
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.





Passive meanings

Lane Lexicon










































Root: خ ن ق

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 1 

Lane's Lexicon: He throttled him, or strangled him, i. e. squeezed his throat that he might die;

to strangle, choke,

  • The naturally dead mammal; and the flowing liquid blood; and the meat of swine-pig flesh have been forbidden upon you the claimants of belief;

  • And forbidden is that mammal which has been slaughtered in the name-pronouncing someone other than Allah the Exalted and associating with Allah someone else also;

  • And the strangled; and the one succumbed to injuries; and the one died by falling; and the one gored to death;

  • And that mangled by animal of prey save that you timely slaughtered it;

  • And the mammal slaughtered upon [stationary] idols.

  • And it is forbidden for you that you people might apportion matters-seek judgments with featherless arrows instead of using intellect/thought process.

  • This is for you people equivalent to getting out of the bounds/restraints imposed by Allah the Exalted/It is equivalent to denounce allegiance to Allah.

  • Those who have refused to believe are now despaired by your Code of conduct.

  • Therefore, you people should not be apprehensive of them; and always be awed of Me exclusively.

  • I have by now fully prescribed your Code of Conduct: Constitution for adherence by you;

  • And I have thus accomplished My beneficence upon you people.

  • And I am pleased to announce Islam as the Constitution: Code of Conduct for you people.

  • In partial modification of prohibition and subject to desperate reason of quiver-shudder because of extreme hunger no one will be held guilty of sin for eating any of the forbidden things; provided he had no urge and liking for that; and that he does not transgress the limit of relieving the state of quiver-shudder from hunger,

  • Remain aware; Allah the Exalted is indeed Oft-forgiving-overlooking, the Merciful.  [5:03]



Active Participle: Definite; Singular; Feminine; nominative; [Form-VII]. (1)5:03=1                                                                                اسم فاعل:معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد مؤنث


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