
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.




































Root: د و م

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 9 

b) No of constructions: 3

Nouns: 2; Verbs: 5; Recurrence: 7 [Form-I Deficient]

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الدال والهمزة والميم يدل على تَوَالٍ وتَنَضّدٍ.

That it leads to the perception of continuity, succession, sequent; and composition, typeset.

Lane Lexicon : It (a thing) continued, lasted, endured, or remained:  and it became extended, or prolonged; syn. اِمْتَدَّ:  and [it continued, lasted, endured, or remained, long;] its time was, or became, long:

Classical Lexicons

Related Root:

Root: ب ق ى

  • And amongst the people of the Book there is also such a person that if he is entrusted with enormous amount he will refund it to you.

  • And there are also amongst them whom if you just entrust a single Dinaar he will not refund it except by you having kept standing with him: importunity.

  • This conduct of theirs is for reason that they said:  "Some sort of censure-reproach-plea to allege is not incumbent upon us in the matter of dealings with Uemee'yien: the Gentiles, those who did not had the Book earlier".

  • Mind it that they keep saying to people the falsehood attributing it as authorized by Allah the Exalted, while they are fully aware of falsity of their utterances. [3:75]

  • The resemblance of the Paradise which is promised to those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation;

  • The streams of water flow side by it;

  • Its eatables are everlasting and so is the shade-pleasant temperature.

  • This is the final destination of those who sincerely endeavoured to attain salvation.

  • And ultimate end for the persistent deniers is the abode in heated Hell-Prison. [13:35]



Active Participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; nominative; دَوَامٌ Verbal noun]. (1)13:35=1                                  اسم فاعل: مرفوع-واحد  مذكر


Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; nominative; [مصدر-دَوَامٌ Verbal noun] (1)70:23=1                   اسم فاعل: مرفوع -جمع سالم مذكر


Verbs Form-I


Verb: Deficient; Perfect; Third Person; Singular; feminine; added vowel sign for reason اجتماع الساكنين of cluster of two vowel-less consonants; مصدر-دَوَامٌ  Verbal noun. (1)11:107(2)11:108=2  فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الفتح + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة:-واحد مؤنث غائب


Verb: Deficient; Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active; [و ] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-دَوَامٌ Verbal noun. (1)5:24=1

 فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب


Verb: Deficient; Perfect; Second person; singular; masculine;  تَ Subject  pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-دَوَامٌ Verbal noun. (1)3:75=1 

      فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع/التاء-ضمير متصل  في محل رفع فاعل واحد مذكرمخاطب  


Verb: Deficient; Perfect; First person; Singular; Masculine; تُ Suffixed  Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-دَوَامٌ Verbal noun (1)5:117(2)19:31=2   

                    فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع/تُ:ضمير متصل  في محل رفع فاعل-واحد متكلم


Verb: Deficient; Perfect; Second Person; plural; masculine; [التاء ] Subject  Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-دَوَامٌ Verbal noun. (1)5:96=1  

          فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع/تُم-ضمير متصل  في محل رفع فاعل جمع مذكرحاضر


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