Root: س ف ح
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 3
The basic perception infolded in the Root, in the
words of learned Ibne Faris [died-1005] is:
واحدٌ يدلُّ على إِراقة شيء
والسِّفاح: صبُّ الماء بلا عَقد نكاح، فهو كالشيء يُسفَح ضَياعاً
it leads to the perception of spilling, shedding, and effusion of a thing.
It refers to a man who outpours "water-semen" without
having entered in the Matrimonial Bond: Nikah with a woman, whereby his act assumes the
character of wasteful shedding.
1 |
Active participle: Sound Plural;
feminine; genitive; [Form-III].(1) 4:25=1 اسم فاعل:
مجرور-جمع سالم
مؤنث/باب مفاعلة |
2 |
Active participle: Sound Plural;
masculine; genitive; [Form-III].
(1) 4:24(2)5:05=1
اسم فاعل:
مجرور-جمع سالم
مذكر/باب مفاعلة |
3 |
Passive Participle: Indefinite;
masculine; singular; accusative.
اسم مفعول:-منصوب-واحد
مذكر |

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