ح ص د
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 6
b) No of constructions: 5
Nouns: 4 Recurrence: 5 Verb: 1
Semantic domain: 
Plant Kingdom of the Earth.
Root: ن ب ت
Sub category:
Reaping; mowing

Know about plant kingdom; He the
Exalted is Who propagated and raised gardens of plants trellised and other than trellised;
And gardens of date-palm and cultivated crops.
Its eatables is of uniquely different variety;
And propagated gardens of
olives and pomegranates;
Apparently they
are analogous/have conforming features; yet are mutually non resembling;
You people eat from its fruits when it has caused
ripening of fruit.
And grant its dues on the day the crop is
But you should not be
unmindful and transgress the just bounds;
Remain mindful; Allah the
Exalted approves
and appreciates not who are negligent and prodigals..[6:141]
1 |
resembling participle: Definite; masculine; singular; genitive.
(1) 50:09=1
الصفة المشبهة:-معرفہ
مذكر |
2 |
Possessive phrase: Verbal noun: genitive +
Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in
genitive state. (1)6:141=1
مجرور/مضاف +
ضمير متصل-واحد
في محل جر-مضاف إليه |
3 |
resembling participle: Indefinite; masculine; singular;
الصفة المشبهة:-مرفوع-واحد
مذكر |
4 |
resembling participle on فَعِيْلٌ
measure: Indefinite; singular; Masculine; accusative.
الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-واحد
مذكر |
Verb Form-I
1 |
Perfect; Second Person; plural; masculine; [التاء ]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-حَصَادٌ
Verbal noun. (1)12:47=1
فعل ماضٍ
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في محل رفع فاعل جمع
مذكرحاضر |
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