after them new
civilizations. [6:06]

O my nation! sincerely seek
forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord; afterwards turn to Him
perfecting sincerity and conduct.
He the Exalted would send upon you
rain, timely and abundantly;
And will strengthen you in
strength over and above your present strength; and you people should not turn
away as criminals. [11:52]

Allah the Exalted is the Creator of
the Visible light of the Skies and of the Earth.
The comparative of the Visible
Light, created by Him, for portrayal: There is socket-like place; An instrument that shows-illuminates the
day-break is embedded therein;
The peculiar
characteristic of the illuminating instrument is that it is located
within an arched transparent object [cornea];
The arched transparent object is like as if it were
a planet characteristically shining
like pearl;
It is rendered
glistening by a segment of
perpetuated/ever green tree, an olive, characterized by neither
association/orientation with east nor
with west;
Her oil is almost
near radiating heat and light
though fire has
not yet touched it.
Visible Light is banded-arrayed upon
visible light [Spectrum of visible light].
Allah the Exalted guides for attaining His Visible Light: Grand
Qur'aan about whomever He so decides.
And Allah
the Exalted strikes examples-similitude-equations-contrast for the
benefit of people.
Be mindful; Allah the
is eternally the Knower of each and
all that exists.
1 |
Noun: [of association with Ya] Indefinite;
Singular; Masculine; nominative. (1)24:35=1
مذكر |
shimmering star, glittering, shining |
2 |
Hyperbolic Noun/Intensive Adjective/participle:
Indefinite; masculine; Singular; accusative.
اسم المبالغة-منصوب-واحد-مذكر |
د ر س
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