o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ك و ك ب
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 5 b) No of constructions: 4 There is no denying that the Ancient Arabs had developed, over the centuries, their own popular knowledge of the Sky and celestial bodies and phenomenon. They knew the fixed stars and planets. Hundreds of stars were known by name and there were indigenous names for the planets. The Bedouins used the stars for orientation in the migrations by night. However, the majority of translators, unfortunately, did not use different words feeling convenience in describing various Arabic words of absolutely different origins and significations by a single word "Star".
Thereby/for this reason to argue with his nation, when the Night had veiled him/darkened his surroundings, he saw ONE planet. [Refer 6:76]
It is conspicuously stated that Sydena Ibrahim
عليه السلام
had seen the celestial object in the Sky
when Night had spread darkness
surroundings. In the darkness of night, one does not see a single star in
the Sky but quiet a large number of stars are visible to naked eye.
One celestial object he saw in the darkness of that Night was Grand Qur'aan came in 7th century, but people have known the distinction between stars and planets from couple of centuries BC. The basic difference between both, as we know, is that stars emit light but planets do not have their own light, they reflect light. How both could have same meanings and termed as stars? After the Sun and the Moon, planet Venus is the most shining object. It is visible on sky three hours before Sunrise and for three hours after Sunset. After these three objects, planet Jupiter is the brightest object. It is three times brighter than the brightest star Sirius. Because of its prominence, the Romans had given it name Jupiter after the name of their bigger god, idol. A word is needed to convey and transmit a specific perception or verbal mirroring of an object. Words serve as a medium to communicate perceptions. It is for this reason that a language will be considered rich, clear, perspicuous, eloquent, distinct, free from admixture, void of indistinctness or without concealment, apparent like the daybreak and divested of the froth, if its words have the capability of transporting the perception from one mind to a listener and reader, in a manner that it generates in the recipient mind exactly the same neurological process of observation and interpretation, and creates a true copy of that perception.
The Arabic language is
portrayed as
We find mention of specific Planets in the Classical works about the above statement in 6:76 Learned Al Qurtabi said: و رأي المشتري أو الزهرة And he saw Jupiter or Venus
Al Jalalain said: هو الزهرة "That is Venus"
Who was right and precise? The difference between Venus and Jupiter is that Venus after three hours of Sunset disappears from the Sky and is not visible till three hours before Sunrise. However, Jupiter, when it is visible from Earth, does not disappear but remains visible on the Sky. Grand Qur'aan informs us that the Planet towards which he drew the attention of his people, later on disappeared from the scene.
o Thereat, when it/the planet disappeared he said to them, "I do not like [to consider as master] those who disappear from the scene". [Refer 6:76] The Grand Qur'aan has vividly pointed out that on that Night Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] had drawn the attention of people around him towards Venus. Therefore, we can visualize the session of that Night that it was held after quite some time of Sunset but within three hours of the Sunset, and continued till morning, Sunrise. The Grand Qur'aan has drawn a vivid distinction between Planets and Stars. It says:
Here Plural
"And with the One Star they people get the direction/destination/guidance" {Ref 16:16}
The Grand Qur'aan is declared as
The Grand Qur'aan describes the Sky as one which was layered into Seven Segments, one above the other. The Layer of the Sky immediately above the Earth is referred as the Sky of the Earth. The information about this specific Part of the Sky is that it is beautified by the presence of Planets:
The Stars are declared as helping people in finding direction in the bewilderment of oceans and deserts, no-clue places. But the Planets are stated as beautification and attraction embedded in the Sky of Earth. زينةٍ is necessarily something in which there is an attraction. Anything which does not absorb attention/attraction cannot be called زينةٍ. We all know that man has always attraction and interest in the planets. Stars and Planets are distinct celestial objects, which is also evident from their destined end:
And when the Planets would have caused their scattering; [Read with
81:06] and when the Glaciers-water reservoirs-oceans would have been caused to burst and emerge flowing;
The common factor in this pair is that both absorb as well as reflect light. Both the verbs relating their end share the commonality of fragmentation and dispersing.
[Read with
81:2] In consequence [of first blow in the Trumpet] when the Stars are obliterated/scattered/lost luster; [77:08]
[Read with
77:08] And when the Stars would have become disintegrated losing their luster/light; [81:02]