Root: ع ن ب
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 11
b) No of constructions: 7
Grapes, vine, wine.

Would anyone of you people
like that such a garden of palm trees and grapes-vines be his property;
Which has
flowing water canals side by it?
All sorts of fruit
produce is the yield therein to his advantage.
And old age has
overtaken him.
And youngster and
weak progeny is a concern for him.
"a fluffy twisting ball-orb"
arrived at her-garden. Fire is present in it; masculine orb. Thereby she-fire caused herself to
blast-scatter-burnt out.
This is how Allah the Exalted
explicitly explicates His
Aa'ya'at-Verbal Unitary Passages of Qur'aan rendering
each point-concept-situation
distinctly isolated and crystal clear
for you people.
The purpose is that you people might
self indulge in critical thinking;
to reflect-ponder
rationally without overlapping passions and emotions.

And He the
Exalted is the One Who had descended
water from the space of Sky;
Our Majesty had sprouted vegetation-herbage of entire
plant kingdom using it: water.
Next Our Majesty
extracted-sprouted from it: plant
whose trait is green pigment [chlorophyll];
We produce-take out of it:
green pigment superposed seed/grain.
And clusters
spikes/spadices of dates are brought out from the spathe-leafy sheath
bract of date-palm tree,
And sprouted gardens of specie-family of grapes;
and olives; and pomegranates;
Circumstantially they
are analogous/have conforming features; but are mutually non
You people watch-study the process
with reference to its fruit when it has yielded
fruit and about its ripening.
It is a fact that explicit
manifestations are evidently reflective for people in plant kingdom
who wish to
perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [6:99]

Tracts neighboring
each other; and gardens of vines and fields sown and ploughed grain
crops and palm trees are all in the Earth;
They sprout from seed/grain and from other than seed: suckers, off shoots, grafting.
They all are watered
with the same one water;
But Our Majesty has
granted to some distinction/nutritional richness over some others in
Indeed the foretasted manifest
existentials have in them distinct manifestations reflecting the
Divine Providence and Will evidently for such people who use
faculties of reason and intellectual inquiry. [13:04]

He the Exalted produces/sprouts therewith
for the benefit of you people the cultivated grain-crops
[family: grasses];
- And olives and date-palms and
- And all other types of fruits.
It is a fact that in
this phenomenon there is explicit manifestation for the people who
are in habit of reflecting objectively to arrive at the purpose of
creation/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [16:11]

And you people diligently derive-acquire intoxicant and appropriate-decent
sustenance-food from the juice-pulp of the fruits of Date-palm and the
It is a fact that in
this phenomenon there is explicit manifestation for the people who
are in habit of critically thinking. [16:67]
1 |
Noun: Indefinite;
broken plural;
feminine; genitive. (1)2:266(2)6:99=2
جمع مكسر-مؤنث |
2 |
Collective Noun: Definite;
broken plural; Masculine; genitive. (1)13:04(2) 18:32(3)23:19(4)36:34=4
جمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
3 |
Noun: Indefinite;
broken plural; Masculine; accusative. (1)78:32=1
جمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
4 |
Collective Noun:
singular; Masculine; accusative. (1)16:11=1
اسم:معرفہ باللام
جمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
5 |
Noun: Indefinite;
plural; Masculine; genitive.
اسم:معرفہ باللام
مجرورجمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
6 |
Collective Noun: Indefinite;
plural; Masculine; genitive.
اسم:مجرورجمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
7 |
Collective Noun: Indefinite;
plural; Masculine; accusative(1)80:28=1
اسم:منصوب جمع مكسرمذكر-مؤنث |
ع ن ت
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